Divine Politics

“And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” 1 Samuel 8:18 ESV

In that day – The day will come when those who have chosen leadership other than YHVH will cry out to Him. They will finally realize that any ruler except the Supreme God is fatal to human life. They will experience what it means to have politics in charge. And they will know what Mao Tse-Tung clearly understood: “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

Since the early 1980’s the world has drifted away from common law. Common law, sometimes called “natural law,” is a set of moral and ethical principles that the populace in general considers essential for the exercise of liberty and justice. The basic principles of common law concern promise keeping and safety. In other words, agreements should be kept (whether these are about trade or relationships) and no one should infringe on the property of another. These are fairly well summarized in the Golden Rule. And without the Golden Rule as a general principle of behavior in a society, things deteriorate—rapidly.

The world replaced common law (and the Golden Rule) with political law. Political law is legislation enacted for the purposes of making someone else do what you want. Political law depends on power, and this power is ultimately represented, as Mao observed, by the gun. Political law contains a threat—the threat that if you do not do what the politicians determine you should do, you will be harmed. Political law allowed Hitler and Stalin to operate legally while exterminating millions of people. Political law allows the slaughter of human beings prior to birth—without recompense because it is “legal.” Political law can take your property, your investments, your reputation and ultimately your life simply because it is legal to do so. Haman is a biblical example of the power of political law. Political law makes life unstable. Promises are only as good as the politicians say they are. Infringement can change on a whim. Political law is the most dangerous type of government anyone can have—and the whole world will soon have it.

That makes politicians the most dangerous people alive. Unless they personally espouse and publically maintain the precedence of common law (and its religious foundations), they are subject to the greatest legal addiction in the world—power! As a friend of mine who spent his career in the House said, “The most important job of the politician is to stay in power.”

God had a lot to say to the people who wanted so desperately to have a political leader. None of it was good.

We, apparently, didn’t bother to listen. So God won’t listen either.

Topical Index: law, politics, kings, in that day, legal, common law, 1 Samuel 8:18

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robert lafoy

“A king……….who will judge us and go out and fight our battles.” it always comes with the promise of good and ease, doesn’t it. As a side note, it’s interesting how that filters down into the institutions of learning, business and even the home. It’s no longer a matter of justice and equity, or integrity of character, it’s just the law or policy. No debating, I’m the boss in this house. And we lose our sense of connectedness and are turned one against another and everyone thinks they’re doing the right thing. Good and evil, what does that really mean anyway and who gets to make up the rules saying which one is which? We need to pray like Daniel, it’s not just our fathers who are at fault, our hands are dirty as well. Here we are, now what?

Laurita Hayes

Yeshua told us to “call no man your master” (Matt. 23:9-11). Of course, because we ate from the Tree of Experience, we have to go and do that anyway just to see WHY we shouldn’t! (Well, so did Israel.)

We, too, actively look for all the lines to stand in that promise us something at someone else’s expense, not realizing that in doing so we are putting ourselves under the power that line represents, whether it be politics, ecclesiastics, insurance policies, or the next lottery winnings. We, too, want no king but Ceasar. Too bad for us the day that really comes true.

Rich Pease

My way or the highway.
Man has steadfastly turned a deaf ear to God for the convenience
of listening to himself. That seems to be political rule #1. And rule #2.
And rule #3.
I won’t share here a mind-boggling true story I experienced with several
big-city politicians many years ago. It was virtually unbelievable and unfortunately
very typical. I was stunned by the outright deceit and corruption they displayed,
with the populace nary aware. I’ve remained stoically Independent ever since.
Romans 13:1-5 brings things back into perspective. God is still sovereign.
Our faith is still powerful. Our prayers are still heard. Fear not!


Bob Dylan sings on his Album “Love and Theft” In the song “Making my last go arround” I’ll baptize you with fire so you can sin no more I’ll establish my rule through civil war” My first interpretation of theses thoughts was of being baptized by the fire was of the Rauch Ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit ) , the civil war was the battle for the rule of one’s soul between the Yezter HaRah or the Yezter HaTov (the beast or the Spiritual man). As I sit now surrounded by 48,000 acres, once and many still, ablaze with tens of thousands having been and others even now being evacuated, I think of the fire that purges our hearts. When the fires come we must quickly choose. What we keep and what we leave behind. May you chose well when your fire of purging comes. May you be found faithful.