Gathered to His Kin

I am forgotten as a dead man, out of mind; I am like a broken vessel.  Psalm 31:12  NASB

Forgotten– The screenwriters of the movieTroy brilliantly captured the great Greek question mark of life.  In a conversation between Achilles and his mother, she describes Greek angst perfectly.  Listen:

What is the worst thing that can befall a man?  Careful!  Don’t be so quick to respond with the typical Western religious answer: he could go to Hell. In the ancient world of the Bible, the worst thing that can happen to anyone is to be forgotten—to never amount to anything so that your name is lost forever.  Look how much effort even God puts into rules about continuing the name of a person, even to the point of providing sperm donors.  Notice God’s reaction to Cain’s fratricide.  “The bloods of your brother cry out,” that is, all those who were supposed to be born from Abel and carry on his name have now been erased.  It’s genocide, not simply murder.  When David exclaims that he is like a man forgotten, he says a lot more than just someone disregarded.  As far as he is concerned, the dead offer no praise.  They are blotted out from the book, lost forever in the sands of time.

The Hebrew term is šākaḥ. TWOT notes that this verb is used thirty-three times in the psalms, often “it appears in the form of a lament, ‘How long will you forget me?’ (Ps 13:1, [H 2]); ‘Why have you forgotten me?’ (Ps 42:9, [H 10]); ‘Why do you hide your face and forget our affliction?’ (Ps 44:24, [H 25]); ‘Why do you forget us forever?’ (Lam 5:20).”[1]  Hamilton goes on to write: “Forgetting is not simply a psychological act of having a thought pass from one’s consciousness, a temporary or permanent lapse of memory.”[2]  In other words, when the verb is used of human beings, it is often tantamount to idolatry.  Now we can appreciate the seriousness of David’s jeremiad.  It’s not simply a Greek complaint that he will be put out of mind.  That does happen to men.  David is mortified that his name will vanish and, consequently, no one will know his faithfulness to YHVH.  The Greek worried about legacy in the human arena.  David worries about legacy in God’s creation.

Whose fault is that?  Whose fault is it that David’s name could disappear?  The implied answer might be uncomfortable. It’s God’s fault.  David readily admits that the consequences of his iniquities have resulted in bodily and psychological harm.  But he admits his guilt.  He doesn’t attempt excuses.  And since he has demonstrated repentance, why does he continue to feel like a dead man and be treated as one?  Why doesn’t God relieve these unjust conditions?  David is left, empty and broken.  Now where is God?

The rabbis have an unusual, and uncomfortable, answer:  “It was G-d’s desire to create a world of Divine silence, in which, through our efforts, we can uncover G-d’s concealed voice.”[3]  David’s work has begun.  So has ours.

Topical Index:  name, dead, forgotten, šākaḥ, Psalm 31:12

[1]Hamilton, V. P. (1999). 2383 שָׁכַח. In R. L. Harris, G. L. Archer, Jr. & B. K. Waltke (Eds.), Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament(922). Chicago: Moody Press.


[3]Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman, Bound to Inspire, issue 509, “Hearing the Voice.”

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Laurita Hayes

Abandonment is the worst way to fracture creation. Modern psychology agrees and modern solitary confinement verifies this. Psychopaths want recognition from others even if they want nothing else and vanity seeks recognition, too even if it does not know how to obtain it, for this is how we are made.

Love considers all of creation equally important to itself. Love acts to balance all interests with its own interest, too. To be remembered is the #1 request of the persecuted Body, according to surveys done by the organization Voice of the Martyrs.

Formal recognition is how the world rewards its own, too, for we are all made this way. As mirrors, our identity is reflected in the eyes and the recognition of others. I become more real – more myself, even – when your face is turned towards me. My very existence depends upon the face of God being turned towards me. I think David is asking that his very existence be maintained by that recognition of his Creator. It is not enough that we were made: our very existence depends upon the maintenance of remembrance.

Yeshua referred to this when He requested us to observe the peculiar foot washing and bread and drink sharing that was the way, He said, to REMEMBER Him. Apparently, the Son of God has now linked His continuing existence upon this earth to His followers not forgetting Him, either. Amazing!

robert lafoy

I think you hit the nail on the head here Laurita, we long to be remembered and attempt to make our mark in this world in so many ways, yet the only thing that we have that is eternal (olam) is, as being made in His Image, breathing His breath and living His life. This psalm starts off with asking, “according to forever (olam) may Your Righteousness be the activity of my deliverance”… It would seem that we are taught that all of us will be remembered together, with God, not independently. But “forever” goes both ways from where we stand presently, and it’ll be in unity that God’s work in and through us will be seen.
It always amazes me to see the risk God is taking in the creation of man in His Image. The technology that could provide the world with free energy in abundance, could just as easily destroy that same world. So it is with being made in His Image. Sometimes all I can say is WOW! speaking of Love.

Rich Pease

While God may not have an “audible” voice,
this most magnificent universe which He SPOKE
into existence is a demonstrable earful of the
highest magnitude of His love and wonder.
And, as it should be, His divine design prompts
His children to know they can humbly seek His voice,
found only in the still small intimacy of relating to Him
and His purpose. And those who know Him this way
leave a legacy of His love that truly sparked within them.

Sugar Ray

I”m glad that Skip has changed my mind set about abortion. Abortion is not just murder but genocide (Cain “aborted” his brother Abel). Due to the time in life my wife and I were, when she became pregnant, we were pressured (highly) to abort our 1 st son. Had we done so I would not have 9 great grandchildren now. one more generation, if they decided to have 2 children each, just to stay even, that would be another 18 great great grandchildren. The love of my life and I had 3 sons and two adopted daughters and now 14 great grands. Abortions is a lot worse than we believe or even imagine. When you think about the millions of children aborted each year and multiply by generations by even 2 each—what have we as a country done. Shalom P.S. Glad I returned to the site. At 5 A.M.Pacific Time there were no comments.


May I ask why the doctors were encouraging you to kill your son?

Do you know that more babies die soon after birth in the States than in any other country in the world? I think I read about 11,000 babies a day. Genocide.

I was in a situation where they wanted me to have a special test done here in Japan to see if my baby had been affected by a virus and I said ‘FORGET IT.’ No way was I going to kill her. The test was painful and it could be dangerous besides the fact that it’s murder. Doctors in Japan perform these murders where babies are born. Normal hospitals. A doctor called a lady in who was there for a check up thinking that she was the one who wanted to kill her baby. The baby died. We have to pay for them as well through the national health insurance. Accepted here completely it seems. A very old friend and colleague of mine had a student in an English class who told the class about being asked by the mother to drown her baby because of a serious cleft palate. He was a doctor and did what she asked him to do. And he said the baby wasn’t giving up easily. Shocking! His daughter scolded him for sharing that publicly on fb.


I thought the answer was just going to be DEAD. I don’t believe anymore that there is a place called hell where someone is tortured forever. I don’t know Skip’s thoughts on this subject though he’s right to say ‘hell’ is what most believers would say. I believe it’s another one of those lies the gullible of us have accepted blindly without any study or thought. DESTROYED seems right. I remember first hearing about this in a Messianic sermon. I was very surprised. Jerusalem Perspective has a few articles on the subject as well. And one thing that people who are both believers and non-believers like to say when someone who is sick and in pain dies is ‘He’s in a better place.’ What a sad statement. Being DEAD is better than being alive? Really??? Why is the person sick? What treatment did the doctors who can’t think for themselves give them? Poison like chemotherapy? Trusting doctors nowadays can be a fatal mistake. Another subject.

How many people think people go straight to one of those two places when they die when there is no reason to believe that except for the fact that that is what they’ve been led to believe is the truth? So many (false) ideas that shape our decisions.

What’s sad about the preoccupation with SELF these days is that people don’t care about what they do for God (or even for others) unless everyone knows about it. I have seen spoiled missionaries, spoiled spouses, etc. Some people actually think they deserve to be sponging off of others. How did it get to this point? They skipped the verse about not eating if they are not working? Or they wouldn’t care even if they knew there was one? Are they seeking to see their name on the list of people who deserve a standing ovation or something for ‘giving up everything’ to tell others about God or for whatever it is that they want to be famous for? This type of socialistic, self-entitled thinking really is damaging to them as well as their families and to the ‘work’ they are supposedly doing. What others say about you while you are alive seems more important than what they say about you after you die. It doesn’t occur to some people because they don’t care about others. They only care about fame and recognition for being the ‘greatest’ regardless of how they treat others, even their own family members. I really don’t believe it’s possible to understand what’s going on in minds these days because of the mass poisoning that has been going on since the mid 50’s so these verses can be comforting to some but they won’t change the behavior of people without a conscience.