
[The Lord] Who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry.  The Lord sets the prisoners free;”   Psalm 146:7 

Free – The root of this word (natar) means to let loose or undo.  It can be translated to loose, to untie, to release, to strip off or undo and to liberate.   The picture is an image of a person shackled in prison.  God undoes the bonds, strips away the chains and lets the prisoner free. 

The Lord is truly the One who releases us from our bonds.  He unties us from our self-compulsions and liberates us to a new life.  It is noteworthy that His Word of forgiveness accomplishes this liberation.  How many times did we say, “I’m sorry”, hoping to hear the announcement of forgiveness.  And how many times did we shudder, believing that if that special someone really knew all about us, we would be rejected once again.  Recovery begins with forgiveness, not from others, but from God.  Even King David knew that his adultery and murder were first and foremost sins against God.  God’s word of forgiveness makes new life possible.  

Jesus used the same word for “free” when He spoke of His mission.  He knew that we were in the dungeons of our own creating.  He knew that in order to be free of the chains we wrapped around ourselves, we must first find a forgiving word.  Freedom through forgiveness releases us to speak that same forgiveness to others and ourselves.  In recovery we learn that our addiction is only as strong as the secrets we keep.  Forgiveness breaks those bonds. The secrets had to come out.  We needed to hear God say, “I forgive you.”  Turn around and look.  The prisoner door stands open.  All you have to do is walk out into the light.  Leave the old life in the dark where it belongs and embrace the day.  God has taken away the bonds that held you back. 

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