The Blind Side

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, Luke 24:45 NASB

Opened – Michael Heiser offers some very important insights into the original biblical authors’ perspectives. He helps us realize that we are constantly seduced into thinking that these men (and women) use words in the same way that we do. His refreshing look at Genesis demonstrates that this ancient material does not come from our view of the world. So when Heiser says, “We shouldn’t create connections where the biblical text doesn’t,”[1] I couldn’t agree more. But apparently Heiser is also the victim of making connections where the text doesn’t for in the same chapter he claims that God had to become a man (the incarnation) in order to accomplish His purposes. In other words, he assumes a Trinitarian perspective and reads it back into the text.

We can see this presupposition in his analysis of this verse from Luke. He writes, “Even after the resurrection the disciples had to have their minds supernaturally opened to see a suffering messiah.” But the Greek text does not demand a supernatural methodology. The Greek verb is dianoigo. It can be translated “to explain, to cause to be opened, to interpret, to expound, to open thoroughly.” It is even used of opening the womb. This does not demand anything supernatural. It only requires a very good teacher. Heiser’s view that Jesus is God colors his interpretation of the text in this place and in others. But as he himself says, we shouldn’t make connections where the text doesn’t, and the text simply does not make a direct connection between the Messiah and the ontological status of YHVH. In fact, Heiser points out that the word “Messiah” is used for many other completely human figures. He’s right. So why does he insist that when the term is applied to Yeshua, it must mean that Yeshua is YHVH?

Jonathan Sacks seems to have the same sort of blindness when it comes to reading Paul. Sacks basically adopts the Church’s view of Paul, that is, that Paul converted to Christianity, rejected Torah, claimed Jesus was divine and started what became Christianity. But none of the Pauline text actually says this. This is Paul as interpreted by the Church. If Sacks read what the text actually says, perhaps he would recognize that Paul is just as much an orthodox Jew as he is.

I’m not pointing out these things to criticize Heiser or Sacks. Both are brilliant men. Both add considerably to our understanding of the Bible. But both are also products of their own assumptions. So am I. The only question is this: “How can we know where our blind spots are?” We all have them. And none of us can really see them—unless someone else points them out to us. So be prepared to have someone say, “But don’t you see?” That is apparently what Yeshua did for the disciples. He helped them tear down those old assumptions and find a new paradigm—a new way of seeing.

Who is tearing down your assumptions?

Topical Index: Michael Heiser, Jonathan Sacks, open, dianoigo, Luke 24:45, blind spots

[1] Michael Heiser, The Unseen Realm, p. 243.

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laurita hayes

The oldtimers used to say that you had to take everything with a grain of salt. That is to say, everything has its own slant in relation to everything else, at least from our limited (and slanted) perspective. Skip puts it in terms of paradigms. I try to get news about the world from as many perspectives as possible; some of them really slanted. I have realized that some of the most slanted ones, in fact, show the truth most clearly, as passion has its own locus points by its very nature. As long as you are clear about those points, you are good to go. The best is to try to get a couple of the most diametrically opposed viewpoints as possible, and notice what they are (and AREN’T) saying. What gets left out is sometimes the best evidence of all.

I am trying to learn to carry my saltshaker around with me everywhere I go, and I also try to notice my passion points, too, although I will have to say, the Greeks had a point when it comes to passion: it can really blind you. In those places, I need many grains of salt to bring myself back into perspective with reality! If someone else is kind enough to hold up a mirror for me in those places, it can be a lot easier.

Just for the record, I like Skip’s viewpoints. They are fun and frustrating and they scratch a lot of itches! Thank you for your slant on things, Skip (and all the rest of you), as well as your tolerance for mine.

Kevin Rogers

“Who is tearing down your assumptions?”
You are, thank God!
The ride is scary and illuminating. I feel comfortable, or should I say, I have a joy about where I’m heading.
I have been passionate about the lies/misinterpretations. I too, prefer the salt.

Michael C

I can relate to your statement, Kevin, very succinctly. It is a bumpy, sometimes scary ride. In the end, however, very exciting, fulfilling and comforting.

John Adam

‘Amen’ to your comment and Kevin’s!


Thanks Skip!


You are for me Skip. I thank YHVH everyday He using you to do it.

Dan Hiett

Through confrontation comes growth. Growth in love and understanding. My walk with this community have grown both. Thanks


So thankful and appreciative to have someone, Skip, in this case, point and warn us of blind spots that are out of our sight range, as in driving, for example, but more so on our crucial spiritual journey that matters so much to us.
Such TWs are a treasure.
Todah meod, Skip!

Amber P

Is it possible to gain understanding from God Himself? If everyone presents truth thru their interpretation of that truth. How then can you be certain it is truth?


Amber truth comes through the father, and his word, he said “MY WORD. IS TRUTH”

laurita hayes

Monica, that is something that you can hang onto no matter what. Truth has its own certain ‘ring’, and I have found that ring to be that truth illuminates itself. If it is truth, it will deepen and certify all the other truth. If it causes you to doubt the obvious, be careful. Truth is always going to hang together. You never have to give up any of it to have any of it. Halleluah!

David R

Hi Skip and others,
I thank several for tearing down my assumptions. Skip, the posted comments, wife and family, some professional contacts, The Holy Spirit, Scripture, observance of the news, etc. The above are used by YHVH to turn my being toward serving, honoring and having my life reflect his presence “kevod.”
David R

Rich Pease

I’ll refer to Jesus, John The Baptist, and Paul.

Jesus said: “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”
John The Baptist said: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Paul said: “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit
who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely
given us by God.”

Now my two cents. If we use our faithful gift of self-surrender, He’ll increase us
with His Spirit, His truth, and His life. And if we love Him and love others as He
has loved us, will we not be living out His purpose for us?

Or do I’m assume too much?


Currently Skip, you are for one. Amongst all the people I know, very few are even so bold as to challenge the long cherished norms – that would be heresy. This forum is a breath of fresh air in my neck of the woods. There are others in unexpected ways and I thank our loving Father for His faithfulness to answer prayer, His way. I begged for His way, and somehow it comes, in spite of me. And I still have no idea; why me? A beautiful mystery for which I can only be grateful.


“Truth is always going to hang together. You never have to give up any of it to have any of it. Halleluah!” Thank you Laurita, nicely put.

Judi Baldwin

So, is the Holy Spirit sent from YHVH or from Yeshua?

John Miesel

What did Yeshua say to the disciples?…


Opening their minds… Question is this not the promise of the new covenant enlightened eyes of the mind. God self inscribing His will on us…
Question if this be the reality the intercessions Jesus makes is to ensure the spirit/teachings of truth is constantly reminding us of His teachings.
Question anyone alive today that has experienced this new covenant or are we still needing our brothers to teach us…
As John the Baptist is this not the process of how God inscribes the more we willing forget what others say and focus on the Torah and how to live it the more God/Yeshau is manifested in our lives…
And the word took on flesh and the people accepted it not for their works were…
From useless flesh or temporary focused individual to useful God directed individual.
And God will go before us light our ways and get kings to bow down towards us entangled in their own customs and laws that cannot overcome God’s power and wisdom Christ in our lives…


I think the Trinity, or Who is “God” would be an Excellent audio study. And if you ever do this, please make us aware of it. Thank you for being a conduit.


I think so too, Paula.