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Jerry and Lisa

Awesome! The sheer beauty of geological artistry, hey?

It’s probably too far or too late in your NYS visit, but another two hours west of there is Letchworth State Park and what I believe I remember from my college days at NYS Univ. at Geneseo when going to the park is what is called “The Little Grand Canyon”. It really is GORGE-OUS! The Genesee River runs through it.

Jerry and Lisa

Very good! So glad you’ve gotten to enjoy that blessed part of the world. I feel a bit more connected to you now, too, because now you’ve got a bit more of Upstate New York in your blood. : )

Larry Reed

Beautiful! Thank you!

Evelyn Browning

seems I’m still having problems. What is the mailing address for donations. I don’t use PayPal. Blessings, Evelyn

Evelyn Browning

I was excited to have received this post. I haven’t received a Today’s Word since June 26. I have missed so much.

Evelyn Browning

My apology—I have not learned to use this Notebook given to me by my daughter-in-law. I do have all the missing lessons. Now I have so much to look forward to reading. Thank you for sharing what you learn from your walk with God. Evelyn