
“Father, if Thou art willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Thine be done.”  Luke 22:42

But – The life of a servant leader is built around a pause.  It is the pause that separates short-term results from the long-term effectiveness.  Jesus faced exactly the same pause.  He saw a shorter way but he chose the more effective route.

The Greek word alla is a very strong word.  It does not mean “slightly different” or “a modification.”  It means antithesis, opposite and emphatic contrast.  It is the “night and day” word.  It is the word we would use when we come to a crossroad.  Only one way is the effective, long-range path.  The other way is quick results at the expense of submission and obedience.  When a servant leader confronts a crossroad decision, there must be a pause built into life.

If we think that Jesus had it all mapped out for him, we are mistaken.  Here we see Jesus at the moment of greatest challenge – and greatest temptation.  The shorter way stood open to him.  But obedience required a longer road.  Jesus sees that the path ahead will be hard.  It will be full of scorn, suffering and rejection.  But he also knows that his purpose in life is to follow the Father’s will no matter what the cost.  This is the only way of true discipleship. So Jesus pauses.  Alla – but.  But not what I choose.  But not what might seem easier for me.  But not what I want.  It is the Father’s direction that must be followed.  Jesus spoke the most important words ever spoken, “not my will but yours.”

Abba, Father, let me make alla the turning point in my choices.  Not the short way, but the right way, no matter what the cost.  Let every decision begin with a pause.

Comments and Reflections:

The power to lead like Jesus will flow only when we choose His will above our own. It’s our pride and fear that Edges God Out and seeks our own way. We must pause and recalibrate our commitment to “His will not ours” on a daily basis through solitude, prayer and study of His Holy words in scripture.

This Today’s Word is from a new book Words to Lead By, a leadership devotional with comments and reflections by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges.  I hope it will be available soon.


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