Benefits Evangelism

that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; Romans 10:9  NASB

As – This is one of the crucial verses that we had to memorize when I was a child.  It is Paul’s statement about how to get saved, we were told.  We’ll look at this verse, but we won’t have finished the job until we look at the next verse (did you notice that this verse doesn’t end with a period?).  Of course, we could focus on the idea of confession.  It isn’t quite the same today as it was in the first century Roman Empire.  To confess Yeshua as Lord was tantamount to treason – and punishable by death.  There was only one ultimate lord in Rome, and it wasn’t some backwoods do-gooder from Nazareth.  Confession was a very serious business, a risk to life and limb.  But I am sure you already knew this.

We could investigate the adverb as which has been added to the English text in this translation.  In Greek, there is no adverb between iesoun and kyrion.  In fact, the Greek order is reversed – not “Jesus as Lord” but “Lord Jesus” (if you will allow the “Jesus” translation).  In good Hebrew thought, this is one single name, not a name and an adjective.  He is Adonai-Yeshua.  His lordship is not added to him, as it would be in Greek thought.  It is who He essentially is.  If you take away “Lord” there is no “Yeshua.”  That has some interesting implications, doesn’t it?  What do we do with those “believers” who want deliverance but don’t submit to Him as Master?  No Lord – no Savior, it seems to me.

And that brings us to the idea I wish to explore.  Benefits evangelism.  The proclamation of salvation as a way to get something for me.  Do I want my guilty feelings removed?  Of course, I do.  Even the most loathsome cur still wants to not feel guilty.  Solution:  Ask Jesus to forgive you and presto-chango, your guilt is gone.  Do we want to go to heaven when we die?  Well, I can’t think of anyone who desires to go to hell.  Solution:  Say the sinner’s prayer and your entry is guaranteed.  Do you want God’s blessings, protection and prosperity?  Naturally (my word choice is deliberate).  Solution: Confess Jesus and God will be on your side.  Benefits evangelism is the quintessential spiritual seduction.  God has a wonderful plan for your life.  And suddenly the entire purposes of God are reduced to what He can do for me!  I’ll get saved, God, because I want all the goodies.

Now I know that this is crass and overblown, but just think about it for a minute.  When was the last time you heard an evangelical message preached about God’s broken heart or the restoration of the universe or the divine Kingdom without hearing anything about how much you will benefit by joining the cause?  When did you hear an appeal based on the suffering servant or the rejection by men or the unexplainable evil of the world?  When did anyone suggest to you that your deliverance means joining His plan regardless of what comes to you?  Let’s put it another way.  Would you still be a believer if there were no benefits?

Paul, Peter and John call us to walk in the way of Adonai-Yeshua HaMashiach.  That way doesn’t appear to have many immediate benefits at all.  Enemies with the world, path of suffering, hated by pagans, radically revised goals, treasures not here.  If you confess, you align yourself with the King of another realm, and it won’t be easy.

Better sell the benefits.

Topical Index:  evangelism, benefits, as, Romans 10:9, Lord