Apocalyptic Slander of God's Word

Here is a billboard that I saw in South Africa.  It underlines the fact that nonsense like this only diminishes the value of God’s word.  What else are people going to think when “the Bible guarantees it.”  We must resist and oppose this kind of slander.

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Robin Jeep

How do you suggest we resist and oppose it?

Jan Carver

@Skip – I really don’t know any people that are caught up in the “end times” thinking or “escape” mentality. I truly believe that Camping & his camp are all about money not truth. It was staggering to see how much money that man brings in yearly – in the millions & some of that comes from deceiving people – that is what we need to stand against too.

BTW Skip: I am going to Lenexa, KS in September for training with Not For Sale Campaign Backyard Academy (human trafficking) & hopefully again in October to their Global Forum 2011/San Francisco – have been holding the checks/money till needed for trips. (thank you again for your support).

Ms. Jan Carver

Jan Carver

Well – i & probably many others have a desire to know what’s going to happen for sure – just not hung up on it – if there was a way to know – i would probably be one of those that would want to know. But since i know from the Word of God (if interpreted correctly) there is no way to know then i don’t seek that knowledge.

i would like to know what is going to happen in my own life in the coming years but i won’t/don’t unless He gives me glimpses of it or a whole picture/photo – but not likely… ♥

I think in “rapture” theology terms – hoping against all hope there is one & that is pre-trib – but if it’s not then i will have to deal with it – will i not?!?!?!

yeah, you know – i would like to know but only will i know what He gives me… ♥



Nearly every evangelical I know is caught up in “rapture” theology, but I don’t believe any of my efforts to expose it have been successful. Heschel says “There is a will to be deceived.” He also said “Even as the lies of politicians were abhorrent, so was the gullibility of Americans.” Most don’t care what scripture says — only what their favorite preacher told them it says.

Jan Carver

@Robin – I laughed out loud when I read your statement – (sorry Skip) – but I would like to know the answer to Robin’s question myself.

The awareness campaign that was started by Camping & his radio group did not pan out as usual/before but you know what – it got so much dialogue going that in a way it was beneficial. My only nephew in college called me one evening late about a week before the last proclamation of the end of the world by Camping & we had a very good discussion about the Lord & His timeline.

My only nephew has never called me about anything before that time – so appreciated his honor in calling & asking for my knowledge/wisdom which he was referred to me from my Mother/his Grandmother. Surely what was meant for evil has & did turn to good for many people globally because of the foolishness above. His name has truly not been dishonored in BC or AD – because His people along with Him are the winners/OVERCOMERS in the end.

SO – of course the enemy is going to try these tactics over & over again but God/Jesus/Holy Spirit will turn what was meant for evil into good.


Robin Jeep


Remember, when you came to Waco how everyone was so into predicting end time events?

Robin Jeep

Much of the Messianic movement is into this.

Eric S.

Skip, I am knew to your site and am enjoying your work. I would love to hear your thoughts on the Preterist view that 70AD fulfilled all scripture. I have to admit that when I look at the scripture and connect it all together the best that I can, it makes really good sense that Jesus fulfilled ALL. As you point out, the greatest distraction to Christianity is the predictive nature of man kind. In short, I think about how Jesus road in on a donkey when the Jews were looking for something far more grandiose. Could it be that we too are now saying that the “way” in which He fulfilled the prophesy is not grandiose enough. Finally, in my reading Jesus seems to decouple His coming with the end of the world. Two separate events. As to the second coming; he seems to say this generation shall not pass away… and as to the end of the world; he say no man knows the time. If a thousand years is like an hour to God, than its been 2 hours since the “second coming” and there is scientific evidence that the world is dying. Thoughts? btw I am not a Preterist, but I am exploring.