Earning Your Way

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 NASB

Sin – In the end, everyone gets paid. Since reimbursement is inevitable, it makes sense to know the rules of the game, especially if Paul is correct and the real wages of sin is death.

We are all familiar with Paul’s pronouncement. But we probably haven’t taken much time to think about the meaning of the crucial term. No, it’s not “death.” We have that one figured out, whether it’s physical or spiritual. The critical term is “sin.” Most of us think we know what this word means, so we skip over it to get to the important stuff, that is, how to avoid dying. But unless we know what “sin” means, we may end up being paid in the wrong currency.

The Greek, of course, is hamartia. On the surface, it simply means, “not to hit,” that is, “to miss the mark.” This begs the question, “What is the mark?” We’ll have to look at that, but first we need to notice the subtleties of this word.

The LXX with its summary use of hamartía, adikía, anomía, etc. hardly does justice to the rich and flexible Hebrew original and often misses the point, e.g., when “guilt” is in view. The Hebrew terms translated by hamartía and the like (for a full list see TDNT, I, 268–69) do not have an exclusive religious use, so that it is easy in translation either to import this or to weaken it. No uniform or self-contained concept of sin is present in the OT authors, and detailed questions of linguistic history further complicate the matter.[1]

Did you get that? The concept of sin varies according to the time and the author of the Tanakh. What Moses says may not be the same as what Isaiah says. It depends on the audience, the historical period and the culture. We must stop thinking of the Tanakh as if it were all written at the same time by the same person. TDNT offers this brief summary: “The four main roots which carry the idea of sin have the varied senses of ‘sin or negligence,’ ‘rebelling,’ ‘guilt,’ and ‘error,’ enough to show the variety of thinking about sin quite apart from the many other roots.”[2] But linguistic investigation into the Greek, or even the Hebrew background of the Greek, isn’t quite enough. Rabbi Schneerson, of late memory, notes that “sin is completely alien to our being. Even when we stumble, God forbid, it does not undermine who we are; rather it is something outside of our nature that has latched on to us.”[3] This sounds incredibly like Paul’s assessment in Romans 7. It is, by the way, a completely Jewish idea, not an Augustinian exegesis of Paul’s conversion nor an assertion of Platonic dualism in fallen Man.

Schneerson’s comment should draw us up short. “What? I thought sin was disobeying the commandments. How is it possible that this is an alien force clinging to me? I am the one who chooses to disobey.” Perhaps sin is much bigger than not aiming straight, not hitting the target. Perhaps it is much more than just breaking the rules.

There is a battle going on within me. Yes, I know it isn’t a fight with some demon sitting on my shoulder. It’s really me—but it isn’t me. The genius of the Jewish concept of yetzer ha’ra and yetzer ha’tov is simply this: in some sense we are at war with ourselves. We feel the presence of this alien within us, a “person” who wants his own selfish desires regardless of the outcome. We feel the pull to give in to this force, knowing all the while that it is really a part of who we are or who we have become. But there is also the innate desire to do what is right, to be faithful to the original design, to have fellowship with the Creator. That is also me. It’s not me fallen. It is me choosing. And this is the dilemma. Choice lies behind all human actions. Choice makes me who I am. But choice always involves the appeal of this opposing force, this “alien” inside my skin. This is the real essence of sin. It is not about the rules. Rule behavior is merely a symptom of something much deeper—the decision to take the path toward the Creator’s design for me or the path of my design for me. Sin is deciding to put God aside.

But because this decision still involves God, not just His “rules,” it is still open to reversal. God is in the mix even in sin. In fact, sin makes no sense at all without God in the background.

In the end, sin is the insanity of deciding that God doesn’t matter.

Topical Index: sin, Romans 6:23, death, hamartía

[1] Kittel, G., Friedrich, G., & Bromiley, G. W. (1985). Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (44). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Rabbi Mordechain Dinerman, Rabbi Yanki Tauber, David Pelcovitz, How Happiness Thinks (Jewish Learning Institute, 2014), pp. 26-27.

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Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

I read somewhere some of the Jewish Sages look forward to the soul being near the brain in the head because it easily referred and interfered thought process in the brain. One Love comes into play it easily clarifies thought process from the heart

There’s a song on the radio that has a phrase I think it’s the title. And love broke through. Author singer TobyMac.

Laurita Hayes

(So I am trying this, thanks to Bro Brett and my good sis, bcp): Cliff Notes to the BELOW: sin is hard work because we are attempting to engage with evil directly. Salvation is a free gift, but the only correct position from which to accept it is surrender. Surrender from what? Witchcraft.

Funny how you have to work to die, but life is a birth(again)day present.

Choice is a terrible gift; our first-birthday gift. For choice to be choice, every one of them have to present as having equal weight, or else it would not be choice. For God to make Himself an equal with nonsense in our eyes for the purposes of making that choice fair for us is a condescension beyond my comprehension.

About that alien business. It is possible to be tempted by someone other than our own imagination. In the wilderness, Christ was confronted with His tempter face to face. That would be too terrifying to us, and so therefore I think it a kindness of heaven that we are protected from that awful possibility. If we did recognize such a powerful agent, it would be too unfair to us, for we are no match for such powerful angels, but if we did not recognize our tempter as a tempter (which would be most of us, we are so blinded into wanting temptation to be true) it would be even more unfair. Think about it. A powerful, extremely deceptive angel bent on my destruction is too much for me. Not for nothing are we assured many times that we are assigned personal angels to guard us. They are sent to keep it fair, and to keep us alive so that we can have all the chances to choose possible.

The fighting in the heavenlies over that fairness I am sure none of us appreciate. These are powerful men of war, so to speak (Elisha asked for his servant to be shown a snippet of what it looks like), and this war has been going on longer than we have been around. We are just the booby prize du jour, except we get to pick who gets us. I cannot fight sin, nor can I fight my tempters. Engaging directly with evil is what witches do, and we are forbidden to do that. (Yes, I have seen many sincere Christians practicing such witchcraft – with themselves and with others – and my New Age friends, sitting there doing “ohmms”, or meditating, in an attempt to bypass the oppression are doing the same, of course.)

I lose when I think I can take on either my own sin or my tempter (much less anyone else’s). Yeshua gave us the right example. He refused to engage, too, and referred all such cases to heaven, which is the proper, legal, way to handle criminals. I was a beaten vigilante before I learned to accept my free gift and quit working myself to death. Thinking you can outfox sin is, you are so right, pure insanity. Even your own yetzer ha’ra, by experience, knows better than that, which is why the flesh feels so sorry for itself when it comes to all that unfairness it is experiencing. It is not wrong.

If you keep losing to temptation, try considering the possibility that you could be preempting the free gift of heaven (quick reminder; that would be salvation from all this) by insisting that you engage in the very hard work of fighting evil on your own – which is the essence of witchcraft, y’all. Time and again I blamed heaven for not coming to aid me in that very unfair fight, but did not stop to consider that the law finds it hard to assist vigilantes. The smartest thing I ever did – right before I collapsed from all that hard work – was to surrender my gun to the Sheriff, and ask Him to send His deputies in. Life showed up at my front door immediately. Halleluah!

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Remember this sin has its season but in the end it destroys witchcraft is not a form of Rebellion it is rebellion scriptures tell us about the children of rebellion

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

13 is known as an unlucky number but phooey on that for me I take 13 times to create a new habit I have it being something I do without much thought an automatic reaction like being trained in the army boot camp trains us 4 hard lessons under attack also a reminder I’ve said it before and it Bears repeating a good soldier leaves no one behind. Putting others first it’s the Lord’s rule of life. Those who lay their life down in this life will pick it up again Hallelujah.


It so amuses me that you taught your son Latin because it made more sense to him then English.

B.B., i still am bewildered at your earlier comment, but then i think you are from a culture that has entrenched (nice military word, i spent years in the Marines my self) rules and expectations that need to be followed so that one’s places is ensured.

Laurita’s writing is ‘stream of conscious’; she is responding, from her core to Skips thoughts. Her perspectives and her wordsmithing is not for everyone. I know this because we met on another forum where i watched her as she would offer up her heart time and time again only to have others use it for target practice. I am the one who told her about this forum and goaded her into posting on here It has been a personal joy to me to watch as she was accepted, respected and even sought after.

While i’m not her personal guardian i do tend to hover in her defense at times.

She didn’t start the CLIFF NOTES till i made a comment about the importance of brevity. I don’t know if the 2 are connected, but i did note the change. She writes for herself and to those that have the same heart, i suppose to everyone else, it’s like trying to read latin.

Getting back to your (seeming) rules/expectations….do remember that in Japanese Polite society you will never hear the word ‘No’. You will be talked to for hours, go in circle after verbal circle, but you will never hear ‘no’.

You also will never get what you are asking for either.

In the middle east, the most important concept, the topic, as we would understand it, is never articulated. This is demonstrated at Messiah’s trial wherein the hebrew’s responded “his blood be on our hands”.

What was the topic? Generational sin.

How did it travel? The bloodline.

Why wasn’t it detailed? It was a foundational understanding. (of the time)

Now, before everyone jumps in to correct me on this, understand this: i don’t care what you think you know or all your research that tells you that you are right and i am wrong.

What it will come down to is what each of us believe and accept. I have my sources and points of reference, others have theirs, i’m 100% comfortable with mine as they are with theirs. I don’t care if everyone i come in contact with believes i’m wrong. In fact, i’ve become accustomed to that response.

So did Messiah.

Moral: just because it’s the wright way for YOU doesn’t mean anything to anyone else.


The wage of sin… Death the last obstacle to overcome. But we are all destined to die. So this death Pual so frequently pointed out must be something that happens to the soul and not this temporary temple. And if death is something else so would life be referring to something specific.

Sin is a misdeed our failure to do the right thing… Choice as Laurita so often reminds us not an easy option as we have only the now to decide with the little information we have been made aware of.

So yes the easiest route is to love the commandments and do them to try to keep out of sins way, unfortunately even when we think we have no sin he will make us sin. Wonder why?

Life versus death. And life is to know God and Yeshua who he sent. John 14 as Brett will remind us.

When can we investigate Yeshua commandments as I only find reference to the ten. Given he did refer to the others when those he healed inquired into these but not as part of his general teachings… Was he telling us something about this death and life Paul was referring to…

Laurita Hayes

Seeker, if you go look at all the references to death; Old Testament and New, especially Revelation, notice that the BODIES of those destined to die the second death are raised. We can only live as well as die as a complete nephesh package. The second death is the only real death. Yeshua did not refer to this first death as death. He confused His followers more than once by reminding them that this time around, we only sleep, as He did in His grave. Both those destined for eternal life (as a complete nephesh) as well as those destined for everlasting death, which is dissolution of the same nephesh forever, have to do so as a complete nephesh. The separation of soul and spirit stuff does not result in another way to live; i.e. as a disembodied substance of some sort. So much for clairvoyance and communicating with the dead. I guess the witch of Endor and the shade of Samuel is another subject.



Which begs the question as to what happens to those martyred and their bodies destroyed, i.e., by fire or being eaten by animals.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Let’s look at this from a different angle. Romans 6:11 in the same way count Yourself Dead to sin but alive to God through Yeshua the Messiah. The empty tomb tells us that that he rose from the dead. Before doing this Yeshua continually told his disciples do not be afraid for it is better for you that I go away for if I do not go away the comforter can not come but when the comforter comes I will be with you. With that in mind how is our life changed while we are living? The book Galatians chapters 5 and 6 tell us that. God is Not mocked whatsoever a man soweth he will reap if you sow unto death that is your reward but if you so on to life that is your reward he will make alive your mortal body. Back to Romans 8 . 11 and if the spirit of him who raised Joshua from the dead dwell in you he will Quicken your mortal Body by his spirit Galatians again I am crucified with Christ yet I live not I but Christ in me he does the works. Similar to the law those who live by the law are cursed but those who live by the spirit of the letter of the law there is life for if you received the spirit by hearing and faith then those who live by the written word can hear it and live by faith for the just shall live by faith.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Replying 2 more than 10 Deuteronomy 30. 19 this day I call Heaven and Earth as Witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death blessing and curses now choose life so that you and your children may live. A profound Passage many of the original Covenants mention the term eternal or Everlasting for the record Jeremiah 31:31 States that the Lord makes a new covenant quit with the house of Jacob Israel only 2 state that it is not the same old Covenant but it is a renewed Covenant with those that are present at that time which continues to this time. Hope this clears some things up.

Thank you Brett and Laurita for the replies. Romans 6 die for sin live for God… Romans 8 no condemnation for him that lives by the spirit and not the flesh.
Sounds like something to achieve in this life..

LaVaye Billings

Skip, What an outstanding post; a summary of a great statement of the Word of the Lord to us! I commend you for coming through all those years of “seeking and studying, speaking, writing, and giving out on an electronic device that is relative new to the masses of the living people. I am one that has been with you so many years now, I think almost from the first year. I may not have contributed much at all, but I have received much and passed out in daily action in many different area. I am sure the Lord knows ALL and you will receive credit for your part in my life. — Words, I find inadequate to say thank you and your team through the years.
I have a serious prayer request for ALL READERS, AND I WILL POST IT BELOW

LaVaye Billings

I have been in Houston at my daughter’s since Nov. 31, tending to Medical appt. eye surgery on Monday, and a few more weeks before going to my home in Central TX. thanks to all of you for your prayers for my grandson.




May God grant wisdom and comfort to your family to deal inaccordance with His will with the issues so that they can overcome the ordeal.

And may your healing be fully and the hands of the surgeons blessed to do what is needed to aid your body in the recovery.

And peace through Christ.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Mrs. Billings in case you weren’t aware you have friends in high places yes your brothers and sisters in the Lord but also angels. Psalm 91:11 for he will command his angels concerning you be thankful be hopeful and most of all be mindful of the things that the Lord may be doing peace be to you and to your house meaning your family. Also he gives Comfort to those who are in need think of all the people who are lifting up your need because of this post and the angels that are put to flight


This! I cannot explain my joy/anxiety about this alien concept! I have FOREVER felt schizophrenic and extremely psychotic (not to say I am not *wink*) but seriously, I have to give HaShem glory for this revelation….. Skip, I am often angry, hurt, confused, frustrated and overwhelmed by you and what you write here and those BOOKS!! …… and I love it. I am grateful that you and I have met and I feel so “in community” here.

This. So needed today….. well actually about 40 years ago, but at least it arrived and I am feasting!!!

carl roberts


That is what death is — the ultimate separation. God is all about reconciliation. His desire is to bring things together and it is in the community, the community of believers (the church?) that “life happens.”

Sin separates. This is the “wages of sin,” – separation. Separation (or division) of God (who is thrice-holy) from man (sinners all) and also human from human. (Malachi 2.16)

But.. — how I do love those Bible ‘buts!’ The gift of God! (Remember, – it is a gift!) The gift of God? The best gift ever? (from the Ultimate Giver) is “eternal life” through Jesus Christ our LORD.

However, my question today would be: Is “eternal life” a quantity? or a quality? (Oh, how this makes me smile!). Helpful household hint: (John 10.10)

Final comment? O Hallelujah!! – O what a Savior!!!

LaVaye Billings

Carl Roberts, I am so happy to hear your thoughts again recently; may I chide you a bit and state in the older forgotten days when you wrote such very long postings; I just had to skim over them as I never had time to try and read them. Thanks for writing in a shorter way. May The Lord continue to bless you, and Skip’s treasures–ALL WHO READ, SEEK AND WRESTLE WITH OBEYING.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

One thing I think we would all add commendations to. Skip fantastic job of bringing up to date what Facebook never knew thanks again I agree. Carl has learned to summarize very well

Mark Parry

Agin we face the choice of from which of the two trees of knowing will I derive my sustenance. Shall I eat for my right to chose or from my desire to know what’s truly good. From what source shall I derive my life?

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