The Song of Moses
“For the Lord’s portion is His people; Jacob is the allotment of His inheritance. He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of a wilderness; He encircled him, He cared for him, He guarded him as the pupil of His eye. Deuteronomy 32:10 NASB
In a desert land – Has God found you?
11 “Who is like You among the gods, O Lord?
Who is like You, majestic in holiness,
Awesome in praises, working wonders?
Exodus 15:11
The answer is YES!
Beautiful picture btw.
It’s the desert where God finds us and speaks to us.
In this wilderness exists a holy place for meeting.
No distractions. No noise.
just quietness . . .
The prefect place to hear God speak.
“Be still, and know that I am God.”
Or would the desert be where we work for salvation or rather meditate as after Yeshua was baptized he was taken away in the wilderness to fast and be tempted and that is where John says the chasing of the woman occurs…
Seeker, if you see this would you expound on your comments on John and the woman.
If I may jump in here: The participle ἐρχόμενον, erchomenov, “coming”, in John 1:9, which refers to the light, which in turn refers to the logos/word can only be in either masculine or neuter, but not feminine. This would seem to eliminate an understanding of ‘Wisdom’ as woman in this context. Now, I’m not denying an allusion to Wisdom here, but a strictly feminine entity, or a concurrent interpretation of logos with Wisdom (as woman), cannot rightly be construed of the logos/word in verse 1 given the masc/neut participle in v. 9.
Sorry, I skimmed over your comment, assuming it was a continuation of the comments re: Woman Wisdom of the “From Genesis to Proverbs to John (2)” thread. (I left a couple comments over there, which haven’t surfaced yet – perhaps they got stuck in a spam filter?)
Craig I would agree on the coming of the. Light as implying wisdom rather than just the word being taught or preached as was ot not Jeremiah and Malachi that said the day of God is likened to a permanent light…
Rev 12:1-6
But specifically consider verse 6…
A place prepared by God…
I am way too enamored with and dependent on the trappings of modern life to find much time and willingness to meet God in the “desert”. Even so, there are those unexpected, intimate times of worship which draw me back to Him. Perhaps that is God finding me in “a desert land”.
The picture is great. It looks like the area around the Dead Sea.
Just curious, when you make amends to a person, do you ask for forgiveness or just express the desire to the person you hope they will forgive you. In other words is saying you’re sorry enough. I am thinking you should say you hope they will forgive you. BUT you don’t want to put them on the spot. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
That’s a cool picture.
We can sense the sincerity of an apology, from the expression of the person offering it.It should not be lightly offered.
It would then be up to the other person to accept it, but you have done your part. Shalom!
Since we die daily to self maybe being found is a daily process. Some days easier than others.
Mike, I think either way but expressing the desire for another person to forgive you for the harm you’ve done allows that person freedom to choose.
We pray forgive us our trespasses we forgive those who have trespassed against us.
He found me amongst stately coastal redwoods. He became my flagpole in the hurricane of youth. He lead me to the wilderness to teach me to hear him amidst the screams in my silenced pain and growing trubbels. But then to my surprise he walked me out of the wilderness and lead me beside restful waters among fruitful vinyards where his love and tender care has made me whole. He alone is the author of everything that is good and glorious : YWVH.
I was fortunate to see the redwoods in Northern California years ago. I would love to see them again. I would imagine that was an awe inspiring experience.
Beautiful. It is life changing when God finds you.
Such pictures fill me with wonder and awe, I see a Creator! Thank you, Skip.