At God’s Table – 2020

As all of us know, 2020 has been a very difficult year, not just in terms of health restrictions but also in terms of the psychological and economic impact of these restrictions.  With that in mind, I’d like to share with you how these restrictions have affected my work and the work with the children in Indonesia (Children Under the Bridge).  I trust that after many years of supporting what I do you know that I almost never send out an appeal letter.  I am not doing that now.  I just want you to understand what has happened.  I am quite sure that many of you have experienced the same consequences.  We are all in the same boat.  This is only to help you understand what changes I might need to make if the COVID situation continues.

Here are the highlights of the financial news, based on current accounts and projections to the end of 2020

  1. Donations to At God’s Table are down by 34% over last year. I am quite sure this is a reflection of your own financial situations.  If I’m experiencing this, so are you, and for that I am truly sorry and upset.  It is my deepest prayer that what I am seeing will not also be what you are seeing for yourselves.  The usurpation of personal freedoms and the economic impact on your lives is intolerable and, I believe, a direct assault on God as King, not government as king.
  2. Donations to Children Under the Bridge are down by 10%. This is a relief as a drop of 34% would be devastating.  Nevertheless, the trend is downward each month.  I have already asked Shinta to cut back on projects with the children as I see the numbers decline.  We will do all we can with what we have, but I pray this trend will not continue.
  3. My teaching and seminar income has dropped significantly. No travel, no conferences.  It’s okay for now as I expected some of this when we moved to Italy, but I hope and pray things will improve in 2021.  But product sales (books and etc.) are only down by 10%, mainly due to the enthusiastic reception of my Prophetic Commentaries electronic book.  An updated version (free to all who purchased) will be coming soon.  Thank you all!
  4. Total income for At God’s Table which includes interest from banks, product sales, video seminars minus PayPal fees and cost of printing books, etc. is also down by 34%, following the pattern of donations. I’m not surprised, but it is a concern.
  5. On the positive side, we have several new regular contributors. That is really good news.  It means more people are discovering a deeper understanding of the Bible.  Bringing new people into the walk is probably the best thing that can happen now.
  6. Also positive is the fact that Rosanne and I have now been here in Italy for more than a year—and we are healthy and finding ways to be challenged during lockdowns. We have established good relationships with friends here including the rabbi of Parma.  We hope these friendships will continue to grow and give us the opportunity to show blessings to people here.  It’s exciting.
  7. And most of all, I am blessed with so many faithful supporters like you, who I am sure are also experiencing similar hardships.  In the end, I want to serve you as I can.  You mean the world to me.  That’s for sure.

So that’s the story so far this year.  We are fine.  Don’t be concerned.  Just know we are also affected by the political, social and governmental decisions.  We’re right there with you.

