Gasping for Control

“but only a few things are necessary, really only one; for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 NASB 1977

Only one – Martha will forever be remembered as the one who missed the point.   Mary chose to hear the teaching of Jesus. Martha concerned herself with being a good hostess. Luke’s gospel says that Yeshua corrected her. We read these words and congratulate ourselves that we are like Mary. We know what is most important. We acknowledge that the words of Yeshua are God’s words about life. Of course learning from Yeshua is more important than setting the table. Who could ever think otherwise?

But there are several tiny secrets hidden in this story that reveal another direction to Yeshua’s thought. It’s all in the verbs.

The story begins in Luke 10:38. The first thing we notice is that it is Martha who initiates the encounter. She asks Yeshua to come to her home. The verb is hupodechomai. It is often translated “receive” or “invite” or “welcome” but these translations cause us to miss something.

My wife is Sicilian. Her mother is Sicilian. Her father is Sicilian. From the moment you enter the home of my in-laws, you know you are welcomed. There are hugs and kisses and affection. They are glad to see you and they are not afraid to show it. Forget the limp handshakes and the innocuous “How have you been?” questions. If you aren’t Italian (we can’t all be that lucky), then go see My Big Fat Greek Wedding. You’ll get the idea. It’s family time. You are important.

Martha’s action is the same expression of openhearted acceptance. The verb combines the thought of eager acceptance and underlying support. Martha said, “I can’t wait to have you come to my house. You are so important to me. Please honor me with your presence.” She opened her arms and her heart. How could Yeshua refuse? Martha’s excitement and enthusiasm set the stage.

Then we see another picture. The second verb describes Mary’s action. It is parakathezomai, a word that means “to sit beside someone.” Luke says that Mary sat down near the feet of Yeshua. Mary is not bustling with excitement over the arrival of a special guest. Mary chooses a different expression of welcome – being in the presence of a teacher. Mary’s posture is the posture of the pupil. And, as we shall soon see, a bit more.

Sometimes when we visit my in-laws, their home is crowded with people. There are often many extra place settings at the table. After dinner if we sit together and talk, more likely than not there is not enough space on the sofa. So I like to sit on the floor, right next to my wife so that I feel her feet and legs. It is comforting. It says, “I love you and don’t want to be away from your presence, even if it means a less comfortable spot.” It’s nice to feel so close to her.

Mary chose closeness over welcoming hugs. That left Martha with the preparation tasks, and that’s the focus of this story.

Our third verb is translated “distracted.” It is periespato. It paints an interesting picture. It is all about breathing. The root word, spao, is the word “to pull, to draw out” and “to breathe.” But when we add the prefix peri we get the sense of being pulled or drawn out in all different directions at the same time. It is trying to breathe in and out all at once. Do you know what happens when you do that? You choke. Breathing is all about rhythm and flow. Periespato is about choking and gasping. The natural flow is disturbed.

One of my friends is Dr. Ben Lerner, author of the best-selling book, Body By God. Ben makes an interesting observation about life. If you do not schedule your time, you will find that you have no time to schedule. It’s a matter of priorities. Ben tries to help us see that if we want a deeper spiritual encounter with Yeshua, we have to make appointments with him. If we want a healthier body, we have to schedule exercise. If we want better relationships with the ones we love, we have to plan time with them. The pressures of this world, the pace of this life and the constant confusing bombardment of unimportant but necessary demands will drain away all of your time unless you have unbreakable commitments to a schedule. It is the double yellow line theory of living. Paint double yellow lines around those things that really matter. Then DO NOT CROSS over them. They are sacred times, set aside for special purposes.

We all agree with Yeshua. Mary made the right choice. But I suspect that we all live much more like Martha.

I know I should spend time in the morning reading my Bible and listening to God, but. . .

I want to pray more, but. . .

I know I need to spend time with the ones who are suffering, but. . .

I wish I could take a few minutes to meditate on His word, but. . .

I really want to get together with friends, but. . .

I need to attend the weekly small group study, but. . .

The “but” list is long.

But: The kids have practice.

The car needs gas.

The laundry isn’t done.

The conference call was long.

The hairdresser took forever.

The reports had to be done again.

The refrigerator was empty.

The dog got sick.

The bills were due.

The gym was crowded.

You can easily add more to the “but” list. Martha is trying. Lord knows she is trying. She is trying to keep all the balls in the air at the same time. She is trying to meet all of the expectations at once. She is trying to breathe in and out at the same time. She is trying to be the First Century Super Mom.

Martha knew what was needed to make her guest feel at home. She poured herself into the tasks with one goal in mind – to please Yeshua.   She was the one who welcomed the Lord. Now she wanted everything to be “just perfect.” But something happened in her zeal to make everything right. She stopped breathing the flow of the circumstances. She tried to control things. And that led to trying to control other people.

It never works, does it?

Topical Index: hupodechomai, welcome, parakathezomai, sit alongside, periespato, gasping, control, Luke 10:42




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Rich Pease

“Live and let live” may not be scriptural but it fully supports
“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity
under heaven.”
Way back in my ad days there was a saying that when the client
asked “What time is it?”, the proper response was “What time would
you like it to be?”
Didn’t Eve feel a need to re-arrange things, too?

Laurita Hayes

Nature is all about balance: homeostasis. But that is more how the East thinks than the West, I have decided. We seem to like black and white better. (But they have their unique set of blindness, too.)

Balance is about integration of complexity. All nature does this, but because (I have suspected) we don’t want to get along, we invent ways to circumvent the process in the never-ending quest for Something For Nothing. It is certain that we all do fall for the temptation to seek control in the places we should be seeking connection. I think we seek control because we all start out wanting to “be like the Most High”, but balance is about relinquishing all control in lieu of trusting the process. All sin is some breach of trust in the love and purposes of the God that holds that balance, of course. Sanctification is about repenting for lack of trust and giving control back over to God.

I think the Greeks were bold enough to honestly admit the religion of the Self that we all suffer from in varying degrees; it is certain they did not invent it. We all slip into it according to the temptations of all our unique and various natures. Only redemption of each and every part of our natures; actual transformation (which is the process of sanctification) can keep our intentions pure and our motivations lined up with love. Only a sanctified nature itself can stay out of the temptation to ‘control’ the places that still lack that vital connection that only that trust in love can provide.

Y’all, the following is only because I am a woman and because of my experience as one. My private speculations only.

Martha, like many people who are natured to serve, most likely had never had an opportunity to realize that all tendencies that have not been sanctified can be used by the dark kingdom for its purposes; even the best of them. This occasion surely gave her a chance to see and repent.

Mary, on the other hand, because she had already had a crisis of her nature – had reached the end of herself and so therefore had had an opportunity to repent and be transformed – was much safer from those temptations. If before she had been afflicted with the devils of sexual lust, and had therefore been a sitting duck for the men around her to take advantage of, now that she had been delivered she was free to merely sit (unafraid of herself or Him) at the feet of the best Man, and free to learn from Him instead of trying to seduce Him.

Martha, knowing her sister of the past, could possibly have been triggering on that and perhaps her reaction was , at least in part, being driven by the panic of thinking her sister was reverting. (I know if I were Mary’s sister, knowing her past, I would have been alarmed to walk in on that scene!) Perhaps it was more than just what it seems. What is clear is that the answer Yeshua gave her could be taken as an assurance that her sister was, indeed, free of her past motivations and pure in her true nature, which He brought out in her, as we can see He did in all who let Him. His response, likewise, would have been the correct one to point out to Martha exactly what she needed to know to be able to repent for her white knuckle self righteousness and so be able to have her nature sanctified, too. I have noticed that she, along with her sister, was doing the correct actions on Crucifixion weekend – with the correct motivations – and she got commended for it, too.


Hi Laurita Control is building a dam to keep the water just where you want it…..Christ is meant to flow where the Father decides the water should go….Into the crevices, under the stone between the feet & soaking the socks in washing & refreshing or not : so we are so dry we cry for the rain or are miserably wet. Let it flow… and I am scared of water loose and free to shape the landscape of me. Oh damn, the dam builder in me. FJ

Laurita Hayes

Divine humor has to be the best, F J!

pam wingo

Was reading utmost for his highest April 30th. It sure hit home on the Martha, Mary story. Mary’s love was spontaneous. Poor Martha was more into working for that love and wanting credit. We all want people too see our love for Yahoshua and it can become quite contrived and more for ourselves .The old “look at me everyone syndrome” who loves more. Notice children are so spontaneous in their love.We sure lose it when we get older and think were so knowledge filled. ABBA PLEASE HELP US TO BE MORE CHILD LIKE IN THIS AREA??


Jesus said that he “didn’t some to be served, but to serve…” I think, Martha tried to be everything for everybody all at once, and Mary was just being Mary and let Jesus be Jesus:)


This has me thinking of relationships in a broader way. Three aspects that have come to mind seem progressive and interdependent. The ability to welcome someone open heatedly and to include them in our celebration of life is beautiful. Martha does this and I don’t know of her but I can say of my own life there have been elements of celebrating; who is with me. A deeper place in drawing close is; who am I with. Which appears part of what Yeshua was speaking of in Mary’s choice. The latter brings the opportunity to go beyond what I may have determined could and should happen. I think into an even deeper place and a question of potential. Who are we together and what is Fathers will for us in this moment and time. Would these be the foundation for believing? One who is able to enter into all three and capable of seeing this potential through the haze of life’s circumstances and presenting conditions and creating opportunity for others to join in;joyfully and gratefully.

Paul spoke of this in his desire to know Yeshua which apply to us knowing each other as well.

This challenges my old paradigms and definition of a believer.


Wow -those double yellow lines!! I need more of them. This TW really came directly from the throne room for me today. Thanks Skip. It is when I do as Mary did- just sit at His feet, quiet, waiting for that special silence to arrive in which not an atom moves, and it seems like the whole universe is silent . It is actually deeper than silence it is stillness. That is when His Shalom covers me like a veil. The voices of the world are not to be heard in His presence. I need the double yellow lines, the appointments. I have been crossing double yellow lines lately. Thanks for the reminder –
Quoting Rabbi Judah Hungerman:
“There is the All and the nothing. God is the All everything else is the nothing- Seek the All.”