The Exception Clause

Now Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places. 1 Kings 3:3 NASB

Except – His insights were more penetrating than ours. His encyclopedic knowledge outstripped us. His success is never been rivaled. He was absolutely fabulous . . . except for just one small detail. The wisest man who ever lived made an exception. That small detail derailed everything he ever did, until at last he could write, “Utter futility—all is futile!” Do you suppose that we pedestrians are any less subject to the exception clause?

The exception clause is very malleable. Each one of us has our own special version. We love the Lord. We do our best to serve Him. We desire to be His faithful followers. And, for the most part, we succeed. We apply determination, so much so that even when we slip, we get back on the path and pursue righteousness. But there’s just this one little thing where we pull back. There’s just this one tiny bit of territory that we use for ego protection. There’s just this one small habit that offers emotional solace. Yes, we are all about serving YHVH, the One True God of the universe. But, just in case things don’t quite go as we wish, we have a little household god tucked away for the really rainy day. Laben had his. So did Saul. And Solomon. And many others. They never denied YHVH. They just added a little extra protection.

Solomon loved YHVH. The text is quite clear. To emphasize the fact, the verb comes first. Vay-ye’ehav shelomoh et-YHVH. ‘ahav is the strong verb for love. There is no doubt at all that Solomon loved YHVH. He also “walked” in the way, having been instructed by his father, David. Then there’s this little adverb, raq. The NASB translates it, “except,” but that disguises its connection to other uses. The first occurrence is in Genesis 6:5 where it is the word only. “His heart was only evil continually,” is YHVH’s assessment of the condition of Man. We also find the word in Pharaoh’s dream about the seven cows where it describes the thin cows of famine. Solomon’s “except” isn’t just a tiny little add-on.   It’s a connection to the collapse of relationships between God and Man and between Man and nature. Raq is the destructive parasite of the world.

And it’s contagious. Solomon didn’t exhibit the symptoms of raq until he turned his life toward politically motivated marriages. Just two verses before this statement, the text reads, “Then Solomon formed a marriage alliance with Pharaoh king of Egypt.” The marriage had nothing to do with YHVH or the woman involved. It was politics, positioning and possession. If it worked so well with Egypt, why not with the other rival political powers? The strategy was set. The addition began. And, of course, to keep all those women happy one must accommodate their own cultural expectations. A little incense burned on the high places won’t matter much, right? After all, Solomon loved YHVH. The seed of raq had to be in place before the symptoms. That means we have to look much deeper into the heart of the man who loved YHVH. Maybe this verse also contains a bit of sarcasm.

Perhaps there’s an exception clause in your life. A “high place” where you accommodate another way of living. It’s not such a big deal because you love YHVH. Right? Look at the symptom and ask yourself, “Where is this coming from?” Somewhere underneath it all is a lethal virus in the heart.

Topical Index: except, raq, only, Solomon, 1 Kings 3:3

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Dennis Wenrick

RESH and QUPH paleo Hebrew: pictograph: Head and “sun at horizon” (setting or rising). I developed this idea:: the “high place” is a THOUGHT that CYCLES causing a response in behavior that is contrary to the norm of behavior. For me personally my “high place” interrupts my walk with Jesus by surfacing as a thought. If the thought is given a second of time, it triggers a behavior that is contrary to my Christian walk.


This is great !!- does ego & pride reside in the mind ??

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Good morning everyone up here in the Northeast we had a little snow but it came down as blending we are known as the Frozen chosen. And I was reading todays word the term ” brutally honest” came to mind. Those times when we admit our faults to the Lord and we open up do we admit to everything? We must be honest with each other call with ourselves, and with our Lord. The life of a believer sometimes begins with honesty in front of people who are watching but not people who we don’t think are looking. Integrity would be on the line. Then we grow up. And we begin to realize like Joshua that the Lord is the listener to every conversation. Sometimes When We Begin moving in the gifts of the Spirit they are part time.. we wonder why not off-time.? Most often without a doubt the S prit of God has trust us. It is the Lord’s reputation on the line. Compromising is a very shaky Road. As for me and my house we will serve Yahweh. Early in the scriptures Yahweh reveals His reputation with his people. And makes this remarkable statement. It is not because you are many nor is it because you are mighty, but it is because I love you. Will you would say to ourselves we love the Lord our God with our heart soul mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves in response to yahweh’s love for us. We are on a very touchy subject here. But it doesn’t need to be as we grow in confidence we no longer look at the people’s faces when we speak to them We Believe by faith the words that Yeshua spoke when he said the words I speak are spirit and life to all your flesh. My comments usually are not this long this time is different due to the fact that I’m trying to make myself clear I am not perfect just as David was not perfect my attempt is to be holy just as the Lord our God is Holy. As I understand it praying continually attempting to be in constant communication with the Lord I find myself being corrected in my thought process in my walk is being straightened. When other people are involved I am usually not too talkative. But the works I do he does through me for I am crucified with Him. Closing with this comment the new snow remind me that although my sins are red as Scarlet he has washed me clean as the new fallen snow. We must be careful not two throw our pearls before the swine to be trampled on. Being vulnerable it’s not always the easiest Road. I love you all who are trying and persevering through trials and tests that the Lord uses to strengthen us.

Laurita Hayes

I think reality hit when Solomon was told that the kingdom was going to be rent: that kingdom that was built on the sand of his ‘better’ political idea. There is only one Foundation that can stand. If we are putting any trust (time, effort, expectation) in anything else it will be torn down, too.

I have been getting convicted lately that TIME is a thing, too, and that if I fill time with waste the question is going to be asked “what could you have built with that time instead?” All altered states of reality (ways we check out of the pain of the moment) are a waste of time. I am not talking about rest: I think we sacrifice true rest for non-essentials far too much, in fact, but true rest is not to be found in checking out of the moment. I would like to see this community work on figuring out what true rest is, for the world does not really know what it is or how to do it. When we get exhausted the temptation is to check out of reality for a while, but true rest (which includes true re-creation) is not to be found in those altered states.

Dennis made a good point: what we give time to, we give POWER over us to. We are called to be “sober and diligent”. Time may be one of the biggest resources I have been given, and when I waste it, I am not presenting that most precious of gifts back to its Giver for blessing; I am taking it for my ‘own’. I am repenting. Thank you, Skip.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Hello again, would it be right to call it what it is, Rebellion not an act of witchcraft but pure Rebellion Solomon was told not to but he did again and again and again. A child of rebellion God made a promise yet he tested it. I will call this frustrating the grace of God. When I look at a compass it tells me the directions to take, if or when I take the slightest margin of variation this throws me way off course the further I go the best thing for me to do to stop redirect return I use more often Yahweh is always his people to return to Him should it be any different for us today?

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

I forgot to mention please forgive me Solomon was allowed to build the temple yes this is true, today we are the temple we should be very careful!! We are also reminded that the days are increasingly evil.

John Adam

Skip, I know well that excitement of which you speak. It is the thrill of studying, going deeper into a topic and then putting it all together for the benefit of others, and in the process being blessed by God with the joy of doing what He has called you to do. I wish you more and more excitement as you delve ever deeper!


Could it be that you were also referring to how we have decided that it is expedient as churches or Christians to join forces with political powers or candidates rather than trusting God and following Jesus?

Laurita Hayes

Judy, if that was directed at me, I don’t think it is a matter of voting (or not) as much as it is WHY. There is a fine line between putting our hope in “horses and chariots” and “trusting God and following Jesus” from our perspective, but if we follow Him, I have noticed that He did not seem to think there were ANY political solutions, much less that He was one. Solomon’s marriages were alliances with the world to accomplish the purposes of a kingdom “not of this world”, which is why that mismatch did not last.

By “not of this world” I don’t think Yeshua just meant that the capital of His kingdom is originating from off-planet. I think it also means that it does not ‘need’ anything ON this planet to accomplish its purposes – except the Body, of course. Last time I checked, however, that Body was not residing within any earthly structure; not political, not social or national, and not even ecclesiastical. So much for thinking we are limited by having to work through earthly structures. These days, I think that’s a good thing!

Psalm 46 is a good one for this subject. In symbolic terms, “waters” refers to “peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues” (Rev. 17:5), which may help when you sit there wondering why literal waters “roaring” is a problem needing YHVH’s intervention.


Well lets not paddle around in the shallow end of the pool but dive right into the depths of the issue. I like that about you Skip and our brethren around the table. I have said it before you remind me of Art Katz. I have been praying, truly fearfully more an more often “Create in me a clean heart or Lord and renew a right Spirit within me.” The only problem with a prayer like that is if you mean it a living God will then start working on the program to bring it about. That’s what’s scary he will bring real trubble about because as Yeshua “although a son, learned obedience through the things he suffered” it’s often his way. This is not an aside, it is the process used by a living God to tare down those high places you suggest and I concur we all have. The question is do you really want them exposed? Are you ready for the earthquakes, lightning and thunder to hit your life. If so just pray and hang of for the ride eventual it actually gets exciting, exhilarating and yes very liberating…

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Hello Mark brother in the faith, you strike a familiar chord, overcoming our flesh the lust of the eyes the lust of the Flash you should put it quite plainly. Quote my dear children it’s time that you come off the milk and get into the meat of the word. My meat is to do the will of my father Paul agreed. We have often heard obedience is better than sacrifice. Come on now folks do we agree this is Old Covenant quotation. Cutting to the chase the heart of the issue obedience is the highest fulfillment of Brotherly Love Yeshua said I give you a new commandment love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself on this kinjaz all of the Old Testament prophets and law. There are a growing number of Ministries aligning with instructions of Torah. This coincides with the alignment with the nation and the people of Israel. Exodus from Egypt next stage Mount Sinai the mixed multitude with Israel coming out of Egypt are called that Israel those who followed the Commandment to exit the burden of pharaoh some of my jargon maybe wrong but I still stand firm. I mentioned earlier I usually don’t have long posts. But for meaning of explanation I’ve overdone myself already. Beat me up, or knock me down, if we don’t stand for something, will fall for anything. Yahweh and his Revelation to us is salvation and deliverance.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Here I Go Again On Fire Arthur Katz saw himself as the United States token Jew haha. He is also on sermon index wonderful simple to understand a man ahead of his time.

Art, whom I knew personally was “when on fire” entirely and complete in his time. It was the church, and many about him that where living somewhere else. Some of us listened and learned enough to get out of our minds and join him in “the fire”…As he said in an introduction to “reality the hope of glory” God does not wish us to do away with our reason but simply sweep it off our alters and use it in his service…

Rich Pease

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?” Jer 17:9
God can and does understand it and He offers the Way out.
At the last supper Yeshua said: “Do not let your hearts be troubled.
Trust in God; trust also in me.”
So trust we do, perhaps not perfectly, but it the earnest and honest
journey that counts . . . pressing on to the goal to win the prize.

Brett Weiner

Hello Rich, you are right on it’s more than interesting that we are reading about the Passover this week with the reading being Exodus 10 through 13 the Redemption of the first born maybe we should make a covenant again or renew a covenant in accepting the finished work.

Mark Parry

We should ask Skip to unpack that heart verse.(Jerimiah 17:9) The Rabbis interpreted it not as decitfull or worse yet as in some translations “wicked ” but rather as “weak”. John Eldredge has been fighting a valiant battle to restore the centrality of the heart to theology rather than the head. For “out of it flow the issues of life” scripture informs us…

L. Thomas Baker, M.D.

A not so beautiful epitaph for a man whom the prophet of Yah said should be named “Jedidiah or beloved of Yah.” Perhaps the word of Yah through His prophets is important after all. How could Yedidiah pen a letter without Yah’s name in it? Maybe the master of assemblies wasn’t so masterful after all. Well written, Dr. Moen. Perhaps with Yah’s grace, your account of Solomon’s misgivings won’t become the epitaph of Christianity as well. Shalom.

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Hello mr. Baker you’re closing comment mentions Christianity as well. I understand did Christianity start with Hebrew believers the people of Israel was there a split? Should we put together instead of divide? Just some things to think about. Hmmm hmmm?????

Laurita Hayes

I think we all are about healing divides here – as far as I can tell this is one of the more diverse belief communities I have ever run across – but how do you prevent a slow suicide? At some point, the rats do start jumping the ship.

Mark Parry

It is the “one new man” (Epheisans 2:15) that brings peace. As a Hebrew believer in the Messiah I have found persecution because of my heart for Torah and Shabatt and the Commandments persecuted by the Christians. As believer that Christ is the Messiah of Israel I have been rejected by the Jews. The divide is in the heart of men the bridge is the heart of Messiah/Christ.

Dennis Wenrick

Mark, You nailed also the predicament of first century Jews and also Gentiles. One New Man advancing the Kingdom is my heart. Love First Fruits of Zion ministry Vine of David for Jewish believers as yourself. Check them out if you not already know about them.
Shalom, Dennis

Pieter Jooste

Even David allowed at least one of his wives to have asherim.
Both (probably all Israel and later the divided kingdom’s kings) ignored Deut,17:15-17.
It seems like YHWH require the RQ (Resh Quf – sounds like a whip, lift and strike) to happen for us to keep vigilant.

On the lighter side… would one not expect someone with a name like SlowMo to smoke some incense?

Brett Weiner

Thank you. Pieter this reminds us that God is sovereign. I was taught and still somewhat believe for the most part Yahweh is outside the box.


If by box you mean World, I agree Brett.
The “Ancient of / from Days” part of YHWH is outside. His Spirit is everywhere, inside and outside the box. And His Son? sitting on the Right Hand? or / and “mediating” all over the place?

Brett Weiner

Very good comment what I meant by box was, outside the way we think. doing more than we can imagine thanks