On September 1, 2019, the blog section of At God’s Table will be closed.  Comments will no longer be possible.  However, TODAY’S WORD will NOT end.  I will continue to write each day except Shabbat, but the ability for you to comment will cease.

If you wish to retain any comments from the past, you will have 30 days to collect them.  Just copy and paste what you want.

There are several reasons for this change.

  1. Storage space for the thousands of comments is expensive.
  2. Very few readers actually post comments and those that do are usually the same people again and again.
  3. My intention for the blog was for personal reflection.  Unfortunately, the blog is often a platform for theological debate, better undertaken elsewhere.
  4. There are personal and health issues I need to address.  My doctor told me, “You need to do less.”  This is one of those ways to cut back.

Thank you all for all your posts.  Please avail yourself of the archive before it is closed.


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Dawn McLaughlin

Good Morning!
I am sorry to hear this however I can understand your reasons. I will miss the comments and interactions. I have learned from others here as well. Not sure about how TW will continue to be a community sans the ability to interact with you and the others. I am very glad and honored that you will continue to write.
Best wishes to you. Absolutely take care of your health – no one else will 🙂

Laurita Hayes

Same here. Dawn.

This may have (hopefully) nothing to do with this, but the internet has suddenly become a lot harder to use for certain sites lately, for multiple reasons, I understand (not very well, I am afraid!). There are a lot of casualties – activity that is being ‘punished’ (economically through the blocking of exposure) – particularly on conservative sites such as this one. I hope this is not the case and that Skip is getting to make his own decisions independently of this pressure. I can respect his decisions anyway, and will continue to support and pray for this community, even as it goes silent. Perhaps Skip can help the ones that want to share contact info with each other some kind of way while we can still see each other. I have so many good, lifelong (I hope!), friends from here. I love everybody! And Skip!
Love Laurita

George Kraemer

My sentiments exactly Laurita, you, me, Dan, Maddie, Rich Pease and many others of us would not have our understanding of the Bible without Skip’s input, especially me who was starting absolutely from scratch as a homeless recovering RCC orphan 7 years ago.

I will miss all of you. Maybe there could be some limits to posts like Twitters 140 characters used to be.


But Skip, how will you hear from the “heretics”? ?

Seriously…this is the second time I’m posting a comment here. I just want to say how much I love and appreciate the work that you do for Abba’s kingdom…for His children who are truly seeking and digging, with a great hunger and desire to know Him and His purpose through His word. I pray that He will bless you with healing, leading to amazing health, and a joy- and shalom-filled long life that will continue to bear abundant fruit, writing and speaking His words, for His glory! Yah willing! Amein!

Thank you so very much, Skip! And also to everyone here who, unlike me, chose to do the harder thing and share and not keep silent. You all have added tremendously to my learning and walk with our Father. All praises and esteem to Him and Him alone! HalleluYah! May Abba Yah bless you all!


Sorry to see you’ll be closing down comments, though more concerned that part of the reason involves health issues. Of late, I’ve become a bigger proponent of natural (mostly non-Western) methods of healing. Diet is crucial, from my experience. It’s both what you eat and what you don’t eat, but this varies among individuals.

That said, theological debate can provide fodder from which one can either hone one’s position further or modify one’s position a bit. No one learns in a vacuum, and reading/engaging with material that only (or mostly) aligns with one’s current views can lead to one-sided theology. I know I’ve learned from my engagement here, and I’ve modified some of my former views. So thanks for that.


Ouch’s another eye-opener what will the future be like ? as I’ve said before the contributions the inside the thought-provoking heart examining expressions from Skip and so many others have been so helpful and painful at times. I have more often been a receiver a consumer then I have a contributor reading and contemplating the things that have been said have been instrumental in teaching me to be more compassionate compassionate compassionate !!! I for one am going to miss the comments from so many people it has been a blessing that YA has used to grow me I love each of you …someone commented yesterday or the day before about how we as a community have connected via the Internet .I’m sure we all know that it’s not what the father intended but nonetheless so much of what you my brothers and sisters have spoken have brought us closer to one another and to the Father himself .in the last 90 days I had gone through some of the darkest times of my life and TW was a lifeline during those dark hours Michael Stanley Larita Cheryl brother Bret seeker and many many others have been my family to encourage me not to give up not to quit I love you because He first loved me thank you Skip may God give you wisdom and insight on how to address the health concerns that you have that all of us have shalom to you and your house Skip and to all who belong to the Elohim of Israel SHALOM

Larry Reed

Thanks Skip! It was a good run and I’ve learned a lot but I also have noticed that the blog has gotten very heavy and controversial which is good in his own place but it really can put a negative spin on the beginning of the day. I have enough trouble with that without asking for it. I am easily affected.

You will be in my prayers as I read TW. Thanks again. Shalom.


Thank you Skip and all the others who have provided such rich and open conversation. You have been a real blessing!

Rich Pease

Thanks for stretching me all these years!
I haven’t been bent beyond the beliefs
Yeshua continues to reveal to me, but the
clarity you’ve provided about the Hebraic
language and culture have been irreplaceable.
I pray you remain as vigorous as always.


Take care of the caregiver!!

Evelyn Browning

I’m one of the non-bloggers. I am thankful you plan to continue writing TW and pray you have many years to continually share your faith journey with us. Shalom.

Claudette Knutson

Good for you, Skip. It is very important to take care of ourselves as we get older. You do so much just by sharing your knowledge through Today’s Word. Thank you and may Yahavah bless you and keep you in His shadow.


I do not know if anyone here is interested or not, but the comments and discussion could easily be accomplished via a closed group (limited to members here) on a social media site, such as MeWe. That site is accessible, and structured similarly to facebook, for those who engage there. I appreciate the closed groups I’m in on social media. The sharing of ideas on this site has been something I really value and I would hate to lose it if we could find another option. Anyone else interested?


Yes I’ve been thinking about how could we possibly continue to have fellowship with each other without putting the burden on Skip I know next to nothing about the technical side of blogging I would like to see our conversations continue … What shall we do


Baruch, I have made a private group on the MeWe social media site. It is named “Today’s Word Discussion Group.” If you wish to join, you may do so at this link:

Mary Kroeker

Yes I would be interested to keep the community going. I have learned so much from this group of Disciples. May YHWH Bless and keep us all in His loving care!!


Mary, I have made a private group on the MeWe social media site. It is named “Today’s Word Discussion Group.” If you wish to join, you may do so at this link:

Linda Smith

I was wondering the same thing, Gayle. I’m interested.


Linda, I have made a private group on the MeWe social media site. It is named “Today’s Word Discussion Group.” If you wish to join, you may do so at this link:


my only suggestion was going to be a FB GROUP!


sure send me an invite markat ideastudios dot com (if it is not too late)

Daniel Kraemer

Thank you Skip for the opportunity you provided to connect with your community. It has been interesting to see different people come and go over many years, (I think of Carl Roberts unique prose as an example.) And I’m sure many will agree, Laurita has been an amazing and constant source of material to reflect on, enthuse, and research further. An unexpected bonus from her has been the health sites she has referenced from time to time. I hope you have checked them out. It turns out that if we can’t trust anything our mainstream pastors teach us, the same thing goes for our mainstream doctors. I completely agree, sometimes these theological debates get very heady and it’s more than many people want to deal with, but the same is true with our physical bodies, – both are complicated and it can’t be helped.


I am both saddened and distressed to hear of Skip’s decision to eliminate the blog portion of TW as I probably am one of the most frequent contributors to it these past 8 years. The idea that this open and engaging forum is coming to an end literally brings tears to my eyes and fear into my heart. THIS is my family, my ONLY family. Sad, I know, but nonetheless true. My writing, good or bad, is the only outlet I have and you are the only audience that listens and understands, responds and privily prays for me. Maybe it is time I overcome my anxieties and trauma-informed past and attempt another foray into the real world of flesh and blood and not stay in the safe environ of barren bytes and bits. Maybe. But frankly, I am terrified of the potential pain, the lurking cost of vunerability and my history of a lifelong inability to form relationships, great or small. It is easier to hide in the shadows of cyberspace and cheer or jeer, than to be jarred and jaded in the public square.

The only simile I can think of that even comes close to this situation is that of a husband and wife who are amicably divorcing after 16 years of marriage. I think of the hundreds of thousands of conversations they (and we) have had; some long, some short, some kind and some rude, mostly trite and trivial exchanges- pass the butter, hi and bye, thank you and please. Most conversations were civil and domesticated, some filled with laughter and joy, while more than a few were tainted with sadness and regret, repentance and sorrow. Some language was intimate and vulnerable, some angry and argumentative, some testy, others tasty. Some words were opinionated and one-sided, some spirited and lively while others were boring, dying or dead, but all of them in toto made up the marriage, defined the relationship and ultimately caused its demise. So likewise, here as well. With over 6,000 word studies through this 16 year saga, Skip (our “husband”), has wooed us, engaged us, ‘married’ us, nurtured us, enjoyed us, suffered us, brought forth ‘children’ with us, nursed us, educated us, cultured us, argued with us, grown with us and most of all, through it all, loved us. In a sense Skip is “divorcing” us, but like a just and good Torah observant follower of YHWH, he is giving us a ghet, so that we are not eternally chained to him and can remarry another if we so choose; or follow the guidance of Shaul into celibacy. I, for one, have never been too good at celibacy or celebrity or celebration. If I have to choose between the three I choose to celebrate Skip’s decision to be free from the burdens of marriage to thousands of ‘wives’. In this regard he is wiser than Solomon. Best wishes Skip. Care for your one wife, your ezer kenegdo, Rosanne.

George Kraemer

How I wish I could be in Louisiana for the weekend. Sigh!

Cynthis and George Adams

Aloha, Skip! We have been faithful readers for years and will continue as God Wills. After many years of going back and forth between Washington State (We raised our boys in Lakewood!) and Kona, we made a final move to the Big Island last January. Do you know of a congregation on the island which will give us fellowship with those who also love The Torah? We would like to worship with those who seek to be obedient to The Ever Present Lord and keep the Feast Days. Living here is a blessing to our hearts and souls, a kinder, more respectful way of life. We pray you find the same in Italy and find the peace and healing you need. With Love and Much Aloha, C n G Adams

Mary Cayley

A very late comment from someone who very rarely comments, but has gained so much from these posts over the years. So much in every way. But mostly in not feeling so alone.
I’m one of those in a community of myself alone, so these posted conversations have given me some sense of connection.
Thank you so much Skip, for all that you have given and will continue to give in other ways.
It definitely sounds like Wisdom to begin cutting back your commitments. Time is short and every moment so precious.
And thanks to those who contributed so faithfully. You have helped me to grow…

Christine Hall

Dear Skip
Thank you for all your TW. I have been reading for many years and sometimes commented. I think it is a good decision and pray it will bring you much needed rest and His shalom.

I want to quote something you wrote….I can’t remember when but it was one of your profound thoughts………hopefully it will speak to you and all On this blog at this time
You wrote:

“ We often wonder what trusting YHVH was like for Abraham. He had no text, no prior history, no ancient rituals, no extended community to lean upon. He had a calling and an intermittent encounter with YHVH, with years of silence, with requests to give away all that he longed for and lots of falling. Could I have such a faith? Could my relationship survive, let alone grow, in that environment? Or do I have to have the right answers, the correct doctrines, the extended community, the trappings of religion? And if I do have to have these, what is my relationship to YHVH really all about? When did I last fall into His presence, feel myself slip into the spaces between words and know that He is Elohim? “

I have this taped on top of my printer. As someone who has no local community here in the UK and life is challenging it often catches my eye and I read it and say ‘yes let me fall into the arms of the only one who really knows me and let my over beating heart be still and know that HE is Elohim.’

Enjoy the water trough …………drink in the much needed water from above – May His spirit restore, rejuvenate and revitalize you. Thank you Skip for sharing your journey.


Christine Hall

How kind of you I would appreciate that.
Have a blessed time in Louisiana with my dear friends Arnella and Mike

Mary Cayley

Please might I also connect from Scotland?


Hi Mary
I would love to connect….even though Scotland is a long long way from buckinghamshire the county I live in at present.

How should we do it?



Apologies Christine, I just saw your reply. But would love to connect – email is, perhaps that would be a start?!


Will we still have access to the previous TW and the word search? I have found this invaluable over the last year of reading to research topics like tithing and the trinity and so much more. The archives are a treasure and I am so glad that you will continue to write.


Why not bundle the comments for various TW on a single file and make them available for sale as a fundraiser to support your ministry?

Mark Randall

I looked into this. It doesn’t appear to be possible. Especially considering there are over 63,000 comments and over 7,300 TW.


That is a phenomenal number of comments! I expect that for every comment, there were (a minimum of) ten more who stopped to consider whether their thoughts about any given post were worthy of sharing. I must admit, at times I commented because I wanted to feel included in this group, more than I had something worthy of sharing.

Laurita Hayes

But Gayle, what if we read what others write primarily because we are just so happy they are there?


Mark, thank you so much for using your expertise to build and maintain this website. It is such a blessing to so many!


Thank you, Skip, for all your labor with and through this blog and for the opportunity to have had communication with you and others here.

Thanks also to everyone here with whom I have had the privilege to have had some communication and connection.

Thank you, Skip, also, for being willing to continue to share your thoughts here in the future regarding what is written in the Scriptures and other matters. (Honestly, I may be even more inclined to read them now that there will be no debating, especially from myself!)

Thank you, also, to any and all who may remember me, with mercy, and especially those who will pray for me with faith, hope, and love in the future. I sincerely so very much appreciate that! I also promise to think well of and pray in the same manner for any and all that YHVH brings to my remembrance, even those who may not have thought so well of me or prayed for my good in the past. I am sorry for any and all ways and times I communicated in the flesh and not in the same spirit as Messiah Yeshua. Please forgive me.

Finally, I’m so sorry for each and everyone who will also be grieving the loss of connection with others here. May the love of ABBA and his son be shed abroad in our hearts, and may the fellowship of His Spirit be with us in abundance.

Shalom, shalom, shalom to each and all!!!


Oftentimes I just don’t appreciate things until they are gone. But I understand, and I am very thankful for what has already been a giant blessing. If dropping this portion frees up some of your focus and resources — I can’t help but be happy for the net result.

Thank-you specifically for helping me understand my ezer kenegdo, and so many other aspects of a Hebraic mindset. Cheers!

Michael Stanley

Is this what they mean by a Post-apocalyptic world, no place to post comments on Skip’s blog? Is it time to head to my bomb shelter and begin to feast on my 8,643 cans of baked beans in order to survive the end of days? I’m confident I will bear in my lair, but will my wife survive me? Stay tuned to this Emergency Broadcast Station for further developments and instructions.

Michael Stanley

After Sept 1, 2019 I’ll start calling it the
Post Skipcalyptic era in your honor.