
For this purpose I have been born, and for this I have come into the world  John 18:37b  NASB

Purpose – Wouldn’t it be nice to know why you are here?  If we knew our destinies, maybe we could handle the distractions in a better way.  Maybe we could tolerate all the exasperation, suffering, angst, and anguish if we just knew it was all leading to the goal.  Apparently Yeshua had a very clear vision of his role.  At the inevitability of torture and death, he is still entirely focused pushing the agenda forward.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be like that?  Everything else fading into black because the true light, the real light, shines so brightly.

Oh, we might want to notice that the word “purpose” isn’t in the Greek text.  The translators have added it just to make sure we don’t miss the point.  Yeshua’s actual reply is “for this I have been generated.”  I’m pretty sure we would have understood it without the little bit of translation explanation, but such is the way of the translators.

What I want to write about today is this: Today I am 75.  Three-quarters of a century, and no closer to comprehending my purpose than the day I was born.  I feel as if I’ve just been pushed here and there by circumstances and choices.  Where was the deliberate focus, the quest for the holy grail?  Seventy-five years and still wandering.  It’s discouraging.  Oh, I’ve collected a lot of things along the way: degrees, money, recognition, wives, children.  Some good things have happened, but I’m not sure there was ever any real direction.  qāreh.  “And it came about that.”  See Ruth 2:3.  A Hebrew accident waiting to happen.  God was there—somewhere—behind it all.  It’s just that none of the actors realized it while they were living.

So, here’s me:


Climbing up a hill that is constantly changing.  The Sisyphus syndrome.  A few miles left before I arrive—at wherever I’m supposed to be.  It’s ironic that this is the day after Mother’s Day.  I think everything about me began with her.

For my birthday present to you, I want to give you the first of a six hour series I did on “an educated faith.”  Here is the link where you can listen for free.   CLICK.  If you want the rest, you can go here.

Topical Index: birthday, qāreh, purpose, John 18:37b

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Leslee Simler

Happy birthday, Skip! For “this” you have been generated.

In our walk with you, the first “this” is how you helped save our marriage with the deep insight of “Guardian Angel” so that we could understand the error of all that programming and life stuff that had us so messed up.

And then there are “these”: your openness, the vulnerability, the permission to ask and answer all the questions from a lifetime of wondering whether what we were taught was so.

We are grateful to Yah for you in our lives and we’ll share our canteen and campfire gladly as we journey on up this hill.

Ric Gerig

You may feel as though you are just a small pebble thrown in a big pond but I can tell you, for myself, those little ripples have encouraged and created big waves of change in my life! Thank you for your faithfulness and boldness and vulnerability! You are loved and prayed for! Blessings!

Michael Stanley

Skip, Happy Birthday! Seeing as we both come from the generation of the geriatric Rolling Stones, their song lyrics sums up your plight succinctly: “You can’t always get what you want ( the purpose in your life)
But if you try sometimes, well, you just might find
You get what you need” ( that through sharing your struggles and insights over these many years you have had an impact and made a difference in the lives of so many people, including mine. If the Rabbis are correct in their observation that to ‘save a life is to save the world’, then in the final Judgment I wonder how many worlds you will be credited with saving? I am confident you will hear these words one day: “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”