Celestial Mechanics
Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, stretching out heaven like a tent curtain. Psalm 104:2 NASB
Tent Curtain – Read this verse without your current Einstein cosmic concepts. Read it without the Hubble telescope, the textbooks on astrophysics or even without those glow-in-the-dark stars you attached to your youngest child’s bedroom ceiling. Read it like a shepherd in the 10th Century BCE. Read it like a man who held the ancient view of the cosmos, a view derived from Egypt and Canaan, a view that the world floated on the primal sea and above it was a “tent” of stars held in place by God. In other words, stop pretending that this text (and ones like it) are scientific accounts like ours and start understanding the text as an account written by ancient people in a very different perceptual world. Read it like you are part of that ancient audience. Read it like a nomad in the desert who doesn’t have a clue about Newton, Einstein, Hawking, Sagan or the Lambda-CDM model. Then you can appreciate the Bible for what it is—an account of the interaction between men and God, a story in history, not a textbook.
The word David chooses isn’t in our usual vocabulary (in Hebrew – yeri’a). We don’t live in tents and even if we did we probably wouldn’t describe them as “curtain” material. But the Hebrews were intimately familiar with “tent curtains.” TWOT’s article demonstrates how closely connected the idea is to Egypt. “It is of some interest that all the tabernacle curtains were 4 cubits (6 ft) wide, which was the standard width of an Egyptian horizontal loom—all except the court hangings which were five cubits wide. The extra cubit may have come from a section woven on the low hand loom, which was about one cubit wide.”[1]
What’s the point of this investigation? The point is that the thought patterns of the Bible aren’t our thought patterns. The world of the Bible isn’t our world. The concepts about nature, creation, society, law and justice in the Bible are not like our ideas using similar words. The Bible is an alien book for nearly everyone in the 21st Century. Imagining that it is as familiar as the thinking of journalists in the New York Times is a terrible mistake (well, maybe not, since the Times seems to be written by aliens). Anyway, you get the point. When you read the Bible, you must alter your perspective. The common conservative Christian belief that whatever God said in the Bible is true as it stands is just naïve. Culture and context always determine meaning and if you don’t know the culture and context of the author, then you don’t know what the author said, even if you can read the words.
So be a linguistic detective. Find out what the words meant to the author. Then seek Him with the right vocabulary.
Topical Index: tent curtain, yeri’a, context, meaning, Psalm 104:2
[1] Hartley, J. E. (1999). 917 יָרַע. In R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke (Eds.), Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke, Ed.) (electronic ed.) (409). Chicago: Moody Press.
True, true. But at the end of the day, the ancient understanding was so much nearer the memory and the instruction of the original than ours is. Noah, whose children repopulated the earth, and Seth (who was over a hundred years old at the time of the flood, and who some argue might have been the tribal chief characterized by Melchezidek) were instructed by Methuselah to within a year of the flood, and Methuselah walked and talked with Adam (who was instructed by God), did he not? Seth was a contemporary of Abraham by at least 70 years. Who needed texts? The ancient memory was capacious and meticulous, too. So superior to ours! Even the most corrupted religions retained at least some understanding of what the original instructions were.
I like to think that we have continually been losing that memory ever since, as the compounding depravity and ignorance of the planet today can testify. We are painstakingly attempting to climb back our of our hole by means of the study of nature, which we can see still retains that memory and those instructions – for I think we have been recognizing that they have been almost completely lost in the memory of man – because nature, which has remained obedient, still testifies of the truth we used to know. Rest assured; the truth to be found in nature will never refute the truth to be found in the revealed Word.
Laurita I think you capture the essence of what is more important than any written text (Old/New, Jewish/Christian, etc), the testimonies of heaven and earth. While many see all the modern improvements and amenities in our lives today as “progress”; you capture very succinctly the results — “depravity and ignorance”. These improvements pull us in and away from the Creation if we are not careful. May His people awaken to the importance of looking for His truth in the natural world around us. Blessings and Shalom
Laurita, as a nature-lover I could not agree more with your last paragraph!
Did I say Seth instead of Shem? Senior moment!
Interestingly enough, I was reading in Genesis, day four and the text would seem to insinuate that the “lights” given in the heavens are not stationary in their courses, but rather are “adjustable” in order to reflect the conditions existent on the earth. Much like the idea of ” prophecy” that Skip puts forward, the language of the heavens is not about fate but rather potential. Of course, if they were given for signs, normality would have to be determined. ?
Robert, say more! On the edge of reflection one night, I thought I could barely ‘see’ that our perception of the law of entropy could possibly be from our perspective – the universe is only seeming to run down because of where we are in our observing position. We already know that the position of the observer is going to predetermine the observation. As Skip says, we bring our ‘evidence’ with us to the table. The reason I was thinking that was because it seemed impossible that our fallen status on this planet could possibly have caused the entire UNIVERSE to experience decay and dissolution. Could it be that the recreation of a “new heavens and a new earth” that we are going to be observers of possibly entail some sort of shift in our perspectives – our PARADIGM – and not just God having to blow everything up and start over?
Sorry for the long post if it’s offensive to someone, I’m going to ask for forgiveness instead of permission on this one.
Hey Laurita, sorry for the somewhat stuttered response below, I was in the process of getting ready for a trip and was under pressure regarding that. I read Seekers response below also and perhaps I can address both comments here. So, here’s some thoughts that may be worth consideration and I wish to emphasize that these are only thoughts and considerations and are not “set in stone” per say. First in consideration of Seekers response, while what you say concerning the constancy of our “heavenly bodies” is truthful, consider that there has been a certain “constancy” of history as of late as well and that a “sign” (i.e. the messiahs star) isn’t a sign (in one sense) unless it’s a deviation from the norm. Also, you may consider some ancient (?) accounts concerning astrological entities and occurrences that are not part of our current configuration, even up to saturn as being described as our “pleasant sun”, which have mostly been relegated to mythology and conspiratorial realms. However, note that it’s not about the sun, moon and stars, but about “lights” and authority. But, I’m not here to debate or confirm those accounts as valid or not, but to address and open up what the scriptures seem to directing us (me) toward and how that affects us in this very good creation we’ve been placed in. And that brings me to the issue concerning what God, through the account of Genesis perhaps seems to point towards.
First I’d like to say that maybe, the big “cover up” is who we are. I believe, because of familiarity, when we read the account of god’s commission to man, we aren’t hearing it. It ought to make our jaws drop to the ground. Coupled with that is the fact that in the account of creation, the term create occurs only in relation to Elohim creating the heavens and earth and the only other use of that term again (doubled) is in the account of the creation of man, but it’s not in the past tense when it’s doubled. (“and created (past tense) Elohim the man….in the image of Elohim create (no tense) him, male and female create (no tense) them) That being said, the pagan ideology, past and present, in regards to man is that we are a resource to be tapped for profit and power and the “systems” (political, scientific, institutional and religious) in place not only support that, but makes sure it remains. (no matter what) The truth of Genesis 1 is THE #1 threat to the self ordained systems of authority no matter what time they exist in. Day four, doesn’t seem to be so much about the “signs” that are readable in the heavens as much as it is about our influence of them according to the authority that we practice here. (contrariness to YHWH’s established authority is not lack of authority, but rather ANOTHER authority) (day 2) Yes, our influence seems to affect the very structure of the universe we exist in and the real issue is that the structure is formed according to the view we see things in. (paradigm) Unfortunately, we are currently being “driven” to a peculiar view of things and are “giving” our strength that we were gifted with to others towards our own destruction, instead of “driving” creation, as intended. That, in particular, seems to be what God is going to cleanse the earth of with fire. (per Peter) However, it’s certainly interesting to note that the “physical” reality of this earth changes in accordance with that same shift. No seas or mountains (except Zion) and God dwells among men, not in “another” place of authority. (heaven) In fact, that seems, to me anyway, to be the purpose of the millennial kingdom, an instituting of that very thing by force or favor. I might add only this in reference to your comment about blowing up the earth and starting over. While that seems to be a possibility, one has to wonder if it’s “done” by God or man, although certainly allowed (to an extent) by God for a purpose. The self destruction of sinful activities seems to be built into the creation, that is probably the reason why God is so direct about the “carefully” following of His commands. The difficulty in these things, as you well know, is not necessarily the presenting of these issues as much as it’s the breaking down of paradigms that are already held. Much can be said about presentation, but the approaching of others in humility and seeking God and His truth in prayer is the most important, and that prayer is what I would solicit from you and others in regards to these things.
YHWH bless you and keep you………..
Observing the sun and its distance from the earth we observe seasons
Observing the moon and its distance from earth we observe humidity, sea tides, seasonal growth seasons etc.
Observing the moons shape, new, quarter, etc we will be able to establish rain patterns, seasons to plant what type of vegetable and moistness in the air…
That is how wonderful they have been created and till this day these have not erred in the predictions of what will transpire on earth concerning YHVH’ natural laws.
The only heavenly lights I could not be guided to observe to predict the natures cycle is the stars. Other than clear skies and milky ways the stars layout stays reasonably exactly the same, every season every moment of the night so as if to tell us the course of action we need to take and in which direction… Is it not also reflected by some of the other scribes in the bible that these lights will bear witness and direction for the next day…
Very interesting. No I never studied the science concerning the heavenly lights just observed them in awe during various seasons and time frames of the night. And listened when the old hands in farming spoke about how they ensure the correct sowing and harvesting seasons.
“Find out what the words meant to the author, then seek Him with the right vocabulary”. Thanks Skip. This is an essential key to understanding and applying the Scriptures to ones walk in the here and now.
I remember reading (and it may have been one of your earlier TWs), the concept of, “stretching out heaven like a tent curtain” was very familiar with the nomadic lifestyle of the tent dweller. Tent material was typically goat skins. When the skins were dry, they had little “pin holes” throughout. When you spent the heat of the day inside the tent, laying down and looking up, you saw a “dark sky with little specks of light.”
Just to close out this thought, the beauty of goat skins is that when it got wet (rain), the skin would expand, and those little holes would close, creating a water tight covering — no leaks!
Your point is right on.
Yet, I’ve always wondered if it’s not the Holy Spirit’s purpose
to bring spiritual focus to the natural mind, especially when the
vagueness and distortions of time and culture blur the lines.
The Living Word
Not buying in to this, Skip. This book is the Book of books. Inspired by God, written by men — it is a seamless collection of books, the Word of God.
In this Book, much of it not in existence during David’s sojourn on earth, God is revealed. We not only may know God the very same way David and his associates knew Him, but now we who live in “such a time as this” are without excuse for we have the written testimony and the witness of scores, if not thousands of changed lives.
Our Bible is divided into two sections, but each is a covenant with God’s people. It is one Book with one purpose: God wants not only to reveal Himself to us, but also wants to restore unto us what we lost in Adam. Friends, we gain far more “in Christ” than we ever lost “in Adam!”
“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you..” Whose words are these? A mere man? No, not at all. These are the words of the Living Word, the promised One, the incarnate Word of God. The Word became flesh and “tabernacled” among us. He, again (according to His words) is the Way- the Truth- and the Life.
May I tell you more about my Redeemer? (David’s greater Son?) I’ll start with this: He ever lives to make intercession for us!
~ For the word of God is quick, [alive!] and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart ~ (Hebrews 4.12)
As Jesus (who is the Christ), Yeshua HaMashiach is the same – yesterday-today-forever! – this will be my prayer also: ‘Speak, LORD, for Your servant is listening.” Amen.
His Name? Prophesied by Isaiah: ~ And the Child shall be called … “Pele-yoez-el-Gibbor-Abi-ad-sar-shalom.” God is [now] with us.
To God be the glory
Great things He has done
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son
Who yielded His life an atonement for sin
And opened the life gate that ALL may go in..
~ “Whosoever will” may come! ~
The choice is ours. – I choose Him.
Carl, I highly recommend to you The Lost World of Genesis One by John Walton.
Yes, this is a good book.
Amen Carl.
As we die in Adam so shall we be manifested in Christ. Yeshau as the firstborn then those risen in Him…
The first Adam will pass as the second Adam God from heaven is manifested and we are cured by the cross… Were we are crucified for the world/flesh and the world for us…
Take up your cross and follow me…
I tend to agree with your statements, the thrust of my posting this is exactly in line with that thought. To further elaborate, the “pagan” idea of astrology is that your destiny is pre determined according to the courses of the stars. Just assuming they got that idea somewhere, it seems to be a “twist” on the original purpose for which they were given. Genesis, seems to imply that what we engage in on the earth, will affect the movements of the cosmos to accurately reflect the existing conditions. We now have a complication to our understanding in that evolutionary training has convinced us that while the earth is capable of change, the “heavens” are not. Talk about a “twisted” perspective. your correct, it’s the perception that’s important. “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” It would seem that YHWH is hard at shaking up things and “truth” is all that will remain.
With this TW, it may be appropriate to interject a revolution going on in the paradigm of scientific worldview these days. The movie “The Principle” is making a splash addressing the issue of the so called ‘axis of evil’ that identifies the earth as the center of the visible universe. It has been verified by three successive probes. It is directly challenging the Copernican paradigm of heliocentric/geocentric universe. It apparently is a big deal in the so called “scientific” community to now have their perceptions being drastically and powerfully challenged with new evidence. Check it out.
Strange things do happen. One just occurred at my house just now! Hi Michael C. I’m going to check that movie out.
Robert thanks for the view… Someone once told me that the only time a star really finds glory and awe from the observer is when it moves out of its place… E.g. Shooting star. I was also said there is scriptural reference explaining that it is only when the stars moves in a changed orbit that it achieves victory… Could never find this reference.
This may be what you refer to as ancient astrology…
You’re welcome, and thanks for reading it.
I know it’s a bit on the edge, (maybe a bit over) But I feel the need to get some of this marvelous structure in Genesis out there. At least then it’s discussable, and I’ve found that the lack of doing just that is a stop to further insight.
Well Robert the truth is that we are so caught up in the now that we forget to reflect on the historic facts thereby also unknownly deprive ourselves the life lessons God has provided. Just to get entangled in moderned theories concerning ancient records.
Another mistake we make is to rush through our meditations thereby not finding the peace promised in the meditations but rather surrender ourselves to accept we will never reallly know God.
Thereby putting salvation off to only be attainable when we die…