Easy to Spot

You wouldn’t have much trouble finding me at the Western Wall.

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Judi Baldwin

What a very special picture and memory to have of yourself. What a very special privledge to stand at the Wall and talk to the King.


Great picture! How lucky you are!

Leslee Simler

“So turn. Turn to Him and feel shalom.” How well today’s “word” aligns with this photo, Skip, which brought tears to my eyes, seeing you in the fullness of “your element”. Shalom!

Michael Stanley

Skip, great picture and a fitting metaphor. It is as if your cameras are your Tzitzit hanging from your ‘corners’. The cloth fringes were given to His people to remind of their PAST, their COVENANTS, their IDENITY and their SEPARATION from the world. Your photography fulfils similar roles as it captures images of THE PAST i.e cathedrals, icons; the COVENANTS (nature/ landscape and wildlife photography i.e butterflies and safaris ); our IDENITY (portraiture i.e. people-jew and gentile); SEPARATION (abstract/street photography i.e. buildings, staircases… geometrical shapes, shapes, shades, texture). Thank you Skip, through your lenses we indeed see spiritual things.
“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1Cor 13:12