
I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. Psalm 55:6 NASB

Fly away – Sometimes it’s just too much. Sometimes I get so tired of fighting, struggling, working and being overwhelmed that I just want to fly away. Be a bird. Take off. Of course, that’s not quite the same as the 24,610 miles I just completed in airplanes. That isn’t rest. No, I want what the psalmist pleads for—up, up and away.

Interestingly, the Hebrew verb, עוּף (ʿûp), occurs in two root forms. One means, “fly, fly about, fly away,” the other means, “be dark.” I wonder if both aren’t in mind here. Flying away doesn’t bring me rest. I need to fly away and get dark, that is, disappear. Head for Raja Ampat. Fall off the edge of the earth (if it’s flat). Get off the grid.

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware,” said Martin Buber. Maybe that’s why I get so tired. Frankly, I don’t know where I’m going. The destination is not in sight. So I must press on—and on the way, hopefully discover that I arrive at a secret place I did not know—someday. But not today.

Do you ever feel like this? Exhausted in the journey. Wanting wings to fly away. Oh, it’s much more than physical retreat, isn’t it? For me, it’s the desire to flee from thinking. Thinking about all this exhausts me. Just a simple little idea wears me out.

Take this one: The prophets of the Tanakh were products of their times. Their Messianic prophecies are expressions related to what was happening to them and to the people of their community. Those prophecies were not written for me. Unless I understand what was happening when they were written (and not, by the way, when they were spoken), I cannot understand what they thought about the Messiah or if they even thought of a Messiah.

What happens when I think about this? Let me tell you. Thousands of pages of research. Book after book. Hundreds of articles. Three thousand years of history. Questions, questions, questions. Challenges to everything I thought I knew. Journeys on paths I didn’t know existed. Exhaustion. And that is only one of the dozens of critical concepts that need to be examined. It’s enough to make you want to fly away.

Did you think this was going to end in some sublime resolution? “God loves you. Keep going.” “Take a break. It’s OK.” “You are free in Christ.” Or some other intellectual pablum? How could it end so sweetly? “Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.” I know, you might say, “This is so dark. I want to hear something positive and uplifting.” So do I, but this is also part of life. Trying to work it out while traveling to a place I don’t know. Maybe you want to get off the plane now. I hope not. It’s harder to travel alone.

Topical Index: fly away, exhaustion, journey, ʿûp, Psalm 55:6

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ABBA is with you, Skip, in all your unique ministry travels, guiding and giving you wisdom in leading folks out of translation agendas. Relax in Him.
In the South East, folks are very simple and easy-going, hungry for GOD, teachable, non critical, non hyper-tension at all.
Enjoy the different environment of polite manners, and nutritious meals.
Shalom, and safe travels.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Esther this causes me to think of simple things letting someone teach me let someone take me by the hand and show me things the anticipation of Joyful exploration also Calgon take me away LOL. Sometimes I just need to look at the sky in the leaves or the snow all the simple things at the Lord our God has given to us that a beautiful and still have his purposes in our lives. Shalom shalom shalom. Shalom aleichem my brother

Yes, Brett, I prefer the simplicity of life, for sure. Life has been made way TOO complex by mankind who constantly struggle against YHWH’s ways. Thank you. Shalom, shalom to you and yours .


I’m staying on the plane even though I am exhausted too. This TW sounds so much like an email conversation I had with someone last week. You are not alone. I marvel at the fact that for decades I sailed along in smooth waters; unchallenged. If learned scholars who knew the biblical languages couldn’t agree on theology, who was I to try to understand what the text said? I tried to stick with the “obvious” and be obedient to that. Now even some of the “obvious” is in question. Something changed. I don’t think I know what. But here I am, digging, searching, wrestling, and trying to figure out how to apply what I learn in the context I’m in. It is very difficult, scary, lonely but I’m sure there is light at the end of the tunnel. And he is with us, always.

Jonathan Emmert

Skip, you might find a series of articles I’m reading both interesting and applicable. They are responses to a book review about the philosophy of Scripture. Below is a link to the best one and a quote that, I think, applies to your thoughts today.

“All this means that the very notion of a “Bible” suggests the existence of multiple frames of reference in which the same literary unit can be interpreted—from the smallest and most immediate context to the entire scriptural canon (however defined—another important variable) and beyond, into the continuing tradition, in all its diversity, through which the particular set of scriptures has come to the contemporary interpreter. From the vantage point of any given frame of reference, the interpretation suggested by another frame will seem forced.

There is, in other words, friction among and between the different contexts, and the modern interpreter, aware of these differences, needs to acknowledge the friction and to be cognizant of the meaning the text is likely to have when it is interpreted within an alternative frame of reference.”

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Jonathan thank you very much for this link it is so very important to connect with actual current Jewish content. This may not have the content that the rabbis would speak of although some articles do connection is so important they did live they are living and they will always live and we can learn to be a Brotherhood with them.?


Hi Skip, can you clarify the statement” I need to understand the Messianic prophecies when they were written not when they were spoken?” I was thinking it would be the other way around. I also never thought about there could possibly be hundreds or thousands of years difference between the two. I just assumed writing and speaking them happen at or around the same time. I’m new at learning all this I appreciate any additional insight.


Oh ok, I see now! Thanks so much for clarifying.


Hi Skip and friends about the table. I feel your pain and share your struggle. Funny how the spirit is always at work and that work is in relationships between people and in some strange and wonderful way the spirit unifies the body of Messiah through his working on people, about similar issues. He amplifies his work through others…. I have been struggling with the mess that people are. The whole heart-ed investment I make to find others holding back, distrusting guarded, even assaulting. “people that can’t trust can’t be trusted” wisdom tells me. How did Yesua love in these situations. In prayer this morning the spirit reminded me that “Yeshua gave himself to no man for he knew what was in them”. That sounds like detachment, that sounds like flying away, holding himself safe someplace in the spirit rather than being invested in the temporal things. When we have too much of ourselves given to this world system we are drained by it. When we believe that within this system are the answers rather than within the heart, mind and sprint of YHVH we get lost in our own understanding, eating again from the wrong tree, that tree of independent human reason or knowledge; that brings death. All this to ask Skip would you do a word study on the verse “He gave himself to no man” it might help us both?


BTW all the times of this earth after that very bad choice made by Eve first and then Adam have been less than they could have been. Something changed drastically, I am not sure exactly what, but death, distress, dysfunction, lies, self serving; entered in and have effected the hearts of minds of men in strange and very unpleasant way’s ever since. Flying away regrettably simply can not be done while we live in these bodies, unless it is in the Spirit that we take our wings…


I get that they where a couple and had responsibility one too another, it was a community failure…Rajah Ampat?

Richard Gambino

“What happens when I think about this?” That is your answer Skip; as to why you do what you do. I was just talking with a brother about this. I read something while going to bed and a tidbit of it wakes me at 1am with a (not desire) PASSION to answer my questions. Or sometimes it’s just a thought the day before that wakes me.
I heard my wife describe me as ‘relentless’ one time (she observed it in my quest to free my innocent son from prison) and it caused me to examine myself. I recognized that trait in a lot of my life. My wife (a nurse) later described to my doctor how she thought the stress of that pursuit for my son caused my cancer.
I suspect Skip that you too can be described as relentless by fault. And I suspect it is in me; most apparent in your quest to understand God. My son expressed to me once that the one thing he missed about being in prison for 8 years was the time to do nothing else but study about God. And really Skip, you don’t want out.
My advice; see your doctor regularly.


LOL the love of my life (the sweets girl on the face of my planet) reminds me that 30% of all deaths in America are actually medical system failures. I believe our hearts and minds are caught between two kingdoms in conflict, simultaneous coexisting, yet mutually exclusive. Dualism you might think NO, simply alternative realities.! Curious Skip if you concur?

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Seeing the doctor what are phrase like seeing the dentist most of us fear or dread the consequences. I’m seeing my doctor today. My back has been very difficult to contend with lately I had a procedure done where they burn the nerves so that I have 25 to 30% of receptivity. It’s not working. When I go to services or Bible study it seems as though the joy of the Lord is my strength and I forget about the pain or not so much. Something like the Woodshed experience can ring a bell or all of us I’m thinking of The Fanny Crosby song he hides my soul in the cleft of The Rock and covers me there with his hand. Like a prophecy of a hold her struggles the time she wrote it, and the time in the future when one read it is somewhat similar to today’s discussion.

Rich Pease

Alas, in God’s classic medicine chest rests Psalm 23, the supreme antidote
for anything that ails you. Read . . . and repeat.


Yes the premier question of God..why-motivation. As I study scripture I find that YHVH judges generally on three things, what we say, what we do and why we do or say it. I note he is not so concerned about how we are feeling while we are doing it.That is actually liberating particularly when we want to fly away from what we are currently in the middle of…


One thing I have learned to overcome times like you and so many of us are facing is to remember PRT (Pert). PRAISE, REJOICE AND THANKFULNESS. These are our WEAPONS of warfare. We should already have the ARMOR, but by using the right WEAPON at the right time, we can fight off the enemy’s attacks. Prayer is great, but it is not a weapon-it shows the Father our faith. Presently, I am learning to do this. I do forget and have to rewind and start again. But Abba is faithful. His ways always teach us needed character qualities.

John Riley

Skip, I was intrigued by your statement about the prophets meaning when they were written vs spoken. In my study I try to seek contextual understanding but haven’t seen this distinction. Could you point me to a teaching or source to further understand this?


Ecc 1:12-18 Comes to mind.
Ecc12:9-14 Shout out load.
While Matt 12:25-30 Brings comfort.
1Tim 6:11-16 Sounds the easy why out.

But as Skip says it does not silence the things going on in the mind it just pushes them aside.
The other day someone told me just bless them. But at the end we can just do as Tehorah says humble ourselves in prayer, supplications and thanks giving more than this may just be our defence mechanism protecting us from the things we cannot control as we have not surrendered all unto God to trust on his strength alone not on kings and the riches of this time… Creating modern idols.
Peace through Christ for all.


Thank you Skip. Now I know I am not alone….

David Russell

Hello Cabin Mates,
I was not going to comment, but here I am in row such and such with coffee beside me. I had an incident occur a couple days ago that speaks to the whole notion of wanting to just escape into outer space and “hang out” for some timeless period and orbit away. I am in a Bible study with some believers of the book of Jacob (James). One person remarked,
“There is just too much law here and not enough gospel. Luther did not like James, Jude or Revelation and frankly I don’t either.”

I suggested,
“Would if you think of law as maybe instruction on living or teaching on living?”

“That’s an interesting less negative way to look at it, but we’re protestants.”

That told me I’m not going too, end of discussion, forget it. My mind is made up.

The odd thing is a few minutes later the question as to reasons for obeying YHVH were considered. Two answers were so he knows we love Him, and we know what he expects. Nothing about positivity or relationship building there.

So much for diplomacy, being an example of the Messianic perspective; mainline Christendom basically says by action, Shut the blank up and keep your ideas to yourself!
David Russell

carl roberts

Come Apart or Come Apart

The Blight of Busyness

~ And He said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat ~ (Mark 6.31)

(and again…)

A Personal Invitation

~ Come unto Me ALL who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest! ~
(Matthew 11.28)

The Three-Legged Stool

Diet. Exercise. And (??)

We are obsessed with our diet and with nutrition. Exercise (the gym I attend was “slammed” last night!) and the ability to do work is a privilege. But… there is a third (often overlooked) element, critical to our well-being, both physical and mental, and that is “proper rest.”

And no matter what day it is or where we may find ourselves:
~ There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God…~ (Hebrews 4.9)

Friend, have you entered into tHis rest?

Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art;

I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.

Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
And Thy beauty fills my soul,

For by Thy transforming power,
Thou hast made me whole.

Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art;

Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art;

I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.

Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,
And Thy beauty fills my soul,

For by Thy transforming power,
Thou hast made me whole.

Jesus, I am resting, resting,
In the joy of what Thou art;

I am finding out the greatness
Of Thy loving heart.

O, how great Thy loving kindness,
Vaster, broader than the sea!

O, how marvelous Thy goodness,
Lavished all on me!

Yes, I rest in Thee, Belovèd,
Know what wealth of grace is Thine,

Know Thy certainty of promise,
And have made it mine.

Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thee as Thou art,

And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart;

Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets, supplies its every need,

Compasseth me round with blessings:
Thine is love indeed!

Ever lift Thy face upon me
As I work and wait for Thee;

Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
Earth’s dark shadows flee.

Brightness of my Father’s glory,
Sunshine of my Father’s face,

Keep me ever trusting, resting,

Fill me with Thy grace.

[For] It’s not in trying but in trusting

It’s not in running but in resting

Not in wondering but in praying

That we find the strength of the LORD…

Laurita Hayes

Singing along with you, Carl…

Amber P

When I have been striving for understanding and the answers won’t come, that feeling of being utterly overwhelmed soon possess my being. I have begun to wonder when this occurs, if that is the moment in which I need to be still and wait? “Prophetic faith is trust in Him in whose presence, stillness is a form of understanding.” Is this what it means to rest in Him?

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

The old prime example of the three, W’s , what are you doing to me?, why are you doing this to me?, what wisdom can I learn in this adventure?. The last one is the most important, yet most times we need to go through the first two.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

I forgot to mention that this applies to waiting on Prophecy also.

Suzanne Bennett

There was a musical from the 1960’s called “Stop the World, I Want to Get Off.” Before retirement, when I was burning the candle at both ends and often the middle, I would think of this title and only half-jokingly make it a prayer. Then one day I realized it was only partially true. I didn’t really want to stop the mental gymnastics of struggling with understanding the political, Biblical, historical world. That was part of me. What I wanted to stop were all the details of life that were pulling on me. The world is too easily a cacophony of mundane details that are necessary for a period of time. For me, it was being a young mother without a minute for myself; later a working mom carrying too many roles, and finally an administrator who began to hate the job. But eventually, the time for these things passes. This trick is recognizing that it’s time to let them go.

George Kraemer

“time to let them go”…………Hi Suzanne, my wife Penny and I found ourselves in the same situation and couldn’t see a way out until an opportunity was unexpectedly presented to us to move thousands of miles away into a world we didnt know for the second time in less than 20 years. We took it both times and found a new life together that was totally different and eventually lead us to this website for which we are eternally grateful and blessed.

As they say, God works in strange ways. I hope you and the family are well.