Up in the Air

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Mark Parry

Good morning friends about the table of YAHWEH. Thanks for the video clip Skip it feels like we aren walking together on your path. I actually wrote a lttle book about that it’s “Link Removed”

Comments are most welcome. It’s be edited by a few rejected by more and rests now for whomever might be lead to it.

Speaking of books started The queen of my heart and I started into the beast. Really glad I bought 6, I’m starting to compile a list of whom I want to give it to give . First on my list is my new boss. He wants me as a partner or preferably to buy his archtectural firm but threatened to fire me three times innthe first the two months, the forth time we got past that power play. People that art motivated by rrrightiousness can bebsouchna problem.. Prayers are appreciated, and ours are with you Skip and friends about the table. Shabbat Shalom

Mark Parry

Battery died on the tablet, screams for post -posting editing options . If that’s an option on this platform. If not I’ll sing the blues with Joni Mitchell who is frustrated as I with my perfection always being denied.

Mark Randall

You do have the ability to edit your comment for 15 minutes. I just increased the time to 30 minutes.

Laurita Hayes

HOW do we do that, exactly? The posted content won’t let you. Please tell us the procedure. Thanks.

Mark Parry

Please provide instructions on how to access the edit feature on this side of the screen it is illusive at best…

Mark Randall

Since I’m always logged in as an admin I see things like the comment area differently than someone who isn’t logged in. I have a number of different menu selections on each comment. Most, of course, have to do with “moderating” a comment in case of spam type problems. But, I did run a couple tests.

WordPress at it’s core is a blogging platform. And as such has many features for commenters and administrators that most other types of websites don’t have.

The problem here, with you not being able to edit your comment, is because you aren’t signed into the website.

On the tests I ran, one as just a typical commenter, and one as a logged in subscriber(non-admin), I found I was able to edit the comment if I was logged in but not if I wasn’t. Which makes sense. Websites normally don’t have features available to someone that isn’t a member or subscriber. That would open the door to all kinds of security concerns.

Anyway, I figured since you asked I would look into it, and now I know, and so do you, why you weren’t able to edit your comment. The solution would be to allow people to “sign-up” on this website. When Skip returns I’ll talk to him about it.

Dennis Wenrick

Thanks for sharing. Now that is the way to travel 🙂

Judi Baldwin

Remember not to stretch your legs out tooo far, causing people to have to step over them. :-)))

John Adam

I’ve never seen such luxury on an international flight! 😉


Thanks Skip for sharing. Made me feel like I was taking a trip! I also wanted to let you know that the teaching you did on Solomon was eye opening for me… my paradigm shifted just a little more that is causing me to look at the stories in the bible in a different light so that I can “feel” with the story which helps me understand the lesson in the story better. At least it is challenging me and causing me to consider some things that I never would have before! Looking forward to where your journey with this will take you next! Shalom!


It looks like you travel in style. Who was filming you? They captured your fantastic smile. 🙂


Great picture. It just looks like you are smiling at someone at the very beginning.