The Kingdom Attitude (2)

“He changes a wilderness into a pool of water, and a dry land into springs of water;”  Psalm 107:35  NASB

Dry land– The answer to a thirsty soul is the action of God. He changes things.  I don’t go into His desert and dig a well for myself.  In His desert, I cannot survive without His response to my thirst.  Brennan Manning would call this ruthless trust because if I am wrong about His graciousness, I die of thirst.  The Kingdom attitude requires that I put all my eggs in His basket.  Either God comes through for me or it’s “Game over.”

David wrote the words, “My soul thirsts for You.”  God gave David the answer in this verse.  Who can change a wilderness into a pool of water? The Lord.  Who can bring springs of water to a dry land? The Lord.  No one else is able.  All other solutions are temporary substitutions and numbing anesthetics.  If God does not satisfy your soul thirst, nothing ever will.

Today’s culture is passionately preoccupied with fulfillment.  Even in religious circles, we seek purpose and completion.  We believe that life must be satisfying.  Everywhere we look the message is the same.  Do this, buy that, try this and life will be “as good as it gets.” It’s all a lie!  God did not make you to be satisfied with anything you happen to find in the desert.  God did not design the universe to fulfill your purpose.  The attitude of the Kingdom is “never enough.” I will never drink enough of His splendor.  I will never have enough of His grace.  I will never get enough of His mercy.  I will never know enough of His love.  In the Kingdom, I will always be unsatisfied.  I will always hunger and thirst for more of Him.  The vacuum in my soul will never be filled.  I have an infinite capacity for God that only God can infinitely fill.

How’s your attitude?  Are you living to be satisfied?  Are you chasing the goal of fulfillment?  Are you preoccupied with purpose?  Or are you thirsty for more of Him?  More and more and more.  Are you emptying a well that will never run dry?  Drinking from a spring that never stops flowing? Using yourself up completely so that you keep coming back to be refreshed?  Are you peacefully at home in the wilderness where you can’t survive on your own so that God can change your desert into a spring of living water?

Topical Index: desert, water, dry land, thirst, Kingdom, Psalm 107:35


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Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

This causes me to Think About Ecclesiastes 3.11 he has made everything beautiful in its time also he has put eternity into man’s heart so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. In conjunction with Romans 8:28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Both of these verses not only focus on the Lord God, but also what does, past present and future, he is always working to glorify himself on Earth, only Yeshua did miracles on Earth that glorify his father. I have I know where that there is evil in the world. But JYeshua makes all the difference . There is always comparisons, averages if someone is a perfect average that is compared to something. Got made everything and said it was good

Laurita Hayes

I hate not having enough; not being ‘good enough’; never arriving and always needing more. Wait: that is the parasite of sin in me speaking. I was actually created to be a suctioning hole in the universe that “longs after God” because He can only fill me to the extent that I long. What was the sin of Sodom? “Pride, fullness of bread and abundance of idleness”(Ez. 16:49). Wait: that is the ideal form the world wants to fill! But that is not what we were created for. Something is hijacking our sense of direction! Time to repent (purge the parasites) and reinstall the right GPS.

I long to long for God. Please, Lord, give me the gift of being sorry for not panting after You as a hart pants after water. May I thirst forevermore! May that thirst be the biggest and only source of delight for me again. Please purify my spring and repair my cistern and give me a new wineskin that won’t burst with Your new wine (doctrine/teaching of truth from heaven about who I really am, instead of doctrine/fables of men from Sodom). Amen.

Theresa T

I spent 25 years in Protestant Christianity. The song Refiner’s Fire was popular during that time. I wouldn’t sing it. I knew that I didn’t want to say to Him, ” No matter what I may lose, I choose the refiner’s fire.” I had lost so much. I didn’t want to ask Him to take away even more. The other song I wouldn’t sing was As the Dear Panteth for the Water. I just knew it wasn’t true in my life that I thirsted after God like that. Now, I am longing for God more I ever have. I’m trying to get the directions straight to install that new GPS. These wilderness teachings are really helping.


Laurita—I Love You and I Love Your Heart!!

Cheryl Olson

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I am finally getting it!!! It has taken two years of chasing my tail as fast as I can (actually my entire life) to get it. You have given me the insight to stop the craziness. I am never to be satisfied, never fulfilled, never find my full purpose outside of Him and the kicker is that I have to keep coming back to Him everyday to get any of those things I long for. He is the only tincture that will fill and heal. Sign…

Rich Pease

The eyes have it!
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes
are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”
His grace provides us all the choice to “fix our
eyes not on what is seen.” 2 Cor 4:18
Oh, the perspective of opened eyes!
“Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.”
Who told you you were naked?

Lori Boyd

My Dad has a saying to me: “What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t miss.” Yes, the media has redirected desire within me that causes a longing for the unsatisfied soul.
Psalm 103 now is my song; “Bless the Lord, Oh my soul and all that is within me Praise HIS Holy name. “. He is as close as the mention of his name. Sing a new song and close your eyes to the things of this world! He comes to magnify himself in me!
Returning to your first love is an action I must chose. He waits; “Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

Sharon Heselius

He’s like the air, we never get enough, we have to take it in, in measures, but sure enough, it’s not enough, it only fills the NOW need. As I was reading I saw myself “sucking it up”, an open-ended straw is full as long as it’s full of the current flow being drawn up into and through. He caused water to flow out of the rock in the middle of the wilderness. It’s like my heart at times hard and dry and no expectation of flow or certainly not to quench any thirst but He causes it to happen to my delight and surprise there is life flow in there! That fountainhead of life springs up out of the impossible…He makes possible a triangle, a streaming flow, a pool. With Joy will you draw water out of the Saviors’ fountains, well/springs of Salvation (deliverance) saving health. Another version readings: As fresh water brings joy to the thirsty, so God’s people rejoice when he saves them. And you will say at that time: Praise the Lord! Read Isaiah 12:1-6, In that day you will say: Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing praises to the Lord, for he has done gloriously; let this be made known in all the earth. Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”
Just think, we are carriers of the heart of God. Proverbs 4:23 KJB Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. CSB:..for it is the source of life. CEV:…Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life. ISV:…because from it flow the springs of life. NHEB:..for out of it is the wellspring of life.
My, my, my….I’m talking myself happy and I’m getting thirsty, EAT bread of life, DRINK from the Savior’s fountains and be MERRY, be full of Joy, it does good like a medicine! Thank you, Father!


Thank you Sharon, for then we will experience Malachi 4 and be ready to enter into the true covenant with God. Take a time and time and a half to get there. Be the five wise not the five other wise virgins…

Heather C

Having grown up in the Christian Tradition, I am no longer sure how to “drink from a spring that never stops flowing.” Wisdom from all would be appreciated!


I think it is by becoming a fountain that never runs dry… By letting the words of wisdom manifest in your walk of life…

Richard Bridgan

Are you thirsty? Come to Him and drink deeply. Need some refreshment? Taste and see. Parched and dry? Savor the few drops until dryness is alleviated..the one who believes, in repose entrusts, who casts her/himself upon me…as the Scripture has said…out of his/her heart…the inward soul…will flow rivers of living water (John 7.9). With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12.3)