The Napkin

You threw me away

A napkin used to clean the corners of your mouth


I thought the touch of your lips against my parched hunger

Would bring me life


But you only wanted to clean your lips

And toss me into the garbage

So that you could forget


Your teeth are crooked too.

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Judi Baldwin

Ouch. I had to read it through several times to let it sink in before I realized that most of us have treated an individual(s) in this way, at some time, in one way or another, in our lives. There are hundreds of different ways this scenario could be played out. Thanks for this, Skip.

T Tom


Judi Baldwin

For who?


I will re-name you-

“The Princess Napkin”


Mark Parry



As I read, I wondered, “How might this read if the napkin were cloth?”

Robert lafoy

Even more wasteful.

Vivian Garner


not chosen
might hunter

but not Israel
always Esau

betrayed with a goatskin
turned out to dry wadis
and brown hills

Tracy Pinkerton

You are a modern day psalmist. King David would have loved this!

Lucille Champion

This made me smile… and thinking on it, made me realize we have all been the ‘napkin’. Thrown away, used up, disregarded… my oh my, the list goes on. In my youth, 50’s, we didn’t have those paper/throwaways in my home. Used those ‘cloth’ things… use/wash/use/wash. Oh, forgot, had to iron them too (wrinkles not allowed). Looking back at the care taken with ‘napkins’, perhaps that was a very tiny ‘act’ to show the regard for the small and mostly ignored details of life. Won’t look at a ‘napkin’ the same again. Still smiling.

Leslee Simler

And I think this perspective is an aspect of what I was wondering, Lucille, when I pondered “if the napkin were cloth” above. Reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle, restore, re…

Lucille Champion

Noticed your comment Leslee… made me look back in time. Grateful to revisit such wonderous years. Forgot to add to the post… we all have crooked teeth (guilty as charged). Still smiling.


Are you depressed ?
Paul says it is what comes out of the heart of a man that defiles him. Meaning the demons influence us and then we spew it all out. Interesting poem though. We can do this to each other if not careful to love not just take.
Blessings for a better day.