News about Bob and Delores
For those of you who have traveled with Bob and me to Israel, you probably know that his wife, Delores, has pancreatic cancer. She is battling to stay alive. I received this update just two days ago. It’s certainly time for us to pray for Delores and for Bob. He is very special to this community and I know from personal interaction how much this is affecting him. Delores is a real fighter but this is a very difficult kind of cancer. Please offer a prayer for both of them right away.
This following is from Bob:
Hello everyone
As most of you know Dolores had a procedure done on 2/14 to drain the pseudo-cyst connected to her tumor – it has been the source of a lot of pain. The procedure went well, the cyst collapsed and her pain diminished.
Unfortunately, after she was released from the hospital (2/16) something inside her began to bleed and by the following Sunday morning (2/19), she was nauseous, dizzy, weak and vomiting up blood. She was rushed to ER, stabilized and transferred back to UCSF where they got the bleed “under control.”
She was released again on Thursday afternoon (2/23) and we drove home hoping she would heal up and life would return to “normal.” But 45 minutes from home she felt nauseous, weak, dizzy and vomited up more blood. She was rushed to a local ER, “stabilized” and transferred to a local trauma center. But they did not have the capability to provide the care she needed so early Friday morning (2:30AM) she was airlifted back to UCSF. Since we were so close to home and I was out of clean clothes, my own meds, needing to do something for our cat and couldn’t go with her anyway, I went home for a few hours. I “restocked” and returned to the hospital later that morning.
She has since been stabilized again but the doctors CANNOT find the source of the bleeding. She had another endoscopic procedure done yesterday and they did not “see” anything bleeding. But they know something is “oozing” because it is indicated by the fluctuation in her vitals and blood work. So, she is having another CT-scan done today.
Please pray they FIND the bleed site and it is somewhere they can “fix”! And, for those of you who are so inclined, since she has already received several pints of blood and platelets, you can give blood at a local collection center in her name to “offset” what she has been given.
Praying I have better news later today.
Thanks for your love, prayer and support – it means the world to both of us.
Shabbat shalom. Uri
Praying for Delores right now, that the source of the bleeding will be discovered, and appropriate treatment applied successfully.
Also praying for my good friend, Randy, who had surgery last week for pancreatic cancer, and will now undergo further treatment.
Praying for a good report
Praying for bleeding to stop ,
healing to start
& Delores body to be renewed
Certainly agreeing in prayer with all for both Delores and Bob..
Skip, Thanks for posting this update. Though I do not know Bob but through this ministry am praying for both he and his wife. I have been the recipient of love from my wife having recently gone through some urgent care for gastrointestinal issues and it does make a significant difference! Blessed is the person who has a loving, supportive, caring, understanding spouse in days of trouble! God be with both Bob and his wife! May the will of YHVH be done!
The Lord Jesus, Yeshua, once cured a women who had been bleeding for many years, so Linda and I are asking Him for healing and relief for Delores…and peace for Bob.
This is a link to hear how a young man beat cancer with nutrition instead of conventional treatment.
Have you heard of it?
Hoping it helps Bob and Delores.
I know pancreatic cancer is very serious but I also believe God, who created our bodies, also designed them to heal given the proper nutrients and care.
We just listened to him last week in 10 sessions online explaining how to treat cancer with fruits, vegetables, healing the gut with probiotics, teas, etc. It can be done. Praise God.
See what you think,
We will pray for Bob and his wife.
You are the fullness of hope for Mrs. and Mr. Gorelik. Impart to them Your strength and shalom for the journey. You are the Faithful and True One of their lives.
Standing with and for both of you in the mighty name of our Messiah!
This is the most recent update from Bob.
Well, Dolores and I are still at UCSF – and we will be – at least through the weekend. Dolores’ bleeding issue is still a problem as is apparent from her blood-work. So, they have scheduled an angiogram for tomorrow morning to see if the bleeding/oozing is arterial. If it is they will fix it. If it isn’t – we’ll consider other options. They do not want to send us home again without making sure that the bleed risk is eliminated or acceptably minimized.
In the meantime, we very much appreciate all of your prayers and kind words of encouragement and support. Love Bob and Dolores
Praying for divine intervention in the name of Yeshua the Messiah.
This is the latest update, from this morning, regarding Bob and Delores.
Shalom everyone,
The angiogram that was performed late Friday afternoon “went well” – they embolized “several” arteries they suspected of being a problem. And Dolores seemed to get some pain relief later that evening. BUT by Saturday morning her blood work showed there was still some residual bleeding/oozing somewhere. So, she was given another pint of blood and some intravenous nutrients. By this morning her blood counts did improve but not enough. The GI doctor (who is “not willing to give up” on her) still felt it would be best to do another endoscopic procedure to embolize any additional varices he suspected were still bleeding.
This time, thank HaShem, they did see a varix that was actively oozing/bleeding and they applied a “glue” to it that is designed to stop it. Dolores is now back in her room resting. Only time will tell if these last two procedures “did the job” – so, at the moment, we are once again waiting on vital signs and blood counts to tell how she is doing and to determine if the bleeding has stopped. We are praying/hoping for the best – it’s been a very long three weeks and we are ready to go home!!
As always, we very much appreciate your love and support.
Love Bob and Dolores.
please believe me when i tell you this. i have been learning so much about herbs and bleeding. i have heart problems and i take cayenne pepper to stop heart attacks. no matter where the bleeding is occuring cayenne taken internally should stop it in no time. a teaspoon of cayenne (the health food store kind is best) in a cup of water. if she cant take that schulzes cayenne tincture under the tongue should work. i am not prescribing because i am not a doctor, i am trying to educate people on what they can do to help themselves. there are natural ways of dealing with cancer also. there is no such thing as an incurable disease, just people that believe it.
cayenne is high in calcium and other things that help help the rupture, it is truly awesome. also it can not hurt anyone. the heat may sting but it will not destroy , and you may have nothing to loose.
again i am not a doctor but just my own experience
This is the latest update from Bob at 3pm PST today.
Shalom everyone,
We are still at UCSF.
Last Wednesday afternoon Dolores had another CT-scan done in preparation for another endoscopic procedure to be performed Thursday afternoon. The scan didn’t show any active bleeding but it did expose an inflamed colon and a “life-threatening” aneurism in her splenic artery. The aneurism was repaired the first thing Thursday morning – the doctors now think it was the source of the intermittent bleeding – her hemoglobin/hematocrit levels have been stable ever since. Baruch HaShem!!
The inflammation, on the other hand, is due to a serious colon infection – “C-Diff” – for which she is now being treated. Unfortunately, it is a very virulent infection that requires extensive and aggressive treatment. She is doing a little better today but she is “not out of the woods” yet.
So, as always, we appreciate your continued love, support, and prayer. As of today, with the exception of two days, we have been here for one month. Oy!! We are ready to go home!!
Warm regards, Bob & Dolores