Primal Dream (3)

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NASB

Good – Now the hard part. Obviously, Paul doesn’t say that all things work together for your good. Your good is not the issue. What God does is what matters, and, according to Paul, God uses each and every one who loves Him to accomplish His purposes. That’s what is good. In fact, even if you and I have no idea what that good really is, we are already experiencing it because we have a role to play in bringing it to fruition. That is good news! You aren’t just a cog in the spinning wheel of the world’s fate. You matter! What you think is good for you doesn’t matter, but you do. You matter to the only One who actually knows what’s happening. No one else can play the role you have been given. God is counting on you. Wow! What great news! We might not know the ultimate good, but we do know what to do next, don’t we? Do what you are called to do, and let God orchestrate the outcome.

There’s an important Greek verb here. It’s translated “work together.” The verb is synergéō.   You can see the English derivative “synergy” in this Greek root. Why is this important? Because synergy requires cooperation. This is not a verb of dictatorial mandate. God doesn’t just declare what He wants to accomplish, like He did in Genesis 1. No, Paul tells us that in this effort to bring about the good, cooperation is essential. As Heschel is fond of pointing out, God is searching for Man in order to complete the creation. In order to accomplish His purposes, God needs our cooperation. Perhaps that helps explain the apostolic use of kairos, the moment when all things fall into place and something important happens. For all those things to fall into place requires the cooperation of human beings and the created order. For example, the birth of the Messiah is called a kairos moment. It could not have happened until Mary came along, a young woman so devoted to YHVH that she was ready to bear His son despite public humiliation and personal danger. And, of course, Mary wouldn’t have been there if it weren’t for her parents, their effort to educate her about YHVH, and their parents, etc., etc. Cooperation—over and over. This is God’s way. He is the loving Father, not the cosmic dictator.

We need to take a page from Oswald Chambers on this. He suggests that when we die and are able to see the world from a celestial perspective, we will finally realize that all those tiny pinpricks of divine interruptions in our lives have been God’s engineering working out His purposes. We will see that the true perspective comes after the end, not during the progress toward the end. We will discover that our faith in God’s character is the secret to fulfillment as His cooperative instrument. The primal dream will end with a glorious revelation. “Oh, that’s why it happened!”

Topical Index: good, agathon, synergéō, works together, Romans 8:28

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Bill Blancke

Thanks again Skip.
Once again you have expressed accurately and concisely something that has annoyed me for a time. I know too many people who think this means a Hollywood ending for them and their kids. The proverbial “healthy, wealthy & wise”.

On a different note: a friend posted on FB a quote attributed to William Golding. It is a great definition of Ezer Kenegdo.
It is blunt but I liked it. Ezer & Kenegdo
“I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men. They are far superior and always have been. Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be prepared to receive a ton of sh_t!

George Kraemer

Bill, that is just too good and too funny for words except TOO TRUE!


Thanks Skip! Some days just need reassurances like this.

Rich Pease

What joy there is to be a seemingly insignificant part
of the good God imparts.
And perhaps from God’s perspective, that insignificant part
is equally significant to all the parts!

Kenny Burchard

Skip – A friend just recommended your site to me today. I’m already greatly helped.

I thought you might also enjoy some reflection that I did on this text at the ThinkTheology blog. I am advocating for what I joking call the “NIV Footnote” interpretation of this text, because I think it most meshes with the story of Scripture. Check it out if you have time…

My conclusion is that “We know that God is working together (with those who love him) in order to bring about good in all things.” We are God’s co-workers in the bringing about of good in his creation.

Peace to you, sir!

Michael Stanley

Welcome Mr. Burchard! I read and enjoyed your blog (on this topic and several more). You and your scholarly input are welcomed and valued here. If contradiction, contravention and controversy stimulate you and don’t intimidate you then you will enjoy this community all the more. Looking forward to yet another point of view. As Skip often points out …“If two people agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary” (attributed to Winston Churchill). So bring us your best offerings…burnt, whole, peace(ful) or otherwise.

Kenny Burchard

Thanks Michael. I enjoy the thoughtful interaction! I’m always looking for more. I really like the Churchill attribution! You have helped me to understand my 25-year-long marriage perfectly.


Thank you offering alternative views and research sites. Welcome and enjoy the slow walk to redemption.

Michael Stanley

Upon hearing good news an Orthodox Jew prays:
Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam hatov v’ha’meitiv.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who is good and causes good.

I am reminded of Yeshua’s remark to the rich young ruler who addressed him as “Good Rabbi” to which he replied: “Why are you calling me good? No one is good except God!” Mark 10:18
Our good is only relative it seems. The true good is in His doing and being. Yet as we “image” Him we can be counted as doing good and even rewarded for it. But He who judges men’s hearts and their motives is the one to whom we must direct both our intentions and hope of reward, otherwise it is neither good, nor God. Often I get my good deeds only half right. My intentions may be good, but I also want to be seen as good and therefore I lose my reward and my good… I am glad I don’t lose God in the process. Yes, He is good and does good…even when we don’t or do it half way.