Something Calming

OK!  Life is really chaotic right now.  We need something calming.  If I had the time, I would go back to this place and just listen to the wind moving through the deep.  It would be enough for the day.


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Tanya Oldenburg

This is calming. Thank you. I would really like to hike there someday, Lord willing.

John Offutt

I’m sitting here in the dark waiting for the sun to come up over the mountain to the east and shine into my sun room. As I watch, I can see the brilliant golden orb beginning to approach the crest. Suddenly, it breaches the mountain and the first streams of sun light kiss the tops of the trees. In a few moments the sun moves over the fields and into the valleys chasing the last vestiges of darkness away. Now the sun quickly moves higher and the rays move down the trees and refract through the water droplets from each tiny limb of the trees behind the house. Now I have a million diamonds on every tree as the sunlight refracts through the water. Now the sun moves higher and penetrates my liar (sun room), and my day has begun. I don’t have to go to a special place to find God. I am able to find contentment where I am, because God is here. Sure I have problems common to all men, and I wonder what God is going to do about them today. He knows, and I don’t. He did a great job yesterday and I feel confident that He will nudge me in the right direction today even if I resist. I pray everyone here can find (feel) God today where they are.


Amen to that John,. what a testimony !

Rich Pease

God has shared His abundance of beauty and calm
all over this earth. These places can be anywhere.
Green pastures. Still waters. And ever so much more.
When we are in those soothing places, how easy it is
to be reminded that “He will teach us His ways, so that
we may walk in His paths.”
And when we are not in those soothing places, I pray
He will fill our hearts with His peace and joy.

Marsha S

This picture reminds me of the movie, The English Patient. The cinematography in that movie is haunting and so beautiful. In fact it is what makes that movie. God speaks to us through His marvelous creation.


I pray that our great God will surround your chaos with His Spirit of peace.

Hendry Grobler

I am lost with how to comment on such a picture. And reading the following comments is still not making complete sense. It’s seems to be awesome, and the picture will have to match the comments. I know creation was made from what looked like chaos. And wow, what a transformation. The earth and its beauty hey? And to declare, “how beautiful are the feet of him who brings good news. Yes, good news.” Shalom

Leslee Simler

Dai – Dai-e-nu, Dai – Dai-e-nu, Daienu, dayenu!

judith denheyer

this picture makes me think of all the beauty in Gods creation and for my heart and mind to dwell on these things and then I will be
at peace Blessings Judith