With One Small Addition

 Samuel said, “Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the LORD?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.  For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry.”  1 Samuel 15:22-23  NASB

Is better than – You probably don’t bring sacrifices to the Lord these days.  Since there is no Temple in Jerusalem, there is no place to fulfill the sacrificial requirements.  Don’t be duped into thinking that because Yeshua died on the cross there is no need to make sacrifices.  He filled up one of the requirements but not all of the requirements.  Of course, the one He did fill up is a critically important one (the sacrifice for the guilt of intentional sin), but if the Temple still stood, and if we were in Israel, we would still bring sacrifices for other ritual impurities.  And when He returns and the Kingdom is established on earth, you will once again see the smoke rising from the Temple mount.

But in the meanwhile – “it is better to obey.”  Samuel’s declaration of the priority of obedience does not dismiss the sacrifices.  It only points out that sacrifice without obedience is insufficient.  Samuel doesn’t say sacrifice is unnecessary.  He only says that obedience is better.  Sacrifice is a symbol of obedience.  Therefore, obedience must be lodged in the heart of the one who brings the sacrifice.  Ritual without relationship is a funeral, not a wedding.  But a wedding has both vows and an altar.

The Hebrew text is literally, “Behold, obeying than sacrifice (is) better,” so the translation in English doesn’t quite fit the word-for-word Hebrew.  The phrase “is better than” is really an interpretation of the word tov (as an adjective, not as the verb “to be good”).  It means “good, well-pleasing, useful, proper, convenient, morally correct” or “fruitful” depending on the context.  You might try reading the verse with each of these various meanings in order to grasp the full range of Samuel’s declaration.  It’s also important to note that the proper action is continuous (“obeying”), not simply a repetitive ritual.

How can we apply Samuel’s analysis when there is no possibility for sacrifice today?  Fortunately, obedience is readily available at any point and anywhere.  There is no limitation on obedience as there is on sacrifice.  That means if we desire to offer our gratitude to God today, we can still fulfill Samuel’s exhortation.  We can obey and by obeying, we can fulfill the requirement of sacrifice in the absence of the Temple.

Of course, this has another interesting implication.  When Samuel said that obedience was better than sacrifice, what did he assume about obedience?  Did he suppose that obedience was an undefined principle of love for others or an attitude of putting God first?  Hardly!  Samuel had specific instructions in mind.  To obey Torah is better than sacrifice.  It is impossible to imagine that Samuel, a prophet of God, could have assumed anything else.  Torah is God’s requirement for good living.  Samuel doesn’t mean obedience to some “good person” moralism.  He means doing what God instructs us to do. Today we cannot offer sacrifices, but nothing prevents us from being obedient.  So here’s the question:  Are you following Samuel’s advice or have you decided that since you cannot offer sacrifices you don’t need to obey either?

Topical Index:  obedience, sacrifice, tov, 1 Samuel 15:22-23, Torah

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carl roberts

“The just (justified) shall live by faith.” That’s us. We have been to Calvary for cleansing. Forgiveness has been given and given freely, but at tremendous, unfathomable cost, the blood of the Lamb.
Having been forgiven (and cleansed) of sin, we are not free and able to enter into the covenant promises of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But love requires sacrifice. Love also is measured by sacrifice- (look once again to Calvary and see “how great the Father’s love for us- how vast beyond all measure- that He would give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.”
The price has been paid. You want the “short version?”- “Jesus paid it all- all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain- He washed it white as snow.”
But there is a problem in paradise. Even though I have been twice-born and now have, as a child of my ABBA, amazing access to the throne of grace, (ask and you will receive)- I too, still wrestle with and am “pestered by” the yetser h’ara. I may say with Rabbi Sha’ul- “O wretched man that I am- who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” But I have, living within me, and you have living within you, the Ruach HaKodesh,- the Holy Breath. My constant reminder- Carl, “you are not your own,- you have been bought with a price”. Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Therefore..
“I beseech (beg) you therefore brothers (and sisters)- , because of the loving-kindnesses of G-d, (please) present your bodies (the shell we live in) as a “living sacrifice”- (wholly)holy, acceptable to G-d, which is your reasonable service.” (But wait.. there’s more!)- And be not conformed to this world, (do not allow the world’s system to squeeze you into the mold), but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (in Hebrew “lev”) Why?- so that you may prove (discern) what the will of G-d (our ABBA) is,(and this is the will of G-d:) -that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
G-d’ will (what He wants) is found in G-d’s Word, (His Torah). So are the ways of G-d and the wisdom of G-d. Faith pleases G-d. This is His (clearly revealed) will that we (all) “walk by faith.” Faith is our right-response to the word(s) of G-d. – What is our right-response? When the Father asks the child, (please) son, – do this? What is the right response of the child? (us).
Do you want (desire) obedient children? (oy..) Yes!- most assuredly- we do. -So does He (our Father). G-d speaks, we obey. His (own) mother said unto the servants (us)- whatever He says (our Messiah)- “do it.” Shema, O Israel. – and “shema” (in Hebrew, of course!) is “listen and obey”. -(or walk by faith..”)
“Not my will, (what I want), but Your will (what You want,- Your desires)- be done. “Here am I”- (the prayer of presentation)- send me.” Accomplish in this (clean) vessel- that which pleases You (my ABBA)- this very day, for this is the day which You have made..- I will rejoice and be glad in it.. The “command?” of our ABBA?- “Rejoice in the LORD- always.. and again I say- “rejoice!” Is this easy? or does this require sacrifice?
Oh,- you don’t know my circumstances- my particular situation. No, I do not. But there is ONE who knows and ONE who cares- immensely,intently, and intimately. The very hairs of our heads are numbered. – Why would that be? Because G-d knows every detail of every day. He is our Sovereign LORD- remember? And He will never leave us, nor forsake us- remember? And He is our “Good Shepherd”- remember?
-and here I was thinking I would be brief.. lol! Remember, Renew, Repent and Rejoice, dear friends- for this G-d (the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is our G-d- forever! (-and please..-have a nice day!- Enjoy!)- and that’s an order!

carl roberts

I should proofread my words! (sorry..)- the above should read- “we are free and able to enter into the covenant promises..”- “haste makes waste!..”

Brett Butcher

This is not meant to be offensive in any way, but I just thanked God that the Dome of the Rock is on the temple mount. The fact that it is presently preventing the existence of the temple being rebuilt is actually forcing obedience to be a heart issue and not ritualistic observance. For me, it becomes about “Obedience leading to sacrifice (internally)”, rather than “Sacrifice leading to obedience (externally)”. I am still asked to obey, but without the temple in place it forces me to examine my heart motivation for obedience rather than rely on a symbolic gesture.

Judith Jeffries

Your point is a good one Brett and surely should offend no one

“but if the temple still stood, and if we were in Israel, we would still bring sacrifices for other ritual impurities. And when He returns and the Kingdom is established on earth you will once again see the smoke rising from the Temple mount…….But in the meantime” Skip

I am not a scholar and surely can not address things on your level Skip, but I don’t know of any scripture that endorses that statement. Quite the contrary. I do however KNOW the Holy Spirit, the One that Yeshua said He would send for all the wonderful reasons that He stated. I KNOW when He is grieved in me and I felt it big time when I read Today’s Word.

Yeshua was THE Temple that He said would be destoyed and would be raised again in three day’s.
The only temple that will be rebuilt now in Jerusalem is an affront to the work of the Cross and will be where the antichrist will one day seat himself.

I don’t usually comment too much, but today had too

carl roberts

The book of Hebrews is chock full of “better than..” As my old English professor used to say, “more gooder!..”)- Well, -before they were found out and fired..

This is one of the marked differences between the “old” covenant and the “new..”. Christ (Himself) is the fulfillment of all O.T. sacrifices. No more blood of bulls and goats for the Passover Lamb has been slain as an atoning Sacrifice for sin. All sin, for all time, for every one. “Come unto Me” is His forever, universal invitation.. “Whosoever will” may come and drink of the Water of Life.
Ruth (who was neither Jew nor Gentile) was redeemed and her life made totally redone by Boaz, her Kinsman-Redeemer. We are Ruth (honestly!)
In the O.T. G-d had a temple for His people. When the Word was made flesh and passed through the portals of a virgin’s womb, over three hundred prophecies were fulfilled “on that day..”. Shall we go through and review each one?- I would love it. Hear what I am saying, as clearly, as loudly, as gratefully, as humbly as I know how. These words apply to all and to any: “The promised Messiah has come.” – Wait no more. Run, (don’t walk..) to Him. Kneel at the cross and apply this prayer- (one of many, yet to be..) Yeshua, Thou Son of David- have mercy (chesed) on me.
Why? Because dear ones- His “loving-kindnesses” (chesed) are “better than” (one of many new covenant blessings) than life. His words? (Have we forgotten this already?)- “This is the New Covenant in My blood..”

Behold the Lamb upon the cross
My sin upon His shoulders
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished.

It was my sin that held Him there
until it was accomplished

“Paid in full” – I’ve done the work I came to do.. “Paid in full- I’ve paid Love’s final price for you”- Just remember that the debt for your sin is “paid in full..”

To the cross I look, to the cross I cling
Of it’s suffering I do drink
Of it’s work I do sing

For on it my Savior both bruised and crushed
Showed that G-d is love
And G-d is just
At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken, -wholly surrendered

What a priceless gift, undeserved life
Have I been given
Through Christ crucified

You’ve called me out of death
You’ve called me into life
And I was under Your wrath
Now through the cross I’m reconciled

In awe of the cross I must confess
How wondrous Your redeeming love and
How great is Your faithfulness

{ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/j/jeremy-riddle-lyrics/sweetly-broken-lyrics.html }

Alas! and did my Savior bleed,
and did my Sovereign die!
Would he devote that sacred head
for sinners such as I?

Was it for crimes that I have done,
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! Grace unknown!
And Love beyond degree!

Well might the sun in darkness hide,
and shut its glories in,
when G-d, the mighty maker, died
for His own creature’s sin.

Thus might I hide my blushing face
while His dear cross appears;
dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
and melt mine eyes to tears.

But drops of tears can ne’er repay
the debt of love I owe.
Here, Lord, I give myself away;
’tis all that I can do.

In the O.T., G-d had a temple for His people. In the N.T. G-d has a people for His temple.

“Don’t you know that you yourselves are G-d’s temple and that G-d’s Spirit lives in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)

“But you are the Temple of THE LIVING GOD, just as it is said, “I shall dwell in them and I shall walk in them, and I shall be their G-d, and they shall be a people to me.” (2 Corinthians 6.16)

Listen, (then listen again..) dear family and be blessed~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRVHBv4rYCc