Being Perfect
Let the lying lips be mute, which speak arrogantly against the righteous with pride and contempt. Psalm 31:18 NASB
Arrogant– Some years ago (quite some years ago) I received a card from a dear friend. On the outside it read: “I used to be conceited, but I got over that.” On the inside: “Now I’m perfect.”
Arrogance is the self-congratulatory declaration of perfection. It is the epitome of personal egotism, the stance that assumes superiority over others. In the Bible, arrogance is associated with wickedness and unrighteous behavior. The Hebrew word, ‘ātāq, is used to describe grievous self-adulation. In essence, arrogance assumes that I am the ruler of my own domain and that Godserves me at my pleasure (even if I don’t actually say such a thing). Therefore, in David’s world, those who speak insolent words (doberot ‘ātāq) to God’s people (the righteous) insult God at the same time. Their lives are filled with gaʾăwâ (pride) and bûz (contempt).
Perhaps we should ask why, given the obvious failures of human beings, anyone would fall prey to ‘ātāq. I suppose those of the Augustinian camp would reply that this is simply the result of the Fall. Man’s very nature was corrupted in Adam’s sin. Nothing good can be expected from the morally depraved. I find this explanation unsatisfying. Theologically it provides excuse rather than explanation. Philosophically it depends on a Platonic dualism that I don’t find in the Bible. But most importantly, it overlooks the reality of human emotion. Arrogance seems to be a defense mechanism. It is a response to fear. The reason that I assert my superiority over others to the point of disregard for my fellowman is because I am afraid that I don’t measure up. My arrogance is the inverse of my worthlessness. The more I feel not good enough, the more I proclaim my inherent superiority. But pry back the shield of arrogance and I am pretty sure you will find a frightened human being, too scared to admit that he or she is filled with the guilt of unworthiness.
Brené Brown has a lot to say about the destructive characteristics of attempting perfection. In her view, those who embrace the idea that they must be perfect have but one possible outcome—failure. No one is perfect. Yes, I know. You are quick to point out that Yeshua was “perfect.” But does the text really say that? Or does it say that he didn’t sin (something we take to mean “perfect”). Perhaps we’ve bought the Greek ideal far too easily. Arrogance is a perfection protection mechanism. David considers the resulting posture worthy of punishment. If David is right, we might draw the conclusion that the righteous exhibit humility and ego deflation. Being perfect isn’t in their vocabulary.
Is it still in yours?
Topical Index: arrogance, perfection, Psalm 31:18
If pride is the rock our shame hides itself under, then arrogant people are most likely hiding from themselves. (Um, that would be 100% of us who are still packing that bag of rocks we got handed when an enemy swiped our identity and palmed us that shame pig in a poke.) If shame is about a lack of identity corresponding to our lack of connections, then pride is surely about trying to hide that shame by supplying a false identity – a false front that claims it is connected – loved – already, when in fact it is not. Pride says “I don’t need you, but that is because of YOUR failure to connect with me”. Pride is essentially judgment on all those it is not actually connecting to. Pride says “it is your fault that we do not get along”. How many times, when we are around an arrogant person, do we accept that accusation BECAUSE it gives us an ‘out’ – a ‘reason’ or ‘way’ (excuse) to not have to seek connection (love) with that awful stuck up person!
I think victims of other people’s pride catch their bad infection and go into pride themselves in a tacit agreement to not have to connect back. In doing so, they both end up sharing the shame of the lack of love; either by the posture of “I am too good for the likes of you” or the victim’s agreement – which is also a position of pride – that they are too BAD for the likes of the other person. A righteous person, on the other hand, carries the good infection of humility with which they pop both balloons by quietly demonstrating the true humus – dirt – we are all equally composed of. That humility can come as both a breath of fresh air to the real person trapped under that rock of pride (a savor of life unto life) and as the smell of exposure/extinction (savor of death unto death) to the false persona a proud person operates under.
I think a truly humble person can come across as a successfully arrogant person because they are succeeding at what the arrogant (or shame-based) person is trying to pull off; namely the fact that, through humility (which is a simple agreement with reality) they actually ARE connecting with others, and so don’t have to pretend, but they also, through humility, have succeeded in opting out of the false identity charade everybody else is having to participate in. When you have the real goods, you don’t have to flaunt it.
I think this could be why truly humble people seem to be the favorite targets of attack by both shame-based and arrogant folks alike, because the humble person says “from my position, I can see clearly who you really are as a human; and, because I can see you, I can connect with you right where you are”. This is anathema to the person who has invested their life savings in the fig leaves of false identity. It can be terrifying to realize that someone else can see you when you have successfully hidden yourself from yourself! Or, it can be a relief. Either way, humility turns on the lights that the arrogance of shame managed to switch off.
It seems that around the force field of righteousness it is always choice time, for the choices of life and death are clearly seen – and tasted too – in that salt and that light. May we all commit ourselves to this commission – this call to the humility of Christ – which is the only hope the world has of seeing its true choices, is my prayer..
This is very helpful, Laurita. Thanks for sharing the fruit of your experience. We comfort one another with the same comfort that we are comforted with!
It may not be in my vocabulary, but I live like it is. Only tends toward depression. Like Solomon saying “vanity, vanity, all is vanity”. I think included in depression can be a sense of arrogance. Maybe I’m depressed because I can’t achieve perfection ! What does that say to me ! Just being honest here !
Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection, might be useful.
Her name is Brené Brown
Yes, it is. AUTOcorrect makes another mistake.
Funny you would say that because just yesterday I pulled out my books by Brene Brown. Because of life’s circumstances I think I need a refresher. Thanks
Even the brightest star pales in comparison to its Creator.
Standing in His presence can bring any man to his knees.
But if one has no clue about the Master of it all, their blind
insecurity so easily prompts them to jump on center stage.
Little do they know how perfectly obvious their absolutely
fearful personas are!
I constantly hear people say they are perfect,.. “in God’s eyes”. And while I know what is meant, I’m still not sure how comfortable we should be with a giant gap between our actions and YHWH’s standards. Jeremiah 6:14 is probably a better example of this kind of “entitlement theology”:
“They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially,
Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’
But there is no peace.”
I may be way off, but but the ‘sinner saved by grace’ message can easily be twisted into the kind of Platonic dualism referred to above.
“entitlement theology” – WOW. great phrase. Can I use it?
A nice article on entitlement I read on christiancentury org blogs archive 2010-11 entitlement-trap
Thanks for the suggestion, I read the article. Although, I was thinking down different lines. The New Legalism in Christianity is the way substitutionary atonement is commonly taught.
Listen to someone break down and describe how they think we open ourselves to receiving grace, how God is ‘able’ to give us grace, and the thin line between ‘striving’ and ‘earning’ – and you will find echoes of Talmudic discussions. There is an entire Christian Talmud built up around explaining the legal transaction of grace.
“Christian Talmud” – love it. I am reading a book now (that I will mention in TW later) that spends an enormous amount of time trying to parse the difference between living the Christian life of the Messiah but not the Mosaic law. It is, as you say, a new Talmud with all the markings of theological gymnastics to make sure we don’t slip back into Judaism. Quite an exercise in equivocation.
That’s exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about. I can be very inarticulate, so it’s nice to be understood. Thanks, you made my week.
I’d love it.
Thank you for the response. Gabe.
I misread your first post and understand more clearly after your response.
Sorry I do not have the same christian view as other people seem to have.
Yeshua revealed the path we need to follow to become sons and daughters of God. To be reborn through this spirit or teaching of Godly truths.
Which for me is the truth setting us free from all Talmuds as they have covered our minds as all bylaws do. They all keep us focussing on and addressing the petty issues instead of understanding and focussing on the greater picture.
It is good to listen to others views. But is a sad day when we settle for others sincere but restrictive insights.
I for one am humbled by Gods greatness when I hear both Jews and Christians testify how the spirit guided their actions…
I am disappointed whenever I get reminded that Yeshau is the name to be saved through. When in fact it is the process he taught and not his identity that he said is what saves…
For it is after applying his teachings that the rebirth happens. When our mindset is opened so that the true will of God can be inscribed on our minds…
Ye. A lot of people tell me I believe in a mystical God by accepting the new covenant or fullness of Christ can only become a reality when God starts personally directing our thoughts and actions. Until then we are all still busy with our dialogue as was Job…
I am still studying to one day be found suitable to be reborn. Until then I will still continue dying a thousand deaths everyday… Until this earthly vessel can manifest its heavenly purpose… When I can shew myself approved by dividing and understanding the word of thruth.
I witness wonders and miracles but that does not say I am reborn it just confirms that God is active and closely involved with our realm even though we often doubt this possibility because we seek tangible rewards when everything tangible has no permanent value including our beings as creatures with an intellectual ability.
As Skip says… we only become humans when our birth from above is made a reality. Not because we believe and worship or adhere to religious views…
Just my 2 cents thoughts.
Thanks Seeker, I think we’re both looking to live out that daily walk with some humility and hope.
Brené Brown. You mentioned her before in one of your posts. I thought I would do a little more research on what she’s promoting. Please don’t be offended by my comments but I really can’t stand psychobabble.
You, Skip, have something to say. You are worth listening to. Your ‘Guardian Angel’ work is one of the best teachings on one of the most important subjects affecting our lives if not THE most important issue, our relationships, male and female/husband and wife. (Regardless of what Ms. Brown is endorsing.) Actually there is no one else I know of who has explained what you have. So needed. I still haven’t bought your book but I will! And I promote it whenever I can (as well as your other talks).
I listened to a ‘sermon’ Ms. Brown gave at a cathedral today. It ruined my day. Sermon? Far from it. Who is pumping her??? I had tried listening to her before but stopped. Got turned off. Now I know why. I checked her fb page after listening to her so-called sermon and commented. I could be banned! It was about dehumanization. What is she really trying to say with a term like that along with her other comments? What’s her agenda? Where does she stand on killing babies before birth? She attended the Soros March in Washington DC. I wonder if she wore one of those disgusting pink hats. She has posts about gun ownership and reform. Why? That’s my question. She has a post supporting the vaccine patent company called the CDC (the Nazi criminals set up the shop in 1948). Right then and there I saw the biggest red flag.
After that I typed in ‘Is she a shill?’ Her husband is a pediatrician which could explain the CDC post. She loves the word ‘b..llsh..t’ and uses it quite often. Is that why, in the sermon, she said she was told to watch her language. That doesn’t bother me and can be quite useful in light of all the lies we are being accosted by but slyly trying to influence unsuspecting people with these types of ideas and posts makes me very angry. Ok. You probably think I am being judgmental but I would say there are enough ‘red flags’ to write her off with. We can’t be naive as to what is going on or keep our heads in the sand any longer. Too many lives ruined and lost. Just because someone claims to know God doesn’t mean anything. Think Billy Graham. Pat Robertson. Joel Osteen. Etc etc. Dr. George Simon has a book titled ‘In Sheep’s Clothing’. Hmmmm…….. Brain damage is real and it has nothing to do with brain chemistry. She was born in 1965. Affected too no doubt. Poor eyesight is caused by something in 97 percent of cases. Is she another person with the mind of a psychopath or on the psychopathy spectrum? I can only wonder because it’s very common if not the norm. Thanks to the CDC.
Btw, do your OWN research as I say regarding all the issues. Question everything. Confusion is their tool.