Both Sides of the Coin

“and they will kill Him, and He will be raised on the third day.” And they were deeply grieved. Matthew 17:23 NASB

Deeply grieved – Yeshua foretells his crucifixion and resurrection. Yes, death is coming, but there is wonderful news. On the third day he will rise from the dead. You might think this would be received with joy. But notice the reaction. The disciples were

elypethesan sphodra (greatly distressed – deeply grieved). They were more than perplexed and confused. What they heard caused them to feel intense sorrow. In other words, they only heard the bad news. Yeshua’s claim about resurrection evaporated under the heat of crucifixion. They heard death. Consequently, they could not hear life.

This tells us something important about the disciples. They were entirely ordinary. They simply did not believe anyone could come back from the dead. Dead is dead. It is the end. There is no return. They were she’ol thinkers. Once you arrive at that place, there is no way back. It just doesn’t happen.

In perfect hindsight, we hear both claims. We don’t feel the same intense grief. Why? Because we know it did happen. We have evidence for something no one would have believed. But that is perfect hindsight. How would we have reacted if we were with the disciples at that moment? I suspect we would have felt the same. We would have heard the truth about the crucifixion and dismissed the “wishful thinking” about a return. We would have heard Yeshua’s words from our paradigm point-of-view. Just like the disciples, we would not have believed.   Just like the disciples, we would hear only one side of the story, the side we already knew to be true.

Now we know both sides. Now we focus our attention on Yeshua’s second claim. Now it’s easy to believe. But it obviously wasn’t so easy before it became a reality. I wonder if we don’t apply the same ordinary thinking to a great deal of Scripture. I wonder if we only hear one side of the story, the side that we already know. We are convinced that what we have observed to be the case is always the case. We are sure that what we already believe is all there is to believe. We hear what we expect to hear—and are deaf to anything else. We are ordinary listeners. The greatest impediment to hearing anything else is what we already think we know. The disciples had been in the company of Yeshua for a long time. They already recognized him as the Messiah. In fact, Peter has already made his famous declaration at Caesarea Philippi. But they still didn’t believe the Master’s words. Why not? They were locked into a world without anomaly. Unfortunately, too many times we are just as confined by our own presuppositions.

The incredulity of the disciples after the resurrection is testimony to how deeply entrenched their thinking really was. Even in the face of the evidence, they continued to hold on to their past point-of-view. They didn’t suddenly exclaim, “Oh, I remember when he told us about this. Isn’t it wonderful? It all came true!” No, they were still confused, perplexed, unsure. They didn’t know what to do with this new side of the story. It took awhile to really sink in. Maybe that’s our hope too. It takes awhile.   It takes lots of new evidence. It takes unraveling some old ways of looking at things. It takes hearing words we formerly dismissed.

It takes being a disciple.

Topical Index: deeply grieved, elypethesan sphodra, paradigm, Matthew 17:23

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Rick Blankenship


A couple of observations. First, even within your description of death, you state Yeshua’s crucifixion. All Yeshua said was he was going to die. Not who was going to kill him or how. So you are talking from the side of the coin of already knowing. Nothing wrong with that. But that leads to my second observation — what is the Gospel? From the point of view of the “Church”, it is the death and resurrection of Jesus. Is that what Yochanan the Immerser was talking about when he was proclaiming the coming of HaMashiach? If so, then again, why were the disciples so confused when it happened? Or even what Yeshua Himself meant when He talked about the Gospel? Not at all. I am not saying that the death and resurrection aren’t important, but it is not “the Gospel” according to what would have been understood at that time. Almost 2,000 years of Christianity has changed the true meaning.

Donna R

Good questions!

Donna R

Oh! This is so me! Even after proving Himself, time after time, I still doubt and am double-minded! Ugh! And yet! His grace carries me. He is so patient! Thank you, Father!

Baruch Ruby

Thank You Skip for your labor in ahav , like cool water to a thirsty soul. Yes great questions and insights. let this mind be in us embrace, consider, curb and retain , Bread of Heaven feed me till I want still more, fill me up Lord I lift it up, fill my cup Shalom


Rick here are some more-
Yeshua proclaims I am the life and that nobody comes to the father than through him… Then he announced Wait I must die before all these promises and claims will become reality.
How does life die to be resurrected to live…
I would also be very grieved… The one I sacrificed all for is telling me not yet, at little more time. Like a bread in the oven. Smells nice, want to taste and eat and just when I reach out… Sorry burnt lets cut off the crust as it just the inner soft part that is worth the effort…
Come to me and I will give you rest.. Wait the rest is only possible when I die.

Truth I would really have a lot of doubt…

This may be why till this day the learnt biblical scholars all still do their own deduction and then seek followers… Nothing new all in name of human nature.

We really have an easy teaching period yet we struggle the most to accept..

Randy Edwards

Skip, how does the anticipation of the deliverance from Rome fit into the disappointment? Or does it?

Rich Pease

One simple sentence in the Scriptures is easily overlooked,
yet it holds the key.
Jesus/Yeshua is with His disciples after His resurrection. They still
are struggling with all that’s happened.
And then . . .
“Then He open their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Lk 24:45

So much natural knowledge stands in our ways
to understand His ways.

Don B

Hi Rich

“Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Lk 24:45
And the scriptures Yeshua was referring to are the Torah and the Tanach..Luke 24:27
What a privilege to have the Torah and the Tanach explained by Ha Mashiach.
It is sad in these days in which we live there are many Christians who tend to ignore the so called “Old Testament” because of teachings that it has been done away with at the cross and we now live in the age of grace.

Lynn Hall

My take away from the article is that we come to the Word with a preconceived set of expectations. We hear from the ears of these preconceived set of expectations. What would happen if we started hearing it from a different perspective?

Never having had a stew before, we come with what little piece of the stew we have. I come with a carrot. Never having a whole stew before, I see the whole of the stew from the view point of the carrot in hand. Others come the same way with their potatoes, peas, broth, flour, spices and meat and so on. It is not until we are able to see and taste this stew with all that each of us has brought that we get a fuller picture. When we experience that stew, let us experience it with new fresh eyes and not insist on focusing solely on our carrot once again.
When we are able to take it all apart we learn that the potato adds starch and along with the flour it thickens it. We learn that spices in the varying amounts add flavor etc. Never forget that the stew is more than just a carrot.

I come from a varying background of traditions and teachings. When I met my Hebrew Perspectives teacher, I had to take an earnest look at some things. I had to examine and explore things that were new information to me (not really new itself but new to me). I had to let some “isms” go and to be willing to grow and change. One of the biggest lesson he taught me is that it is ok to say “I did not know that” and “well this is good news. Now I know something I didn’t know before, how cool is that”. He begins each new set of classes by asking people to be willing to hang all of their preconceived ideas and doctrinal things on the coat rack when they come in. Just let each word say what it says. When you leave you can pick up whatever you left on the hook that you still want to take out with you, but you may find there are some things you’ll want to leave on the hook.
Then again maybe I had too much coffee this morning and my mind is in over drive.

Mark Parry

As the prophet Isaiah declares “My ways are not your way’ thoughts are not your thoughts…as the heavens are higher then the earth so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts and my way’s higher than yours”. Something so easy to forget yet so very important to remember..


Rich natural knowledge refers to what?

Rich Pease

Hi Seeker,
Natural knowledge is worldly, tempered by the senses, and rigidly held
by most people as all there is to know.
Paul says “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God,
for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are
spiritually discerned.”
Something has to give. Natural man has to open up and allow things to change up.
The things of the Spirit of God come from a renewed heart and spirit and a transformed mind.
Again Paul says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Jesus/Yehsua put it this way: “It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.
The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”


Good day Rich. Thank you for the clarification. Mans standards and norms or views versus the directives from God.
I also heard the argument that the opening of the eyes… Implies revealing the new dispensation or human era that was explained in the prophetic reasons as they are a new covenant and all the old rules will pass when we are spiritually discerned rather than focussing on our own survival priorities etc.


Sorry but I just read through some of 2015 TWs. And I wondered if the complete scripture and faith issue is just like this discussion. The earth and this creation is like a coin. God and the devil represent both sides of the coin. God created this dimension the coin… To achieve a specific purpose the devil realized that the crown of the creation deemed the creation valuable now the devil is using this weakness in humans to hinder God in His process. Now the only way to stop this is by doing what Yeshua taught and Paul reiterated… Be members of the Body by providing the way of salvation for those that cross our paths… Does this make sense or am I just confused ?…

Rich Pease

Good morning Seeker,
The wisdom of God’s great design and purpose for man and creation
still has some mystery involved. We know Satan is a created being,
an enemy of man, and plays a role in man’s free choice. We also know,
he is a defeated foe.
The coin is the choice of which side you decide to stay on. Satan has power.
God has more. Much more.
And, yes, our faith and lifestyle, if truly lived out, provides God’s purposes
an outlet, through us, to help others “see”.


Thank you Rich. Satan a created being? I read it is a fallen angle…

Does this mean satan was created the same as earth was… With a purpose. But for some reason not reproducing as we do or does it have the same ability but no partner to reproduce with.

Rich Pease

Angles, including Satan, are created beings who were present and rejoicing
when God created this world. Job 38:4-7
They serve God as messengers and helpers.
A large contingency of angles fell with Satan and still follow him to this day.
Scriptures do not mention reproduction as we know it. We do know what
God has in store for Satan and his followers. See 2 Pet 2:4


Rich thank you. Angels are therefore as Paul proclaimed spirits that are sent for those saved.. And not beings as us?


I have been thinking about this TW for the last few days. Thinking about this from a practical application. So thinking of Skip’s book, Guardian Angel, when husband and wife have a conflict with no resolution, then maybe God’s view is not being considered. Two sides of the coin -your view, my view leaves out God’s view.