Says Who?
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 NIV
Truth – Let’s suppose that you have a secret. The secret is so powerful that it explains everything else in the world. The secret has been entrusted to you. But most people in the world don’t know this secret. As a result, their lives are chaotic, undisciplined and misdirected. You desperately want them to understand how the world really works. The only way to do that is to communicate the secret to them. But they resist. Since you know this secret is the real answer to life’s questions, what do you do?
“You cannot impose truth by force.”[1] But it seems that most of us either fail to realize this or we just ignore it. In fact, the history of Christianity is filled with conversion by force. Entire communities, people and territories were declared Christian on pain of death. Today we may be repulsed by this fact of history, but it happened, and because it happened, it demonstrates just how powerful the idea of being right is. If we think we are the sole possessors of the absolute truth, we will probably attempt to inflict that absolute truth on others “for their own good.” If you want a contemporary example, consider the marriage debate. If the absolute truth is that God wants marriage to be between one man and one woman, then those who think that this absolute truth governs all human beings will attempt to force, by political means or otherwise, the ethics of “one man-one woman.”
The implications of this little insight might make you uncomfortable. Underneath most religious belief is the very human desire for certainty. We want the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God. But ideals are rarely livable. Life consists of less-than-the ideal circumstances. Perhaps that alone is what drives us to insist that God’s directions must be certain! We need some unshakeable footing someplace! Or so it seems to those of us who grew up with the idea that truth is about being absolutely correct.
The Hebrew view is frighteningly practical. Alethia (Greek – truth) is not the same as ‘emunah (Hebrew – true). ‘emunah is principally about relationship, not facts, ethics, principles or formulae. ‘emunah is about all of the give-and-take interaction that makes a relationship work. ’emunah is about holding on to someone during the process of change. It is not about being right. It is about being rightly-related. ‘emunah is about influence for good, not demands or else.
“The Sermon on the Mount tells us to love our enemies. That is a supremely beautiful idea, but it is not easy. Moses offers a more liveable [sic] solution. Help your enemy. You don’t have to love him but you have to assist him.”[2] But Sacks isn’t right (no pun intended). Yeshua did not say, “Have benevolent feelings toward your enemy.” He said precisely what Moses said. In fact, he merely extended Moses’ declaration so that we wouldn’t get caught in the “us and them” trap. Loving your enemy is helping your enemy. Yeshua speaks Hebrew, not Greek. It’s not alethia. It’s ‘emunah. And hesed. And hen. To know the truth is to live as he lived, inviting others to join in a way of life built on the revelation to Moses; a way of life that will be the norm some day in a new kingdom. “I am the way the truth and the life,” is not an ideological banner. It is a call to duty.
Topical Index: truth, alethia, ‘emunah, John 14:6
[1] Jonathan Sacks, Not in God’s Name, p. 225.
[2] Ibid., p. 244.
My understanding of “Christian love” for your enemies is to walk Torah out in front of them the best you know how to do. With that lifestyle, you are essentially loving everyone including yourself.
If the absolute truth is that God wants marriage to be between one man and one woman, then those who think that this absolute truth governs all human beings will attempt to force, by political means or otherwise, the ethics of “one man-one woman.”
The marriage debate is going to be debated and voted on either by plebiscite or the parliament here in Australia.
Is this a debate that should be entered into or just left to take it’s course?
I have been wrestling with the issue of homosexuality for some time. Holy writ ‘seems’ clear. Keyword to me is ‘seems’. Nature ‘seems’ to shout, one man, one woman. Scripture ‘seems’ to affirm that. It’s more pleasing to my ‘eye’, but ‘my eye’ is a product of how I grew up and those who shaped my thinking. Entering a debate is and can be a worthless endeavor, with no ‘winner’, if such can ever be found. To me, it is always about coming from love. To this day, I am not comfortable outside, one man, one women. It seems common sense. Yet, and it is a big yet, I have friends who break ‘my barrier’ and think and more importantly, live in love, despite what I may believe.
I don’t enter the debate either, as it is paradigmatic and therefore useless. But I do suggest the following: all human actions are ultimately choices. Even under compulsion (like a gun to the head) one still chooses (e.g., not to comply and be killed). The biblical code as for radical obedience even in the face of the deepest human inclinations to opposite choices. In the end, it really doesn’t matter how I was born or what my culture teaches. What matters is that I CHOOSE to follow the instructions of God as revealed to Moses, and there is no doubt about that stand on homosexuality. I can choose otherwise, of course, but then I am rejecting the moral code of the biblical text of Moses. And no matter what I feel or what my genetic code suggests, I still have to choose. That is all it really is–a choice.
Who would be the right person for an intersex (hermaphrodite) person to marry? It is rare but it is real.
Being on the downside of youth now, and realizing that ‘truth’ is elusive … this message today spoke volume to me in this time that we are walking through now. Truth is elusive. What one man believes is absolute truth seems as folly to someone else. Each is ‘right in their own eyes’ which then equals their own brand of truth.
What spoke to me in this TW was the fact that we are to HELP our enemies….love, as we know it, does not have to enter into the equation. That makes more sense. And that makes it a lot more livable. Today, there is an enemy behind every corner and all carry weapons of mass destruction to ensure their own survival. There is no ‘helping’ anywhere close by from what I can see. But what if we truly took that to heart? To ‘love’ as He loved? To see his example and learn and live by it? For one, our own spirits would be quieted, our anxieties would be eliminated. We would be reaching out to help instead of reaching for the nearest stone. We would be living in the ’emunah’. and chesed. and hen. All….all….influenced for good. Just a thought.
I refer to it as ‘a view of the whole’. It’s a concept that seasons how I view life and the responses I take to address whatever is placed before me. Most of us live in a very compartmentalized existence in what is, if simple observation is correct, a very open universe; what I and others like to call God’s Good Creation. Compartmentalization is how many of our communities are structured. We can feel comfortable and somewhat protected within these structures. So too, with our minds, especially our minds. Like a turtle that pulls its’ head into its’ shell for protection, our minds have a similar process to insulate what we believe to be ‘true’, from anything that threatens or questions those beliefs. That is called a closed mind and the door is ‘dead-bolted’ from the inside. We exist in the storehouse of beliefs that we deem ‘truth’ and go on with our lives. The ‘Don’t Disturb’ sign is prominently attached to our brain and what thoughts and beliefs that reside therein, are inventoried, and the concept of ‘shelf life’ is ignored. With our brain in constant ‘lock-down’, the compartmentalization is complete. It’s not unlike, ‘I know the ‘truth’, and the ‘truth’ has locked me up’, mentally at least. But I believe God intends more for us and most certainly of and from us, His creatures made in His image. Be certain of this. I am not saying that one cannot know the truth, nor that a truth can’t reside in ones’ gray matter. It very well might, in fact, I am partial to the idea that many ‘truths’ bounce around in mine. It’s the lock that many place on their brain, that frustrates me, and if I may be so bold, probably the Creator also. If you may have forgotten the combination to the your ‘lock’, maybe someone with ‘bolt-cutters’ will be able to remove it, which can usually be initiated by or the result of some crisis in ones’ life. Some will argue, ‘we are what we think.’ There’s truth there. But to me, I am more interested in what we can become. And what we can become requires an open mind, free of locks and dead-bolts. A mind that allows His spirit free access, as He builds His kingdom on planet Earth.
You can lead a horse to water (“See? here is water..”), but you can’t make him drink. Islam (the religion of Anti-Christ?) is a religion of force and of fear. Friend, love cannot be forced. Love must be voluntary, or of our own volition and will. Love is a choice. A choice that must be made, not only every day, but every waking moment of every day. We must choose Love.
The Good News? God is Love. And is He ever!! God is a Lover and a Giver. He is a good, good God. Hear this again, for the first time: “Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?” (Romans 8.32) He has and He does! He has given unto us ALL THINGS that pertain unto life and godliness. (2nd Peter 1.3) We lack for NOTHING. All we have need His hand has provided. And my God will provide all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. He (Himself) is the Provision for our need.
God has initiated. His was the “first move.” In this relationship, what is our response? Do you remember our Savior asking, “Do you want to be healed?” (Does anyone else see this as a very strange question?) We might think, “of course, I do!” But what do the Scriptures (the Living Word of God) say? “Ask, and you will receive..” Can really it be that simple? That available? That amazing? ~ The Word is near you, (Who is the Living Word of God?) even in your mouth!”
Our LORD has said, “YOU do err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.” Friend, God created this world and everything in it by simply speaking!!” Remember? “Let there be.. — and there was!” His first word was “amen” (may it be so) and His last word will be “amen!” He Himself is the “amen!” (amen!).
But what does it (the Word of God) say? “The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming:that if you confess (agree with what God says) with your mouth, “Jesus is LORD,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you (also) will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved…
Hear my confession: Jesus Christ is not only risen from the dead, but He now reigns over all as both LORD and Christ and He, the Living Word of God, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, ever lives to make intercession for the saints!! (Hebrews 7.25) Is this not “the best news ever?” Who would you rather have praying for you?
None, but Thee O LORD, none but Thee.
Thank you for this TW. This is one of those verses that Christianity uses to tell people they have to believe in Jesus or there’s no going to heaven. It is important to think correctly but much more important to walk correctly.
I enjoyed the pun. ?
Carl, something like take one step towards God and He Will take two towards you…
Assisting is this in the Godly compassionate why, or just help overcome the feeling of inferiority for that is mostly when people start hating each other… Conflict resolution starts within one’s self.
Is this as Yeshua did, restore the ear of the enemy.
Our enemy is not flesh and blood but principalities and corruption.
If that is our enemy then what is ruling over sin… crush its head. No helping right here, destroy it…
Or is this a case of different messages for different audiences being incorrectly link by me…
YHWH does not have to take, not even one step, towards you, His creature. He is there, already present, whether you ‘sense’ Him, ‘feel’ Him, ‘see’ Him or acknowledge Him. Forget about other ‘principalities’. Focus on you! You are made in His image. Allow His Spirit to work through you and you can be the best you can be as a human creature. What more can anyone ask for. Come from love and be your best.
David the skill of such meditation I haven’t developed. May be way I fail to experience His presence although I know He is always there…
And sorry for incorrect spelling of your name on previous block.
Emunah is a belief in YHWH, trusting and relying on Him, all of which call forth behavior consistent with that trust and reliance, is therefore an action word-walking out in faith, reflecting our belief/ faith in Him, just as Avraham did, and was attributed to him as righteousness.
The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, an Elohim of faithfulness [emunah] and without iniquity; just and right is He (Deuteronomy 32: 4.).
Faithfulness/ emunah to Him and Torah /His ways, is the hallmark of a Believer, is what is expected and demanded, speaks of a sound relationship with YHWH, our commitment to Him that sets us apart, ”
Friends of friends I met some time ago, believed in same gender relationships. They questioned me what is wrong with that? I replied, firstly, it is against nature and Creator God, for the simple reason such couples cannot procreate. Is that all, they asked? We parted as friends. It is their choice. One of them is pretty shaken, one other didn’t wish to hear. I feel so sad for them.
….”influence for good,” takes effort and time; not make demands, is a good principle,