Ezer Kenegdo in Kansas City in August

Thanks to Sandy Smail, Pam Staley and Jane Diffenderfer, I will be speaking in Kansas City on August 18-19.  This conference is about the ‘ezer kenegdo, the foundation of all relationships.  We will examine the Genesis text, Paul’s use of these ideas in the apostolic writings and what we have learned since the publication of Guardian Angel.  We will also have some hands-on exercises to help us apply the concepts.  The role women play, and the blessing they are for their husbands, is vital.  Don’t miss this!

Sandy tells me that there is another very large conference occurring in Kansas City on the same weekend.  That means travel and hotel issues.  So she has blocked rooms at the hotel for people coming from out of town.  But you need to let her know your plans.  Please contact Sandy ASAP.

Here is the web site (CLICK HERE) and the contact info.



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Richard Gambino

Video and or Audio please Skip. Checks in the mail….


Hi Skip, will you video tape and sell the lessons on your site?