With Sadness

It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Rusty Ward on August 31.  He was a long time reader and faithful supporter. I will miss him.

Please pray for his wife and family.  His death was a complete surprise.

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In very difficult times, such as this one, only God’s words can heal Rusty’s wife and family’s hearts. My words would be insignificant. So I can only offer His words:

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” Matthew 5:4

Rusty’s wife and family can be assured by these words, that He will comfort them. That’s a huge promise that He will fullfil, as He is compassionate with them, His children.


So sorry about your friend Rusty
May you and the Family know the Comforter right there for you

Laurita Hayes

Thank you, Skip, for giving us the opportunity to share life with Rusty. He takes a piece of us with him. I am so very sorry. May we see him again soon is my prayer in the Name and through the merit of our Saviour. Amen.


Is there a way we can send a card?