Are You Interested?

It occurred to me, as I sit in my bed with my foot in a sort-of cast, that I might do an audio series while I am incapacitated.  I would simply record each day a short (less than 30 minutes) commentary on Abraham Heschel’s God In Search Of Man, a book that fundamentally altered my approach to religion–Judaism and Christianity.  This series might take quite awhile as the book is filled with penetrating insights into our current discomfort with religion and personal spirituality.  But I have time.  I’ll be in this restricted position for about 2 months.

So before I begin, I want to know if you’re interested.  If it weren’t for the time zone issue, I could try to do it live, but given the nineteenth-century decision to carve up time according to the British Rail System, I think it’s probably more valuable to record each session and let you listen when it is convenient.  I’m not quite sure how to make these available to you yet.  I’ll have to talk with Mark about that, but what might work is some sort of subscription to the series and the ability to download the audio files as they are produced.  I’m not sure if it would ever be interactive.

What do you think?   Send me an email:

if you’d like to do something like this.

Skip (stuck on the 3rd floor of an old building in Parma, Italy)