Some major changes are coming to the Moen household.  I’ll keep you posted on developments as warranted, but for now what you need to know is this:

If you ever thought of having me come to teach in your location, it will have to be this summer.  There are some days available in June, July and August.  After that it may no longer be possible for me to easily do any conferences in the USA.

So, do you want me to come to your location to teach?  Please let me know right away.  I have a conference in Virginia Beach in early June, a trip to Jakarta in July and to Australia in August, but there are open dates in between and now is the time to take advantage of that fact.

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Jeff Stath

Will you be driving thru Knoxville Tennessee at all or be In Nashville?


Any return trips planned for Washington?


I wish you could come to Japan but I don’t have any way to get it set up and funded. I can’t imagine how I could make it possible. There is a huge Bible school nearby. Hmmmm…..


where in Virginia Beach please?