
“also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will,”  Ephesians 1:11

Purpose – Purpose has become the by-word of the day.  With so much attention placed on the idea of God’s purposes for us, it is worth reflecting for a moment of the word used to describe “purpose” in this verse.  The word is prothesin.  Its root comes from a verb that means “to place, to put in place or to bring about”.  Paul uses this verb in a very special sense to describe the fundamental decision of God to bring about the plan of salvation.  It is God’s effort entirely, initiated by His will and decision, executed by His sovereign control according to His ultimate determination.  God’s purpose is not subject to any human interference, condition or requirement.

We are the beneficiaries of God’s decision.  It’s not about us at all, not even in the process of working out the consequences of His plan.  God invites us to cooperate; He does not ask us to give Him a helping hand. 

There is an incredible freedom hidden in this thought.  It’s so easy to start living the Christian way of life as though God’s purposes depend on our actions.  We know that we can do nothing to save ourselves but once we are forgiven we easily slip back into that self-righteousness mentality, convincing ourselves that we must hold up our end if God is going to manage the business of life.  We start to think that we are essential to His plans.  We discover an ego attack right in the middle of our devotion to Him. 

It’s not about us, not even after we get on board.  The course of life is not set to steer us where we think we should go.  The results of life are not about our happiness or success or well-being.  Just look at God’s history with Man.  Nothing is guaranteed in this world.  The power of purpose is not about how you will achieve your goals – even if they are spiritually correct ones.  Purpose is the summary word of what God is doing! 

If you decide to align your life with God’s purposes, don’t be surprised if you quickly discover that you have no idea where you’re headed.  It’s not your plan!  Stop thinking that you and God are partners in this deal.  You are here to follow.  That’s all.  But that is enough because God promises that if you follow, He will do all the rest.

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