On January 16, 2021, we will start the next book study at ivebeenskipped.com

We will investigate David Lambert’s book, How Repentance Became Biblical (Oxford University Press, 2106).

If you order the book on Amazon, please use this link and support At God’s Table with your order.  CLICK HERE.

The class will be conducted Livestream via ZOOM, Saturday and Sunday mornings, 8AM Eastern Time.  Once the course has been setup you will be able to register by purchasing it at ivebeenskipped.com (details to follow in a later notice)

This book is a review of the way the believing community understands repentance and how that idea developed in the history of Israel.  It helps us see the historical and theological roots of repentance as the concept emerged from the prophets.  In the past, we have learned from Kaufmann’s work and the work of Joseph Klausner that our ideas of biblical faith evolve through Israel’s history.  Now we will look at this crucial religious term in the same context.

Please join us.