Stop Talking

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power1 Corinthians 4:20 NIV

Power – Does Paul’s declaration seem right to you? Is the Kingdom really about power?  If I look around the religious environment today, I don’t see much of Paul’s standard displayed.  I hear lots of talk, but I see very little dynamis (power).  There are plenty of debates, an abundance of doctrines, a multitude of creeds, scores of declarations—but where is the power?  Where is the life-changing, social renewal of the good news of the Kingdom? Where are the displays of obedience, the radical changes in direction, the upheaval of worldly expectations? Doesn’t it look like “religion” has become nothing more than another institution of accommodation?  Even Messianic congregations appear to be just one more variation of identity validation.  Yes, we hear about the miraculous in distant lands.  Rumors of God’s handiwork abound.  But here?  At home? Where is the power here?

We could chalk this up to spiritual decline in modern society.  That’s partly true.  Faith has been pushed to the side in modern civilization.  But it hasn’t been pushed off the table.  It’s still around.  And if it is, then why does it seem so impotent, so ineffective, so inadequate to render real change in society?  Is there nothing more than media protests and legislative appeals?  Are we fully manifesting Kingdom values when so little of our lives actually changes?  It seems as if we acknowledge Yeshua as king but practically serve another master, the one we call “normal.”

Paul penned this verse in his first letter to the Corinthians.  Corinth was at the heart of Roman economics.  It was a place of cultural syncretism and social tolerance (much like our society today).  Notice that Paul spends almost all of the first four “chapters” of this letter pleading for unity.  In fact, it appears that the disharmony and acrimony among the believers is the principle reason they need correction.  Paul doesn’t begin with a list of their sins, their moral failures or their heretical tendencies.  He begins with their arrogant discord.  He begins with their egotistical claims of superiority.  Until that is resolved, little else will be accomplished.  In other words, the simple fact that this group of believers cannot get along is sufficient to prevent the fulfillment of God’s ability and capacity.  Where there is friction, God does not function.  Where there is discord there is no dynamis.  We have only ourselves (literally – our selfs) to blame.

What is Paul’s recommendation?  Stop talking. Start doing.  Who really cares about the leadership pyramid or the doctrinal technicalities?  Does that really matter in a world desperate for healing? Tikkun ‘olam might just be the most important unifying element today. It’s pretty hard to argue when you’re in a hospital ward, and as far as I can tell, the world is a hospital ward now.

Topical Index: power, dynamis, unity, tikkun ‘olam, 1 Corinthians 4:20


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Reading the complete chapter we find that there exits two ways of addressing or teaching people. First is the most common which is words. Nothing thereafter or before. No follow through no leading by example. Then Paul says he will show the example or power… The greek word gets me thinking of dynamo that power generating system. That is how the Kingdom is in power. Is there a reality on the teachings can it transform into actually addressing the concerns of the community or is it just empty reciting of words all nice to know.
Yeshua taught thet saving is now and here. We need to decide are we adapting or postponing. Are we saved or puffed up. E.g.
Not for me. yip that is Seeker being spoken about not me… Is the kingdom of God like that or is it actually adapting our lifestyle to reveal what we understand or should this read what we experience.
Be an example or power source not a preacher…

Laurita Hayes

Power is about actually connecting; or, true community. I think that only a community can show the world what love is in its entirety. Preaching, also, is most effective in community, where you can immediately turn around and put into practice what you heard. It is frustrating for a lonely someone to hear about love but have no chance of experiencing it because there is no intact community to join. It may be just me, but I think modern churches are now poor substitutes for real community!


It’s not just you, Laurita. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered…. so the smallest community is the “army of two” that can have dynamite-like power seen in action. The problem I see with the modern preaching is that it’s powerless and fear-based. So to answer Skip’s question “Who really cares about the leadership pyramid or the doctrinal technicalities?” — I would answer it’s the people who instead of “preaching the good news of the Kingdome” build their own towers of Babel….and we know how that ends.

Larry Reed

Once again, we have words. We can have it figured out and declare wherever two or three are gathered …. but I would say, show me, how that is manifesting in your community. Whether our pastors and teachers are hot or cold in reference to the passion of God doesn’t change our responsibility to make a difference. I’m not trying to be harsh here because I bear
the same responsibility. Is my lack of participation in the local church making any difference to anyone or is it just being disengaged, therefore alone. I’m trying to figure out where I belong, what part do I play in order to see what they call “ revival “ . What is God looking for…..


Yes, and the amount of money being spent in our hospitals that are tied to mental and emotional issues are off the charts! Yet, most of the church is satisfied with the one hour program and get on with our day. The amount of trauma that has to be processed is exhausting and our medical and counseling professionals can’t handle the need. Its a vicious cycle of meds and hospital visits. Meanwhile the Church has lost its authority. The ones who have the power are the social workers and case workers and they can’t handle the plethora of issues. They’re just as exhausted, so are our teachers!

I was talking to a friend yesterday and paraphrased – “our God is an all-consuming fire!” What’s ironic is how idols try to be an all consuming fire but instead they suck the life out of us through addiction. Yet the Lord is the giver of life. How we need HIM so desperately! Please come Lord Yeshua!

Judi Baldwin

“Who really cares about the leadership pyramid or the doctrinal technicalities?” Well…actually, God does. The problem is people. So many of our “issues” get in the way of us wanting leadership, or doing it right if we do want it. Many of us, even committed believers, have authority issues…we don’t like it and are often unaware of the many ways we try to avoid it. God is our ultimate authority but he puts leaders over us…for a reason. I’m currently reading a book “Undercover,” by John Bevere. He exposes the subtle yet rampant tactics the enemy uses against believers, causing our failure to recognize or properly relate to Divine authority. He reminds us that the kingdom of God us just that…a kingdom, ruled by a King, where there is order and authority. We need to start practicing now and Bevere’s book is an excellent starting point…very biblical and very God honoring. Obedience is not necessarily true biblical submission.


yes, God does care, but his leadership pyramid is simple: one Abba – God, one Rabbi – Christ….and you are all brothers.

Rabbi Eric

Saul is not the only one to address power or what I call authority. Yeshua, who has all authority over heaven and earth has given us the authority or power in the form of the Ruach HaKodesh. It is very unfortunate that the “church” and even Messianic Congregations do not teach this and teach people how to utilize the gift God has given us. In my teaching at various home study groups I often remind my flock of the great authority we have and although this may be new to them they seem to get it. It does take repeating but when they see it in action the light shines. The book of Acts is filled with examples of Yeshua’s talmidim utilizing the authority given to them. We can learn a great deal by studying Acts and seeing the great wonders, signs and miracles the disciples performed under the authority granted them. It just needs to be taught, acted upon, witnessed and we will see many more believers using the power or authority they have been given.
Keep up the great work Skip!

Judi Baldwin

Yes…you’re absolutely right on this point. The book I mentioned above discusses in-depth the authority we are given as believers. More congregations do need to teach this…and also be aware of the potential mis-use of that authority. Human error is high when it comes to handling authority.

Rabbi Eric

Judi, you are so right, authority must come from the Ruach, the Holy Spirit and not from man.Our authentic authority comes from Him, not from man. Thanks for reminding us of the mis-use potential. Blessings,

Laurita Hayes

I was taught (by the authorities in my life, no less) to never question authority: to never require it to be responsible for its choices and actions. That is not Biblical! God emphatically calls us to hold Him to account, as we are called to do the same with ourselves and others.

I suffered neglect and abuse while I unilaterally answered to authority (performing for love) that was not answering to me. Not Biblical!

What I learned from that experience is that I should never hold SIN to account: to never question sinners. I think that is referred to in psychology as “learned helplessness”. Bad lesson!

I have authority, to the extent in my life that I am under the authority of heaven – submitted to the will of God – to require sin to answer to me: to be the head and not the tail. “Why don’t you want to be well?” “Why are you continuing to ask me to turn a blind eye?” “Why are you not taking responsibility for that part of your life?” “Why should you insist that I limit my choices in this place just because yours are limited?” “Why can’t justice prevail in this place?” “Why is fear getting to call the shots?” This is the power we are called to walk in. Sin should tremble every time our light bulbs come around, and victims should feel hope.


All questions I’ve asked myself for years! Speaking only for myself, I have chased after Him wholeheartedly for countless years. Every time something is brought to my attention, I repent and start walking in obedience in that area. I am such a different person than I was in my 20s! And yet, no power. I’m still seeking the answer to what’s causing the blockage.

Larry Reed

I greatly appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. Maybe it is actually the point where God wants to manifest himself. But we actually have to keep returning to that point, of our own poverty in which Jesus said we are blessed !


What should this power look like to you? Do you love others? Do you love the Lord with all you heart, soul and mind? That is already power unbelievers do not have. Are you looking for something else more tangible, more sensational?

robert lafoy

“He begins with their egotistical claims of superiority”

In my experience (with myself) this seems to be the main issue at hand. A subtlety exists in that although I may be endued with the potential, the ability isn’t mine. The subtlety is that when I actively seek the opportunity to display power over something, I step into the management position reserved for God alone. That’s the danger. (at least for me) Prayer seems to be the easiest example to explain this, I don’t “seek” opportunities to pray for others to bring heavens benefit, but allow God to bring the circumstance to my attention. My “job” is to be a prepared vessel ready to be utilized at the Master’s bidding and when I’m called on, to seek the Glorification of the One calling. BTW, it helps me if I remember that there are no “accidental circumstances” in this creation. God always has been and still is sovereign in the affairs of men. Who am I to suggest to God where His power needs to be displayed or what it looks like.

Lucille Champion

Well said Robert! Staying faithful in the mundane times is the hardest part of ‘doing’ (for me). It’s a power from within. Not looking to be used by God however prepared should he call me. Sweet surrender! “Be still and know that I am God”… Psalm 46.

Larry Reed

Good morning. Just finished reading TWOT and was curious about “tikkun ‘olam” so I looked it up and it reminded me of the portion in the Lords prayer where he said “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven“. What I’m hearing so much about lately from all avenues spiritual and non-spiritual is that we are in a bad way and we have moved away away from God. Seems to be the way it goes. Remembering God‘s intervention played out by Noah. After that God said he would never again repeat that and he gave us a sign. But his word is still the same where he says “if my people, who are called by my name”….. God moves in response to the prayers of his people, when, is another question altogether. Just recognizing a problem doesn’t do anything to change it. So like you said Skip, “Stop talking and start doing”. What does that doing look like?

Judi Baldwin

Hi Larry…I’m just wondering if you meant to say that you just finished reading TW (Today’s Word) and were curious about “tikkun olam” so you look it up in the TWOT (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament.)
Altho, it wouldn’t surprise me if many of Skip’s readers considered his TW equivalent (or superior) to the TWOT. ??

Larry Reed

I guess I’m a little confused, being pretty new to this whole thing. Isn’t TWOT daily teaching that skip puts out? I don’t know anything about TW, where does one find that? This whole thing is adding such a big dimension to my relationship with God.
Thanks for trying to help me ….

Leslee Simler

Larry, TW is “Today’s Word” – Skip’s daily writing (you can see that title at the top of this page. Skip often references the TWOT (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament) in his writings, as Judi mentioned. I think that is the point of how you’ve mingled the two because Skip uses both these abbreviations (TW and TWOT). I’ve been able to discern your meaning as you’ve commented, as I’m sure others have, and I even considered coming up with a “Skip” TWOT meaning because what Judi says is a great insight: Skip’s “Theological Wordbook” (TW) is as valuable if not more so than the tome (a very large, thick book) we value compiled by so many scholars (TWOT). How about Theological Wordbook of the Only Testament! Because Skip blends the Tanakh and the Apostolic writings into the seamless whole they truly are if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. Shalom, Larry!

Judi Baldwin

Thanks Leslee…you beat me to it and gave Larry a great explanation of how he got confused. I think most of us initially had the same response when we saw Skip mention TWOT. I was like…huh??? But, eventually figured it out.
And, it just dawned on me…, Larry if you don’t get a daily email from Skip, but, instead go directly to the website, you don’t see the “Today’s Word” pop up in your email every morning, so it would make sense that you wouldn’t be as familiar with the TW abbreviation that some of us use.
So now you’re officially apprised of the situation…oh that all of life’s problems were so easily figured out.

Larry Reed

Many thanks to both of you. I think I got it straight. No I don’t get the daily email so that might be a bit of the problem, but nothing I can’t overcome ! Ha

Judi Baldwin

There you go…what a perfect time to subscribe and get added to the email list!!

Robert lafoy

On the humorous side, reminds me of a vhs tape my children used to watch. Vegietales, entitled Mie and the big exit. The theme song was done by the boys in the sink and the title of the “silly” song was, it’s a mess down here in Egypt. Well, God does have a way of showing the “spiritual” and the “non-spiritual” when we are in trouble. As someone else said, “our God is a consuming fire”. But, it would seem to me that the last week or so of TW’s is still circulating around that whole “naked” thing. Perhaps the fact that naked in Hebrew is consonately related to “subtle” in regards to the serpent, is the clue we need to correct our walk. (endeavors) The question for me is whether I’m connected” or involved with that activity, it got Adam thrown out of the garden. Why would I expect it to be different with me.

Rich Pease

The visible evidence of God’s power is hard for society to see.
They’re hoping to see miracles, signs and wonders.
Yet Yeshua told us to look elsewhere. “As I have loved you, so you
must love one another. By this all men will know you are my disciples
if you love one another.”
Scripture tells us only a few find real life and real love. But these few
are in God’s design to change the world — His way. It may be hard for
some to see, but His love shows up where it is needed. While it’s not always
for us to know how or where this love works, it is always for us to just do it.


Please check out And the book by Dr. Henry Wright “A More Excellent Way”
At that small church in Thomaston Georgia, they really do have something happening. It’s not the typical Christian church full of creeds, doctrines, and talk. They really do have miracles of healings. That’s what they specialise in. Teaching people the spiritual roots of disease. You have a whole new mindset and a freedom to live what our Father has for us. What He really wants us to be doing with our lives.

Leslee Simler

Ah, the “doing”! It is a continual nudge to me to say the four words together that appear in the Torah: listen, learn, guard, do. Shema, lemad, shemar, la’asot (Deut 5:1) – the roots are shama, lamad, shamar, and asah.

And there WE are, in Deut 31:12: “Gather the people, men and women and the little ones, and your stranger who is within your gates, so that they may hear and that they may learn and fear Jehovah your God, and be careful to do all the words of this” Torah, (MKJV – Jay Greene) “Be careful to do” is “and guard for doing”, or “and guard and do”. In this proper order, they are the clear path to the GOOD, to obedience.

Marilee Knight

Skip, if you want to see power displayed you need to hang with different Christians. Those that believe Jesus asked us to pray “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Check out Bethel Church in Redding, CA They testify that Jesus is the “same yesterday, today and forever!”