Sheridan, Montana

From Tom Walter, a long-time reader

I have a prayer request…The small town I live in, Sheridan Montana, is surrounded by blue river streams. The Big Hole, Jefferson, Madison, Beaverhead, Ruby. We have creeks and springs all around but we have a problem…Sheridan is running out of water. Of the 4 wells that supply our 650 people 3 have gone dry and it doesn’t look good for number 4. The town is scrambling for solutions. I believe the problem is spiritual and the answer is repentance and prayer. Please intercede on our behalf. Shalom

And on a praise note,

Sandra Smail is cancer free.  Three years of struggle and lots of prayer, Sandra reports she is back to health.  Prayer works.  Now let’s get the water going.

An additional prayer request comes from Lucille

My granddaughter Ashleigh, who will be 20 y/o on September 16 has been restored to me, her maternal grandmother, after a 15 yr separation. I am overwhelmed with joy and incredible gratitude to my holy, righteous Father, YAH and his beloved son, Yeshua. The grandchild I thought I would never see again was placed back into my life 7 days ago. As an athlete most of her life, she has been abused emotionally and torn down physically. Ashleigh has now been discarded, throw away by her parents, paternal grandparents, sibling and everyone else she once believed cared about her. Now, she faces the unknown. Her physical symptoms have the many physicians she has already seen, baffled. It appears to be a neurological condition coming from the spinal cord, nerve damage from an unknown source. The manifestations have damaged her liver and kidneys. The ‘episodes’ appear, damage muscle tissue, shutdown blood supply then disappear a few days later. All of her extremities are effected, feet, legs, arms, hands, and now her neck. I ask for prayers as I know those who read this are well versed in matters of the unknown. Yah is a loving Father and no one on this earth loves Ashleigh more than he does. Yeshua died so Ashleigh can live. The Holy Spirit is there to comfort her as she mourns all the losses she has experienced in the past year. Ashleigh is not yet a believer and knowing Yeshua, it’s just a matter of time she embraces her true identity in Yah. All praise and glory to Yah and the kingdom to come.

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Dear Tom

May Yah be praised. I have experienced miraculous healing (physical and more profoundly spiritual). As I was reading I felt to write to you (I rarely do this especially to someone I haven’t met) Yah will heal her broken heart … was just in Psalm 147 as this request came through … see verse 3. Once her heart is healed the physical can follow. Most importantly she is loved by you and restored to you… that’s healing in itself.


Lucille Champion

Yah touched your heart Christine. How beautiful are his feet as he moves his saints with compassion and mercy. Words matter… your words have touched my heart. Thank you. Shalom on this day and every day he makes.

Laurita Hayes

Dear Lucille, what an honor that you have been trusted so much! I will pray often for you and Ashleigh (pretty name). Abandonment is the worst abuse of all; off the charts when it comes to how damaging it can be. May she come to know the love of Yah through you, and may she be healed by experiencing the acceptance of the Beloved, is my prayer.

Yay, Sandy! Thanks for making your blog available for us to be able to keep up with your journey. That was quite brave.

Sheridan needs a miracle, it sounds like, Tom. I am praying for the miracle of the people being able to realize that they need one.

Lucille Champion

With gratitude, Laurita, your words are a comfort. Now, if I just control the on going tears that simply pour from my eyes as I mourn with my beautiful granddaughter. Her wounds are my wounds. And yes, Ashleigh is very, very broken. My comfort… Yah will finish what he has started. Humbled before him, I cry.


Praise the LORD for Sandra’s healing, and so thankful for the opportunity to pray for these shared prayer requests. May they be answered in ways that bring glory to the Creator and Restorer of all things.

Lucille Champion

Prayer… turns the impossible to his honor and glory. Patience strengthens the saints to press in and endure. Love wins every time! Shalom Gayle!

Judi Baldwin

Tom and Lucille…A friend of mine shared these words on a daily post she writes and I’m passing them on for you to read and hopefully find comforting. “Sometimes our most carefully thought out plans can become fraught with difficulty through no fault of our own. But, often, those difficulties become His opportunities. May we all pray for HaShem to change situations, remove obstacles and turn trials into treasures, enabling us to see the rainbow through the clouds as we remember His promises to us.”

Sandra…I’m so thankful for your good news!! I remember talking with you several years ago when you were considering coming to Chicago for treatment. Apparently, God had a better place in mind. Praises that this journey is over and you can look forward to what He is planning for you next.

Lucille Champion

Judi, thank you! Words of wisdom with compassion. Mercy gives way to amazing love. Shalom.

Lucille Champion

I join all in prayers for Tom and Sheridan; celebration for Sandra and give deep thanks for those who cry with me. Yah hears our cries and answers prayers. His timing is perfect. All glory to Yah and his yachid, Yeshua. His kingdom come, his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Shalom to all…

Laurita Hayes

Lucille, now that you are not alone, you know you are going to have to continue to keep us in the loop, or else we are going to start worrying about you and Ashleigh. Please continue to let us know how to pray (and how to celebrate, too) with you.

Love, Laurita

Lucille Champion

Laurita, if I were still in my ‘old, selfish life’ I would ask… ” WHO are you that you would care so much?” In my own journey and reconciliation with Yah through Yeshua, I now understand who you are as a beautiful saint. And yes, I will keep you all in the loop. Still in shock and awe, we are both, Ashleigh and I reconnecting, sometimes in rapid pace and at times very carefully… unknown and unchartered waters. A journey only Yah knows. My trust is in him. My gratitude is unspeakable… much love, it always wins!

Amanda Youngblood

Praying with you all, and thanking YHVH for Sandra’s health and Lucille’s reunion!