The Reason Why
Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this purpose I have been born, and for this I have come into the world: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice.” John 18:37 NASB
Purpose – Well, this word, “purpose,” isn’t actually in the Greek text. It’s implied, of course, which is why the translators have added it, but what the Greek actually says is “for this.” The pronoun refers to the later statement “to testify to the truth.” In other words, Yeshua is telling Pilate that the reason he is here is to be a witness to the truth. That’s it! Nothing more. In his view, “this” means that all those who hear what he has to say will recognize it to be the truth.
It is interesting that the verb used for “testify” is martyréō, from which we derive the English “martyr.” Witnessing for the truth often leads to death in a world that embraces lies. But that isn’t what strikes me in Yeshua’s statement. What really grabs my attention is that he knew the reason why he existed. He knew his purpose. He was absolutely clear about what he needed to accomplish in his life and he never deviated from that path. Oh, how I wish I could say the same! Perhaps you do too.
I’m sure you remember the best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life. I have my autographed copy. Why did that book become an instant best-seller? Because most people can’t say with absolute conviction, “For this I have been born.” Most of us wander into objectives, and because we found them by accident or opportunity, we often wander away as well. Our paths are not straightforward single-minded commitment. They are a series of highways and byways, of detours and distractions. Perhaps we accomplish great things, but those rarely come about through deliberate dedication. We stumble into life. That’s why motivational clips from men like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Yo-Yo Ma inspire us. We idolize those who are so dedicated precisely because we aren’t. We make personal resolutions in an effort to find inner motivation, but usually, and typically, it doesn’t last. Drift takes over—again. How often I wish I had dedicated myself to something noble, something great. But, as the communist colonel in the movie The International said, “I was once destined to become a man much like yourself. True-hearted, determined, full of purpose. But, character is easier kept than recovered. We cannot control the things life does to us. They are done before you know it, and once they are done, they make you do other things, until at last everything comes between you and the man you wanted to be.”
The secret to true-hearted purpose is what you don’t do. The pathway is determined by what you leave out. Otherwise, everything will come between you and the person you wanted to be. No one, not even the Messiah, can survive a Messiah-complex. Only God can do everything with excellence. And so today, a worldwide religious holiday, I ask myself once more, “Why did I come into the world?” I wish I knew the answer. Perhaps I will when I can say, “For this I am willing to die.” Or perhaps I have just lived too long.
Topical Index: purpose, true-hearted, testify, martyréō, John 18:37
I am staggered by your comment;- “Why did I come into the world?” I wish I knew the answer.
I have known you and your family for more than 12 years now, your background and all that goes into your life that you wish to part with. Ferraris, divorce, business history, parents and much more. I would not think of starting the day without your blog and my incantation of the Sh’ma, Hear O Israel the Lord, the Lord our God is One, that our secular guide Yoav in Israel said he also starts and ends each day, even as a non-practicing Jew. I love it.
I have lived a fully embracing life knowing exactly what I wanted to do with mine for more than 82 years now and still going strong. I have the next two years fully planned. (May not happen of course) but either way, that’s OK. I have a wife of 55 years now, three children and five grand children, all of which was part of my reasoning long long ago. And Lo! It came to pass.
What else can you be looking for that you haven’t already done and are still doing? Your friend George. Blessings be on you and yours.
Hi George,
It’s not so much a lack of goals or a feeling of “yet to accomplish” items. It’s more like a regret that I wasted so much of the time ( was given, and that somehow there isn’t enough left to find that sense of deep satisfaction that comes with “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Hard to put into words. Just an unease about where I am and where I wanted to be.
You are a prisoner of your thoughts. Forget about yesterday and “where I wanted to be” of which you can change nothing. Free yourself from yesterday and fly away to whatever you want to be TODAY! We live in the moment, that is all anyone has so let God judge you on what you DO IN THE MOMENT that you have NOW. – (Sr. Elaine MacInnes: Catholic Nun and Zen Master (born in Moncton I would add).