Prayer Request – the Roark family
Kelli and Jim Roark live in Spokane. A few years ago they went on an Israel trip with Bob and me, and they took all four of their children. Those of us who were fortunate enough to spend time with them know that this is a family committed to following Yeshua. In fact, Kelli and Jim arranged for several conferences in the Spokane area over the last years.
Now they need prayer. The company where Jim worked was sold. Downsizing followed. The senior management including Jim became a cost-cutting strategy. Jim has been unemployed for quite awhile. Kelli wrote today asking that we as a community hold them up in prayer while they wait for God to show them His direction. Obviously, being without income for many months is stressful, but they march on. Now we can march with them.
If you want to offer some encouragement, I am sure Kelli could use it.
Thank you for posting this Skip. We love the Roarks dearly and have been praying for months! I know the added prayers of this community will “availeth much.”
I was one of those fortunate enough to meet and get to know the whole Koark family on that trip. What a pleasure their company was.
You are in my prayers.
Otherwise, I presume you are all healthy, and will be thankful for that in prayer as well.
Oops, I meant Roark, not Koark. Perhaps I had your children’s names on my mind. (For those who don’t know Jim and Kelli, I recall them as Kinsie, Kailly, Kaleb and Kyler.) Kuite a kute klan
I trust they are all well.
can you please share an address so people can help if they would like. Thank you
you may contact Kelli at
I am praying that as dependance upon “things of earth” “grow strangely dim” that you will be able to leave behind all that lies in between you and YHVH, and rest solely on Him, and I have confidence that He will “bring you out into a large place”. I have found that blessings can also be trouble that is averted by other seeming trouble, too. Blessings can be very large in places of great need. May the eyes of your understanding be opened and may you and your family see the heavenly troops surrounding you. You are never alone when things are hard.
May you also be in perfect shalom while you wait, too.
Amen. Thank you, Father God, for using Your Children to gird others up. Laurita, this is exactly how I’ve been praying for them.
HI Jim and Kelly, Penny and I are with you in our prayers for your family. You two have done a great job with your kids and however it goes I know this will never change. Shalom Shabbat