SHIP book available

In the past I have referred to Jo Steenkamp’s book on trauma and trauma therapy.  The book has never been available in the USA.  When I was in South Africa, I found out that Joe has a completely revised edition.  I brought TWO copies home with me.  So I have TWO (and only 2) copies of this book for sale here in the USA.

The cost is $31 each plus postage.


If you want one, send me an email with your MAILING ADDRESS.  Remember, there are only TWO so unless you respond as soon as you see this, they will probably be gone.


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Larry Reed

Would like the book. How do I go about getting it, if it is still available. Very

Larry Reed

Hey, sorry to have missed that deal but I found another source, even though it’s expensive or at least more expensive then your offer but at least I will be getting the book. So hungry for Truth!


Amazon has it in book or Kindle format.


I may check this out. I had a wonderful therapist that I saw off and on for about twenty years and quite intensively for about five years. I originally started seeing her because I have a disorder called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that started for me around the age of ten. It is still with me but for the most part has been manageable. Lately though, it has taken the form of having to read things over and over like words or a sentence. It is a very bizarre disorder and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. It runs in my family. I have a niece and an uncle that both have the disorder.

This therapist helped me significantly. She was a kind, empathetic and nonintrusive therapist. And we worked together on other issues. My life continued for some time to take a negative path, but I would think of our work in the midst of struggles and believe it was instrumental in me being alive today.

Even though I still struggle with OCD, my experience has been that YHVH has healed me in a way that a therapist never could. My past trauma still rears its’ ugly head and lately I was stuck in it, but I am healed now. Not perfected in that healing, but I can remember in the midst of triggers of my past trauma, who I belong to now and where my true identity lies.