The REAL News about South Africa

Political correctness masks the truth.  As you know, I have many friends in South Africa and have been there many times to teach and enjoy their fellowship.  Western media systematically removes the fact that South Africa is experiencing a wave of racially motivated violence that exceeds the previous apartheid.  Why don’t they report this?  Because this time the Black leaders are perpetrating the violence.   That doesn’t fit the West’s agenda of the “rainbow nation.”  Of course, not all Blacks are involved, but the scary thing is that Black politicians and influencers are suggesting genocide.  Since I am not politically correct (you probably guessed that), here is a link to an independent journalist who is reporting the real news.

Our community needs to pray for our fellow believers in South Africa.  They need divine intervention and protection in a world that is falling apart.


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Skip and all thank you for your prayers.

The truth is we are all part of God’s creation and He will keep His creation as He intends. These radical elements can not suppress His works and progress. They can unfortunately turn those redeemed back to the unjust of the past cultures as you have clearly pointed out.

May I ask that we add in Prayer that the right attitude be born in all of us, the believers,, to serve God in truth and humbleness as we all have eaten of the fruit of knowledge and our views are hindering God’s progress… Not the radical elements we have brought to life through our own unjust attitudes towards others. And this is throughout the world not only in my birth land…

Kees Brakshoofden

(Link removed)

Sorry, Kees, you have to find another way to share offsite links. Maybe just post the title which can be searched.

Thank you!

Kees Brakshoofden

Since the change in power more than 3500 whites have been killed simply because they are white boers / farmers…… Only yesterday Theresa May warned South Africa that the US and EU have agreed to put sanctions on SA if they proceed with the law to take farms without compensation. That’s about 20 years and 3500 victims late….



Thanks so much for opening this door of discussion. I’ve been following this for a while now. For the record, Katie Hopkins arrived in South Africa after Lauren Southern—a 22 year old Canadian, formerly of Rebel Media, now on her own. She has been releasing part of a forthcoming documentary (“Farmlands”) on YouTube. Here are a few vlogs:

Land or Death: Mandela’s Failed Rainbow Nation:
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=k8-G9hMY-qk

South African Wives are Living in Constant Fear:
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=IMOmQJCtTek

Inside South Africa’s White Displacement Camps:
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=Jq0GReiZyKc

Why The Media Hates Talking about South Africa:
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=3c1eBNKmWls

Seeker, I would love to have your input.


There is a medical mental condition that makes some people aggressive as soon as they feel threatened. This conditions is genetic transferable and can be the reason why we have these violent tendencies. I had a run in with some of these individuals and the first few times I was defensive and on attack. I changed my response when I understood their condition and now we communicate on mutual and understandable levels.

Individuals from all nations and races suffer from this condition unfortunately it is more common amongst central African tribes…

Fighting the symptoms does not solve the cause.

The land issue is a misunderstanding as well as in war all is fair game. Think of all the countries claimed by the dominant forefathers. Today this history is being used to misdirect the followers that believe the leaders as the leaders before mislead them… Hitler, Napoleon and other ancient leaders all did exactly this and many wars were fought and innocent people died for this false cause.

Can you blame illiterate individuals for following strong leaders? The way to reform is to address the cause not the symptoms. People believing misleading claims that the whites are the reason for them not possessing anything because they took away their lands is what this is all about.

Afrikaners or Boers are being blamed when the British settlers of the 1800 caused more problems than the trading and farming boers. This political game has been going on since 1808 when the boers protected their land and slaves (Africans) from the invading British troops.

Again the symptoms are being addressed not the cause.

Will it be resolved. Yes, how? When we let God do the work and we step aside as fighting causes is just creating greater divide.

Pray for our inabilities to understand God’s intent rather than to empower us to resolve issues that not even Solomon with his wisdom and David with God’s anointment could resolve in their ages… So let God remain in control. Then His creation will resolve the creational problems. Not one race or age of the human race…

If this may help you understand in context and how I am personally dealing with my daily realities as God permits me to grow towards His will.



Thanks for your response. I’m woefully uneducated on both the history and current state of SA, so I look to you for info. I’d read that the Boers settled unoccupied land (they didn’t ‘take’ it from any inhabitants) in the southern tip of SA in the 1400s (if I recall the timeframe correctly) and began farming, and many families have occupied these same lands for generations since that time. I’d also read that the current tribe of Africans in power and residing in the remainder of SA took that land, by bloody conquest, from a previous tribe. Is this true? If so, then this new tribe wants to encroach from a land that was not theirs to begin with, and they want to ‘expropriate’ the southern tip which was never previously inhabited by any African tribe. In other words, it’s not as though someone can find a deed proving that this land on the southern tip belongs to them and not the Boers. Is this also true?

Thanks for helping me understand how the Boers are the scapegoats for the British colonizing of the early 1800s.


Your history is true as far as I know, Craig.
We have 15 plus different tribal cultures currently in SA of which 4 till this day apply the same ritual upbringing of their children through force. Of the 15 cultures 11 have been recognized as part of South Africa which is wrong as the original tribe that lives the longest in the southern part of Africa are to this day not recognized as the only true Southern Africans. I am a third generation to Africa since 1923. So no I cannot claim to know all I just know misinformation is just as bad as no information.

Thomas Elsinger

No doubt there is violence in South Africa. However, when I looked into Katie Hopkins’ eyes as she was narrating this piece, I did not see the empathy I would have expected from an independent journalist. Did anybody else pick up on this? I have since learned more about Katie Hopkins, and it appears she is known for her divisive statements and enticements to hatred. If we readers are a people in pursuit of peace–and peacemaking–can’t we find more credible sources for our information?


And it’s not just the murders; it’s the rapes, tortures, beatings, threats, etc.


Please this is not only against whites this is against own and other tribes as well. I would rather suggest Skip closes this complete discussion from public view. Again misinformation is very harmful to us still staying in SA. 4000 murders versus 250 000 violent related deaths is not worth using as propaganda.
Can I plead let’s pray for God’s guidance to create the correct attitude of the worlds inhabitants, yes begin in Africa if needed, but these violent outbursts have even been found in historical biblical records. From Job to Moses through till David as well as how the apostles were killed. So the biggest demonic ruler in human nature seems to be violence let’s pray for deliverance from this evil and the rest will resolve its self. No race or culture is right we are just temporary inhabitants let our input create a difference. The spirit we prefer to manifest is determined by the way we live, may this spirit be Christ in all people.

Linda Ann Lemieux

Dear Skip,
Thank you so much for bringing up this topic and allowing it to be shared here in the context of how we as Christian believers respond both in feelings and in actions. For some of us, prayer is the only action we can take but it is powerful! I ache for this country and the continuing violence of its people. having spent some time there about 15 years ago, I saw firsthand the violence overflowing from Zimbabwe, the white farmer refugees from there, the horror stories such as we see from other countries, the fear generated by Nelson Mandela’s reign and continuing rulers, the ruination of the white legacy, the destruction of the tribes…it is endless…. and not solvable outside of a sovereign move of our God to change people’s hearts from the inside out.


I sometimes think we should just let the propaganda die a silent death. When we share the information we indirectly further the devils deceiving ways amongst humans…

Not everything we read, hear or discover is meant to be shared with others. For this reason the reminder that we need to put a guard before our mouth.

Baruch Ruby

Skip I for one don’t think this is the place to share this information the reason being is because I believe it does more harm than good it inoculates a Dsensitizes us from the truth as well as our responsibility to act according to what spirit within us would move us it’s simply more information about another topic about another place in the world of which many of us will never go or even look at again if we’re not doing anything before we read this article or became aware of it we’re not gonna do anything afterwards I know that’s a broad brush stroke but I believe it’s accurate we are inundated with so much information that we have become desensitized I agree with you about not being politically correct End it sounds as though you have a real heart for South Africa did we bother to make people aware of apartheid when it was happening did we share with emails and letters in conversations ? I have more questions than answers . Please excuse the errors as I have dictated this as I cannot type



From what I understand, Hopkins has been on the front lines of controversial issues for a while because the mainstream media (MSM) had been silent on these matters. Rather than have a civil discussion with Hopkins, the MSM has done a smear campaign against her, unfairly attacking the messenger rather than honestly addressing the issues she’d put forth. Of course, I cannot know her heart, but could it be either (1) this lack of empathy you see is actually her outrage that she felt that she had to go to SA–at great personal risk–to try to get this story out; or (2) she is attempting to just ‘present the news’ in a non-emotionally-charged manner?

The same thing has happened to Tommy Robinson, who has spoken out against radical Islam in the UK and has been labelled a “racist” in response–never mind that Islam is a religion (a theocratic one, with political overtones) rather than a ‘race’.

Suzanne Bennett

It’s very dangerous to presume we can read someone’s heart or intent by what we think we perceive in their eyes. I have watched Katie Hopkin’s reports for many years–she is intensely concerned with getting the truth out when the vast media machine actively opposes those efforts. What is happening now in South Africa is abominable. The media at large is silent about it because the actions of the ANC don’t fit their progressive narrative. A journalist’s first priority should be honesty but in recent years we’ve had a plethora of journalists who do “empathy” quite well while their mouths spout lies. Katie Hopkins is among the dying breed of honest journalists.

Tom R.

Skip, since you have brought this travesty to our attention, I have done a lot of research today on this subject, and I am appalled at what is happening to the Whites in SA, just because they are white. They will probably all be massacred within five years if drastic measures are not taken NOW. I found much information from Lauren Southern, a brave, intelligent, passionate journalist who has been there to the white squalor camps, and she is putting together a documentary to make very public the attrocities that are happening. She has a website and a Facebook page, and I recommend anyone interested look her up. Watch her interview with philosopher Stefan Molyneux (58 minutes). There are also many Youtube videos from various sources exposing the outrageous developments there in SA. We need to HELP these poor folks, not just talk about it and pray about it. “Faith without works is dead faith”. I have a couple of ideas…
1. “Adopt” a family, bring them to America, pay their way if necessary, Support them while they seek employment so that they can transition and start supporting themselves with dignity.
2. If you own some land, build small temporary housing (or mobile homes) for them to stay in when they get here, till they can get on their feet. My brother has about 200 acres, and I spoke with him about this idea this morning. He is not a Believer, but he is indicating passion for these people. We’ll see…
Do you think this kind of thing can be done?
Thank you for notifying us of this situation. Now, let’s get to work.

Baruch Ruby

The most dangerous place for white children black children yellow children is not south Africa China Korea or America it’s the womb and it’s happened on our watch let’s not go to our neighbors yard and start cleaning up his garbage till we start taking care of our own

Tom R.

Baruch, there are already legions of people fighting against the abortion debacle, including myself, but not many are aware of the SA white genocide horror. We can fight more than one battle at a time. Or at least try?

Laurita Hayes

Perhaps this is not as much a worth-by-pigmentation question so much as it is about systemic eradication of the last stronghold of Biblical Protestantism in SA while using race as a subterfuge? This is what I am hearing from people I know who are from that area, anyway.

The original Boers were looking for a place free of religious persecution, so they searched for an empty spot on the planet. Not that they were perfect (nor have we been) but things are not always what they seem on the surface, either. The entire continent of Africa, almost, is attacking wholescale anybody who is trying to follow the Bible. That includes a whole lot of black-on-black, too. And nobody is intervening.

Don’t think we aren’t next. We need to be praying for our brothers and sisters “as one in bonds with them”, for that may eventually be the case, at the rate this is going. Let’s not get distracted by pigmentation: this is hatred from the pit of hell. And, yes, all suffering is our suffering. That is what a Body is; which is our calling. I think Skip is providing practice for us.


Lauren Southern just released her official documentary on South Africa: youtube dot com/watch?v=a_bDc7FfItk

Her goal was to provide historical context for what is going on today.


Thanks Craig. I just watched it. It certainly doesn’t look promising for the Afrikaners. Maybe Trump will grant them all visas and preferred immigration status. If you can’t beat them join them. When Islam completely overtakes Europe and Sharia law is strictly enforced there may yet be another WAS (minus the P) wave to our shores.


There should be worldwide condemnation for the (in)actions of the South African government. Where’s the outrage?

I like how you phrased “when Islam completely overtakes Europe…”, as opposed to if. It seems a question of time. White Europeans are not procreating at replacement rates. And with the recent vote in favor of, and resulting celebration of, the new right to murder unborn Children in Ireland (and where’s the Pontiff’s opposition in response, given that Ireland is supposedly largely a Catholic country?), it may well decline further in that country (birthrate is currently 1.9–.2 less than replacement). But, by that time, what will be of the US?

Yes, I hope Trump will welcome the Afrikaners.


Thank you for considering us at the Southern tip of Afrika. There has been changes since this research. Our current president has a different approach and does not support his predessors approach…


Partially true… Draw nearer in prayer that population growth is better controlled and work opportunities are easier attainable with sufficient remuneration to overcome the poverty in a growing persentage of people under 25 and older than 45… This affects all races and genders…


Shalom! I’m a South African. I wish your statement was true but it is not.