
“Now Jacob loved Rachel”  Genesis 29:18

Rachel – Hebrew names are not chosen from a book in the library, from television personalities or from months of the year.  Biblical names often have root meanings that describe the personality of the one who bears the name.  “Nahum” for example, is from a root that means “comfort”.  In this verse, rachel is a Hebrew root word that means “a female sheep – a ewe.” 

All of this seems quite bland.  After all, Rachel was a shepherdess.  There is nothing uncommon in the meaning of her name.  It’s just a name in Genesis.  But by the time we get to the prophet Isaiah, this word takes on a very interesting meaning.  Isaiah 53:7 is the great prophecy of the atonement.  Isaiah says, “Like a sheep that is silent before its shearers”.  And here the word is rachel – a female sheep.  That is unusual.  Why would God use the image of a female sheep for His Son?  Why not a ram- a male sheep? 

The answer reveals the incredible intricacy of God’s word.  When a ram is sheared, it locks it front feet and must be dragged forward.  But a ewe goes willingly, of her own accord, following the shearers without provocation.  The imagery perfectly fits the voluntary sacrifice of the Suffering Servant.  The Messiah is rachel.

When God looks upon the character of your life, does he find rachel, the willingness to be a servant?  Does He see you voluntarily moving in silent devotion toward the purpose He has chosen for you?

Where is the rachel in your life?

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