Once Again (Again)

Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.”  Genesis 6:13 NASB

Violence– What does a rainbow guarantee?  Does it guarantee that God will never again destroy all flesh?  No, it doesn’t.  It only guarantees that the destruction won’t occur with water.  The next time you see a rainbow, remember why it is there.  It is a sign that God once destroyed the earth because of sin.  The Hebrew word, ḥāmās, is almost always connected to sinful violence, not natural disasters.  This is the word for extreme wickedness, lawlessness, disregard for the integrity of others and an inordinate will to power.  Does it sound familiar?

When Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (a.k.a. Rashi) commented on this verse, he noted that wherever you find gross immorality, sexual sin and idolatry, you find summary mass execution.  He used the Greek term andralamousia, the indiscriminate slaughter of all life, whether good or bad. Rashi points out that certain individual choices combine to produce irreparable damage, and result in universal divine judgment.[1]  The flood is one example of such consequences.  It is not the last example.

There is little doubt that sexual sin is ravaging the globe.  Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world. Sexual immorality is commonplace in the media and in the populations of the West.  Islam is right to see the West as the Great Satan, at least in this regard. Freedom has become another word for licentiousness.  But that is only the beginning.

There are currently 115,000 abortions performed every day in the world.  That’s 42 million per year, equal to the greatest genocides of all the most evil men who have ever lived, over and over, year after year.  How many people died in all of the Second World War?  60 million. How many human beings have died as a result of abortions in the same duration as WWII?  In six years and one day (the length of WWII), 252,115,000 infants were slaughtered.  The scale is simply unbelievable.

Can you imagine that individual choices to terminate a life could result in the death of over 200 million children?  Can you imagine that God doesn’t care about this?    Andralamousia – that’s what’s coming.  And when it does come, the extermination will pay no regard to the righteous or the wicked.  The whole earth will be cleansed.  Take a long look at the next rainbow—and remember.

Topical Index: andralamousia, mass extermination, abortion, Genesis 6:13, rainbow

[1]“Rashi comments: ‘Whenever you find sexual sin and idolatry, andralamousia comes to the world and kills good and bad (indiscriminately).’  Andralamousia is the term, borrowed from the Greek, for summary mass execution, the same notion as was indicated by the word shetef, ‘flood.’  Rashi here draws on the acknowledgement in many sources that there may indeed be a disaster in which individual merits are entirely ignored.” Zornberg, The Beginning of Desire, p. 44.


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Michael Stanley

Skip, you noted that:”Islam is right to see the West as the Great Satan, at least in this regard”, but lest we forget and give the practitioners of this Satanic religion a free pass because they accurately note the sexual sin of the West, it is important to note that they themselves are some of the greatest violators and predators in the worldwide sexual arena. It is no wonder their very terrorist arm is called Hamas. However as Abraham Joshua Heschel noted… “of human beings, that indifference to evil is worse than evil itself, that in a free society, some are guilty, but all are responsible”. I am both guilty and responsible for my immorality and irresponsibly. Have mercy on me YHWH and let me really see the next rainbow.

Luz Lowthorp

Not only the west and Islam promotes pedophilia but jewish do to by following Babylonian Talmudic teachings, see this: “Simeon ben Yohai’s dictum that sex with a little girl is permitted under the age of three years, the general teaching of the Talmud is that the rabbi must wait until a day after her third birthday. She could be taken in marriage simply by the act of rape.
R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. (Sanh. 55b)
A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)
A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her she becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)
It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest, for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was priest, the footnote says) surely was with them. (Yeb. 60b)
[The Talmud says such three year and a day old girls are] . . . fit for cohabitation. . . But all women children, that have not known man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks of one who is fit for cohabitation. (Footnote to Yeb. 60b)
The example of Phineas, a priest, himself marrying an underage virgin of three years is considered by the Talmud as proof that such infants are “fit for cohabitation.”
The Talmud teaches that an adult woman’s molestation of a nine year old boy is “not a sexual act” and cannot “throw guilt” upon her because the little boy is not truly a “man.” 9 But they use opposite logic to sanction rape of little girls aged three years and one day: Such infants they count as “women,” sexually mature and fully responsible to comply with the requirements of marriage“

It only shows who is the god of this world…


Luz I accept you implied DID by following and not still do. I cannot think of any community thinking such norms as communal acceptable and even God inspired…

Luz Lowthorp

Sorry Seeker, I was rushing typing while taking my son to the school 🙂

Luz Lowthorp

Skip, i recall one of your teachings where you explained who is a human… the one that do what God does(Loving, creative, patience etc) and how many people around us are not human. That change all my understanding. When people/ culture/ society do things that are against what God does. So it is “evil” comes to lie and convince us that is ok to bite from the apple. At this point in my life I run away from anything that becomes an “ism” (AtheISM, ChristianISM, BuddhISM, JudaISM, MessianISM etc.)

Laurita Hayes

We know that to do injustice to another, we have to have degraded them somehow to less than human; less than ourselves. But it is also interesting to me that we do to others only what we have already done to ourselves FIRST. Thus, to harm another, I have first harmed myself and made myself ‘less than’ human in some way; I have committed spiritual self murder. We also know that only the first murder disturbs us; the rest are just justification for the first. When we harm each other, then, it is only to justify harming ourselves first.

I think sex without love is a prime example of disrespect of the highest order of our “own flesh”: harm to others is going to be an inevitable order of consequences to all those who are unrepentant for self harm. Why do we dehumanize ourselves in all the ways we do? We are made in the image of God, but we degrade that image when we turn from obeying His design for us to express Him (“do His will”) in this world. When we cut ourselves off from His love through us, it is but a short step to cutting others off from our love, too, for without Him, we have none.

When we break one Command, we will eventually, to ‘justify’ or to cover up the first break, break the rest. I think we have chosen to ignore the Command that establishes God as our Creator to our peril, for if we do not believe that we are His created image, as taught by that Fourth Command, we will cease to act like it. There is no way to change, ignore, or challenge any of those Commands without eventually imperiling the rest, for all sin is choosing death. If I kill you, it is only because I have first murdered myself by cutting myself off from the only Source of life this planet was ever given. Grace and mercy can only continue to prop up the resulting zombies so long after that.

Michael Stanley

Laurita, is your middle name Profound or Prophetic? You wrote: “we do to others only what we have already done to ourselves FIRST. Thus, to harm another, I have first harmed myself and made myself ‘less than’ human in some way; I have committed spiritual self murder. We also know that only the first murder disturbs us; the rest are just justification for the first. When we harm each other, then, it is only to justify harming ourselves first”. While I agree that we ourselves are the first to fall and others soon follow in our wake I wondered why we aren’t satisfied with just committing ‘spiritual self murder’ but what we ultimately pursue is spiritual self annihilation so that we won’t have to be accountable to the Judge of all flesh for our wicked deeds (if that were somehow even possible). I now see why I often unwittingly chose a path of suicide, both physical and spiritual for most of my 67 years. But thanks be to Yeshua who has recently awakened me and given me a new path to trod with Him and in Him. Thank you for your keen insights, faithful contributions to this site and your effective prayer, as well as the prayers of those in this community for my
(past) self- tortured soul. While I can’t say ” It is finished”, I can happily report that it has begun! Hallelujah.

Laurita Hayes

I think you are right, Michael (as we are both assuredly experts on this subject – woe is us), in that we are seeking to hide as soon as we find ourselves defacing the image of God in us: death being the ultimate ‘bush’ to try to do so in (been there, done that but for the grace of God). Its because the shame is unbearable, I think. Lacking bushes, the wicked at the Second Coming will apparently be willing to settle for rocks!

I am still praying for you, but now I can add a praise report! I have been so happy these last weeks you have been so visible (Arnella, you must be somewhere around in this, too). I truly don’t think you realize that the (past-hopefully-diminishingly) brokenness in you, when shared (would that be in front of your bush instead of behind it?) is SO HELPFUL to the rest of us works-in-progress. Please know how grateful so many of us are that you do. I love you both.

Larry Reed

I have to respond here. I think for myself because I was brought into this world and thereafter treated as worthless I became an object used to get something for someone else’s needs. I unknowingly accepted the label of worthless, thereby unwittingly consenting to my own death. I was here, but I was not. Strange and truly sad. My self-worth then had to come from what I did and how well I did it. Performance. Never being accepted just because I was. Going back to the basis for loving myself was because I was created in the image of God. Inherent worth established before I was born. Seems to make sense after I wrote it.
I have said to so many people lately in this journey, why am I 69 years old just beginning to understand what happened and what I can do to change it from this day forward. Having a healthy respect and regard for myself (love?). That’s why I like the word shalom. Healing for the whole person. He has promised to perfect that which concerns me. Thank you everybody. Great community to be a part of. Thank you Jesus.

Larry Reed

Laurita, it sounds by what you’re saying that we are caught up in a vicious and deadly continuum. Because when I murder my “self “ it then is a slippery slope to disregard the value of life, being made in his image. Worshipping the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever. We make the creature the source of our life instead of the creator. I know these scriptures have been used against homosexuality (Romans 1) but I think that would be applicable to anything we worship, that which we think brings us life. Like the golden calf, the stand-in for God.
Bear with me, I’m just thinking out loud!
It becomes a quest to get what we think we need outside of God, because we have rejected HIM. We refuse to acknowledge him and therein lies our judgment.
I will have to go back to “love the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself “. The trouble of it is that we do not love ourselves, and because we don’t, we are bankrupt. What do we have to offer? Nothing. It becomes all about getting to fill that place that only God has the right to fill. In essence we become godless. God-less.
I cannot ignore my own need, my own calling to love my neighbor as I love myself, without having an impact on everyone else. There is something seriously wrong in these dynamics that we seem to be unconscious of. I’m certainly not loving myself if I am looking outside of myself for some type of identity. If I have rejected God the only other option is to get my identity from someone else. We were made to worship. I think I am coming to a place where God is calling me to value myself as he values me. Of course, then we have to decide what we believe it means to love, what that love looks like, what God has actually called us to do. “Love” the Lord your God, with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength and your neighbor, yourself! Hmmmm.
Thank you everyone for bearing with me in my search for Truth. I’m looking for the next level of freedom. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free! Knowing by experience. Progressive. Being transformed from one degree glory to another, as we behold him !

Laurita Hayes

Amen, Larry.

I think we are, by design, made to reflect (image) whatever (Whoever) we fear/worship. If I am afraid, I go into reflection of what I am fearing: I put myself BENEATH it, and serve it, and enlarge its power on this planet I have been given to do that to. In all the places I am not in awe of YHVH, I am afraid of whatever comes along to destroy my peace.

I think the spiritual reality of fear is a sin because we serve whatever we fear. Stress is how that service manifests, and we all should know by now that stress is the biggest killer on the planet. Whatever I stress about has the power of a god over me, and I am going to automatically reflect/magnify its force in the world, but all that is not God can only offer death, so death is the image/reality I am going to manifest. Shalom is not an option: I have to stay there to keep out of ‘fearing’ all that is not God.

Rich Pease

Please disregard the thumbs down. It happened when I clicked on “Read more”.

Leslee Simler

Rich, you can hit the thumb up afterwards and the negative is removed. Been there 🙂

Larry Reed

Laurita, I don’t understand what you meant by shalom is not an option. Could you clarify? I certainly am open to input, feedback, correction, instruction etc. . it might hurt but only for a minute ! I’m also facing some serious potentially deadly illness . So I’m counting on the “shalom of God! Why would he be restoring me emotionally spiritually, psychologically and not physically. Doesn’t sound like God to me! Not the God I’m getting to know .

Laurita Hayes

Sorry: not optional (as in one of two or more choices): essential. Agreed. Thank you.

Rich Pease

This world should know unequivocally that when you pervert
the power of intimate love that God uniquely provides exclusively
for the sanctity of the marriage union, all hell will break loose . . .
and has since the earliest of times.
What this world sure doesn’t know, is how much more time
will His longsuffering endure?


“When these things begin to take place, stand up and LIFT UP your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28,…. otherwise, if “thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee” – Nietzsche.


Your statistics on abortion are appalling. I don’t see abortion being overturned at least not anytime soon. But it seems to reflect a deeper problem. Maybe if we had more discussions on our sexuality including the act of sex itself with young people. It seems we run the spectrum from no talk about sex to pornography (adults that is)

I have heard individuals talk about the dissatisfaction of using birth control. Very selfish and self-centered.

But there is more to life than physical life. Some statistics on hunger.

Malnutrition is a cause of death for more than 3.1 million children under 5 every year. UNICEF estimates 300 million children go to bed hungry each night; and that 8000 children under the age of 5 are estimated to die of malnutrition every day.

Around the world, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population—but 815 million people go hungry each year.[4] After steadily declining for a decade, world hunger is on the rise, affecting 11 percent of people globally. There were an estimated 775 million undernourished people in 2014 – a record low – but that number increased to 815 million in 2016.[5] (Action Against Hunger website)