Following the Path of the Righteous

‘The right course which a man should choose for himself is that which he feels to be honorable to himself, and which also brings honor from mankind.”   Pirke Avot 2.1

Honor – Let’s Review.  Do you remember what each of these is about?

Step number 1:  Think about it

“What shall we answer for ourselves on that Judgment Day, if we are too indolent to engage in this study, and so neglect one of the principal duties prescribed to us by God?  Is it proper that we should exert our minds to the utmost upon subjects which we are under no obligation to pursue, or that we should engage in the study of dialectics which have no practical value, or of laws that have no relevance to our needs, while we leave to habit and blind custom that which constitutes our main duty to our Creator?”[1]

Step 2: Acknowledge your debt.

Step 3: Seriously consider the consequences.

Step 4: Get connected.

Step 5: Answer this: What really gives you pleasure—infinite pleasure? 

Step 6: Joy comes in serving another.  Who do you serve?

Step 7: What I do now lasts forever.  Use that as your guiding principle.

Step 8:  Meditate backwards.

Step 9:  Pay attention to the twinges.  Tread carefully.

Step 10: Pray without speaking.

Step 11: Thank God for creating you ethically responsible.

Step 12:  Examine your failure.  What was the chain of emotions behind the steps that resulted in failure?

Step 13:  Demonstrate active gratitude—always.

Step 14:  Love defines me.  Right?

Step 15:  Close the mouth of ego fortification.  Make the yetzer ha’ra listen.

Step 16:  Increase the strength of the yetzer ha’tov by studying Torah.

Step 17:  Unpack your needs.  See if they’re really desires in disguise.

Step 18:  Assemble on purpose.  Transform.

Step 19a: Practice omnipresence awareness.

Step 19b: Practice omnipresence as a calling.

Step 20:  Listen with ears that hear.

Step 21: Measure your actions by the impact on others.

Step 22:  Practice being afraid – for the right reason.

Step 23:  Learn to worship . . . all over again.

Step 24:  Be as wise as serpents (the dove part comes later). 

Step 25:  Learn to hate what must be hated.

Step 26:  Choose to be adopted.

Step 27:   Let someone else examine your assumptions thoroughly in light of the other.

Twenty-seven steps in just a few weeks.  Maybe too many too fast.  I don’t know about you, but I need some reflection time.  We’re not done with Luzzatto, but we will take a break.  Some other topics to consider before we return.

Topical Index:  Mesillat Yesharim, steps



[1] Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, Mesillat Yesharim: The Path of the Upright, p. 5.

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