“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NASB
Rest – Walking. . . . . Walking.
The pure white sand between my toes as the crystalline waters lap against the shore.
There. There is a palm, its graceful neck arches up to heaven supporting the deepest blue sky my eyes have ever seen. Now I know I am here—in the place that has always been in my mind. Now surrounding me.
Transparency. Shedding all the masks I carried. Emptying the bags I was given. What need have I of the trappings of another world? Their brand names left behind to be washed into the endless peace of the tranquil sea. I am here alone, in body, mind and soul. These are my last words, the eulogy of life written on the sand, soon to be washed away, carried off into the All of Being. I once was here. And gone.
It is warm, the sun and sand on my body. Years of guilt are scrubbed away by the infinitesimal grace of spiritual abrasion. I will be clean. I know it now. Weeping lubricates my metamorphosis. I cannot stand in this holy place. Even knees are too arrogant. I curl on the shore. Returning to the beginning. God’s invitation has finally brought me to His attention and now I will be cleansed. If you were there, somewhere down the beach, would you see only this naked old man sobbing in the sand? Or would you see him renewed, received to the Garden, prepared for the sacrifice of truth he so longed for? Just a man, perhaps a bit heretical, lying in the sand, doing nothing.
Doing nothing is the path of my true salvation. No longer on the wheel. No more fulfilling expectations. No need. This eulogia is about the wonder of living and the blessedness of dying. Reunited with the One who made me, I gladly give away my spirit. In the place of serenity, awe and overwhelming grace, I finally see me. The fig leaves fall from my eyes. He wraps me in light. I sparkle on the sapphire shore.
I am happy to have known you. Each of you pointed me in this direction. Each of you added to who I will now become. My life was constructed from the building blocks of your souls. It has been my honor to know you, even if it has been a personal disgrace to have hidden from you for so long. You persisted despite my fears. Perhaps this place of abrasion and renewal will teach me that my fears were never just mine. I carried them from the embryonic past and was never able to finally push them away. I came into this world already twisted. Now, at the end, I will be unbent. It is gloriously terrifying to be without my covering. “tetelestai” he said many years ago. Now it is my turn. aha
ha-kadosh baruch hu.
I lay down. The waters of the earth’s womb flow around me. I’m safe. I’m home. He calls.
We knew it comes to this but the words aren’t on our lips to say so well. Blessed are the lips that proclaim the coming of the LORD. Blessings FJ
Teteletai at that time it would be true! If our Lord and Master said it, we should be prepared to say it to.
Should we have it at our rebirth? How many times do we repent for taking hold of the wheel?
For it is by Grace we are saved not by works.
For me it is both grace and works or else I am just an ear or corn. Shema. In Hebrew, to hear is to act upon what is heard. Until I do what I have heard, I haven’t heard anything at all! (S.M.)
I read somewhere that’s it more like a branch on a vine (not corn)…and being vs. doing.
Mistype – it should read “ear of corn” but I like a vine too as we are winemakers.
Thank you, Skip. Very well said.
I recently told my 90 y.o.mother, who I know as a faithully devoted follower of Messiah and mother, but who has cancer, that we pray for her daily for healing and for a long and prosperous life. She replied, “Not too long though, I hope. I’m tired.”
Maybe she is ready but I am not. I say, “No”. She says, “Go”.
We also pray, “Hep us to be ready, and help her to be ready, too. BARUCH ATA YHWH, ELOHIM, MELECH HA OLAM. AMEIN.”
Help us all to be ready.
This was tearfully read over and over and over……..
I. Am. So. Weary. Most of us are. I want this scene to play over and over and over and……. I want this rest. Seems unattainable…… so close, yet so far. The first sentence…. walking walking …journeys….. it’s a very rough and lonely life.
Me too. So tired. But not yet.
Thank you Skip
I trust you’re not planning to jump overboard. ? ?
I was thinking the same. Just want to encourage you Skip and others that the Lord will get us through. Even though we’re stressed, and I’ve been, the Lord has given rest to my emotions in little ways. Something that I’ve struggled with about myself, questioning, the Lord sends someone to say something that acknowledges those thoughts/feelings and helps me to discern and get off the gerbil wheel. That’s rest in small ways which I will take!
not today anyway
Many in Sarasota eagerly waiting for you to teach them in April- fight the good fight.
Would love to join you again Maddie. What is the date and venue?
” No foot prints when we go, only where we have been a soft and fading glow”. Bruce Chockburn from “Dancing in the dragons jaws” 1978
“Religion is not, at the outset, a refuge of grace and mercy for,the despondent and and desperate, an enchanted stream for crushed spirits, but a raging, clamorous torrent of man’s consciousness with all its crises, pangs and torments. Turmoil and sacrifice, not comfort and placidity, are, by divine edict , the hallmarks of authentic religion.” Rabbi Soloceitchik, The Lonely Man of Faith