What Happens Next
I am a stranger on earth. Hide not your commandments from me. Psalm 119:19 (Abraham Heschel translation)
Stranger – John Oswalt’s book, The Bible Among the Myths, is an excellent analysis of the concept of myth in the ancient world. His insights help us see why the Bible is not to be categorized as myth, and, at the same time, why biblical themes can borrow from other mythological material without corrupting the uniquely biblical view. For this reason alone the book is worth reading. But Oswalt also draws some conclusions for the modern world based on the reinstatement of seeing the world in mythological terms (albeit modernized). His conclusions are foretelling and foreboding. As a result of dismissing the uniquely transcendent worldview of Scripture, Oswalt predicts the following:
- First and foremost, ethics as an internal compass will disappear from among us. Ethics will certainly remain as civic desiderata, and there will be various public attempts to enforce them, but in the society at large they will be meaningless.
- “Truth” will progressively be replaced by power, since there is no standard of reliability outside of each person’s own needs and wishes.
- “Right” and “wrong” will become increasingly useless terms as they lose any agreed-upon basis outside of those same wants and needs. The terms will continue to be used, but only as code words for those who can shout the loudest.
- There will be a dramatic upsurge in interest in “black magic” as a means of getting one’s way.
- Any attempt to control absolute sexual freedom in any area and at any level will be labeled as “hate-mongering.”
- Individuals will be increasingly devalued at the same time that “individual freedom” is more and more loudly trumpeted.
- Altruism and other forms of self-denial for the good of others will steadily disappear.
- Acceptance of responsibility for one’s own behavior, accompanied by appropriate changes in behavior, will be a rarity.
- The study of history, except as an arcane antiquarian interest, will disappear.
- The possibility of a genuine transformation of one’s character from the worse to the better will be dismissed out of hand.[1]
Oswalt’s book was written nearly ten years ago. I leave it to you to decide if his analysis of the implications of a world bent toward myth are correct. I, for one, see these trends everywhere, including inside Christianity. Perhaps if you see the same things you might ask the question that I have been asking: “If these trends are observable within groups of people, doesn’t that indicate that the group as a whole embraces a worldview of pagan mythology rather than the worldview of the biblical texts?” The psalmist calls himself a stranger, a sojourner, in this place. I wonder if all who embrace the biblical worldview don’t feel the same, dwelling in a place that doesn’t fit what we know to be true.
Topical Index: John Oswalt, myth, stranger, ger, sojourner, dwell
[1] John Oswalt, The Bible Among the Myths, pp 191-192.
Not only do I see these changes happening, but it seems the occurrences are increasing at an exponential rate, as if in fractals.
“But, God . . . “
Oh, so sadly true! We know we have to follow morals, but the ultimate deception will be when we decide that we, as humans, can redefine morality (the final ripening of the fruit on that Tree we ate from). I think we are seeing the complete shredding of the Ten Commandments, in particular, and the rebuilding of them as defined by humanism. I see this as a fulfillment of the prophecies of David and John, in particular, in regards to this new violence done to the Law. The new morality looks eerily similar to Biblical morality: indeed I am seeing it advocated from many a pulpit, in the name of ‘tolerance’. The Catholic Church has led the way here, by its early claim that it changed the Fourth Commandment in that Law, but the UN is catching up fast now, in its crafting of law to define morals aka humanistic morals, and the nations are adopting them almost as fast. If you want a homework assignment, go look at laws you can find now on the books that are replacements (substitutes) for the Ten Commandments, that actually call for people to go against a real Command to obey the false one. There are a lot! We already know some of them in the areas of abortion and euthanasia, but there are so many more now that are being quietly slipped through. I am seeing wise people now saying that there will be a time that, if you insist that there is but One God (First Command), and that He is to be worshiped exclusively, that you will be guilty of intolerance, which is now being labeled as “violence”. I am not trying to be morbid here: I am trying to wake people up!
I fear there will soon be a time that to go against this new moral code so as to adhere to the real one will be found by the entire planet to be illegal and ‘morally’ reprehensible. I am not the only one seeing this. This is a very sad comfort to me, as it validates that it is not just my imagination. I am sighing and crying for the abominations I see in the center of supposedly God’s temples on earth, as we strive for the ultimate replacement theology: the rewriting of the Commands. We are largely there already. The enforcement cannot be far behind. The only thing that stands now between us, here in the USA, and this whole scale flood is the thin blue line of the First Amendment, which is under wide,scale attack now, by the way. When it falls, I, and a whole lot of others, too, fear that we will NOT get a ‘return’ to a Godly nation (which is how it is being sold here): we will get this new morality shoved down our throats. I want to say; please, do not, for any reason anyone gives you, vote for the abolishing of that Amendment! I want to go on record as saying this while I think that I still can. Thank you for letting me And, I also want to say, fasten your seat belts!
Wow! His predictions are eerily true… As a teacher, I often feel like I don’t fit in with my other teachers because I am more “conservatively minded”, and more and more in this world (especially as I seek to follow The Way) it’s a challenge to fit in other places. I guess as long as I fit into His palm, I’m good though.
Although, I wonder what it will take to swing the pendulum in the other direction.
Amanda, I seem to be following you around today. “What will it take to swing the pendulum the other direction”? The way I read prophecy, it will take a critical mass of people who “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua”, thus bringing about His return. It will take that Second Return. May I be in that welcoming committee, crying “Behold this is our God, and He will save us”!
Perhaps Oswalt was pre-empted by about 2000 years.
“People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud,
abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love,
unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather then lovers of God …”
2 Tim 3: 2-4
Skip, thank you for these insights. I have felt so our of place for so long. Now I understand.
And they will all claim to be the Messiah… Yeshua own prophecies of the end times.
I just ask the young generation what went so wrong in their lives for them to personally turn against what they stood for… The need to be accepted in the fast paced word.
Why are they doing this… Because we spend too much time in seeking God than living out what is recorded in the scriptures.
These comments still have me thinking are we not the cause…
Teaching love but not knowing love.
Teaching peace but having difficulty to listen to others problems and try and help them find an answer.
Yes even at times trying to restore the fruit of Godliness back to God fearing and just messing up as we do not truly humble ourselves to prayer and supplications while patiently waiting for God’s answer, we then rather grasp onto our knowledge and mess more up…
Skip teach us to pray you discussed about a month ago. That is where we should be instead of running around putting out fires… Satan will just light more, stop and let them burn out so that satans power can be overcome.
By faith and good works first in myself so that I can see how God is orchestrating my life into the bearer of the fruit of life by pruning out the works of evil…
Two spirits went out which one controls my life will determine which fruits I reveal…
100% in line with Yeshua teachings and 100% against denominational dogma.
This reminds me of Matthew 24:12… “and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.” (CJB)