Elements of Exegesis

We take a little break from our examination of Psalm 31 to provide this from Sefer Hasichot 5749, vol. 2, pp. 509-511; Likkutei Sichot, vol. 22, p. 10.

Truth is simple, it has no clothes, no neat little box to contain it.  But we cannot grasp that which has no box.  We cannot perceive Truth without clothing.

So Truth dresses up for us, in a story, in sage advice, in a blueprint of the cosmos—in clothes woven from the fabric of Truth itself. And then, when we have finally come to a firm grasp of that teaching, Truth switches clothes.  It tells us another story—entirely at odds with the first.  It tells us new advice—to go in a different direction.  It provides another model of how things are—in which each thing has changed its place.

The fool is confused.  He exclaims, “Truth has lied!”

The wise person listens, he is patient, and through his labor he hears a third voice, one that brings harmony to these opposites he has learned.  Until he discovers that Truth is simple, pure light no box can contain.  And so, it belongs in all places, at all times.

All exegesis is interpretation.  We cannot sit with the authors and the audience and ask clarifying questions.  We don’t know for sure that the meanings of the words they used are the same as the meanings we attach to those words today.  We are hamstrung by time and culture.  But we can get glimpses, perhaps a bit more, of one way Truth dressed in this particular story, as long as we realize that this way is not the only way.  Other stories are also important.  Other ways of reading the text, other perhaps disconcerting conclusions help us see another way Truth dresses.  Do not think that this means Truth is relative; that whatever you wish to believe is just as valid as whatever anyone else believes.  The dress might be different, but the body inside is the same.  There is Truth. It just doesn’t show itself in the same way every time.

As we explore Psalm 31, you may have insights I have not found.  You may draw conclusions different than mine.  You may feel the move of the Spirit in applying a verse.  All of this contributes to understanding a text written by a man who lived 3000 years ago in his efforts to draw close to his God. Perhaps his words will help us discover a story of our own.

Topical Index:  Truth, Sefer Hasichot 5749, vol. 2, pp. 509-511; Likkutei Sichot, vol. 22, p. 10.

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Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Skip, when the time comes and the preacher preaches to each individual he is not meddling, he is speaking the spirit mind…,
Today I hope you are doing that. The day before the weekend around it, the Lord desires to speak to us, , sometimes we avoid hearing, this doesn’t apply to me. But then after remembering this word. Look in the mirror. The spiritual eyes are opened, and the spiritual ears hear, we say to the Lord I cannot avoid I am trapped. Help me understand. , how to get out of this mess I got myself into. This applies to everyone who is truly walking with the Lord , I am a mess , I cannot get myself out period in sin is still scratching at the door waiting to devour me. Then I asked oh Lord only you can clean me of my sin. Wash me clean again. Then you realize how you got there. And you desire not to do that again. I have hurt God’s heart. Lesson learned, teach it to others around you. Is the glass half-full or half-empty it is commonly said but do we understand it. Excellent Skip !!!!!!

Laurita Hayes

Truth is not just the speech: it is its Speaker, too. It is not just what we hear: it provides the ears to hear itself with. Truth not only draws us: it is the Drawer, too. Truth is not just alive in its own right: it is the body of Life itself. Truth is simply reality, but reality does not exist in its own right: reality itself is being upheld by a great Hand, and present in a great Mind. Truth is the thought of that Mind. We have been invited to think those thoughts with the Thinker, but we have been offered His mind to think them with, for ours cannot do it without Him. This gift does not come without its Giver, for the gift is Himself, clothed with all the panoply of heaven, and He “upholds all things by the word of his power” (Heb. 1:3). By design we were created to be the glove on that hand: the representation of Him to the rest of reality. Our minds and entire nephesh were designed to express Him. Of course, we cannot do that without Him!

We are most like ourselves when He is given full rein in us. We sound most like our true selves when we are expressing Him. This is why He gets all the credit for anything right in us, for the Rightness itself is Him. Truth is no exception. None of us ‘have the truth’, for Truth is what has us. Truth always humbles us into the dust. In its Presence we must take off the shoes of our nephesh for we are no longer alone.

I also think this is the real reason why people are afraid of the truth, because the instant they let it in, they are no longer ‘alone’: there exists in their nephesh Something bigger than themselves, and that is torment to the flesh which wishes to be the biggest thing. People run from the truth like it is the devil, for we are all full of lies about what love is. Truth corrects the lies by Itself, for ‘truth’ is not merely a cognitive concept. I think we experience love when we experience the Truth, for truth is an experience of God Himself.

Behold, He “stands at the door and knocks”. Will we let the Truth in today?

Richard A. Bridgan

Truth…transcendent…immanent… personified…resident…glorified. Truth!

Leslee Simler

Thank you, Skip and Brett and Laurita. As I read your words, this song was dancing in my head-heart in the background. If you go to YouTube and search: Ahava – Love – Yonina – Hebrew + English Lyrics (Subtitles) you will find
אמת פשוטה – Emet P’shutah – A Simple Truth

“Love, you hold your secrets immersed in holiness,
wrapping us in warmth and serenity,
to each pining and searching heart, you are an answer.
Whisper within me your language,
A simple truth.”

This couple’s lyrics are deep and always enlightening.

pam wingo

Have you ever exhibited fake joy or fake suffering. Now before someone takes offense, i am not referring to anybody but myself and its totally my own experience. How do I know when I am doing it simple ,it’s inappropriate for the occasion and extreme one way or another. I have seen some remarkable people who in the midst of suffering have that quiet unspeakable joy with no mention of words or platitudes of any kind.The same goes with ones who are joyful without saying anything you sensed they have suffered. They understand Yeshua and are so balanced in there actions and words . I saw this from a lady I cared for who was blind from birth she was so much like Yeshua . Even when she was going through death she was so graceful and loving to others. It’s amazing the impact she made on maybe only a few, but it was something I will remember the rest of my life.i always sense that in sugar Rays comments she was in her nineties also. Help us youngins understand that Ray!!! We seem to be missing it somewhere.

Sugar Ray

Don’t encourage me too much, —————– but thanks. Shalom

pam wingo

Hello sugar Ray, i am not prone to false complimenting or gushing over someone.This compliment of encouragement of you in my mind is well deserved and is truly meant. I am sure others will stand witness too it. I have also disagreed on one occasion with you so trust me this is heartfelt and not overboard. Much shalom to you Ray

Sugar Ray

Pam, you are awesome,, Don.t be bashful when you disagree with me that’s when I learn. And I’m far too “young”, there is so much I must still learn and especially REthink. Love and shalom.


This quote resonates with me like no other…..Thank you for posting it!!! XXXXX

Daniel Mook

“All exegesis is interpretation.” Thanks for the reminder Skip. After spending almost a year studying the letter to the Galatians, wading through the Greek text on an almost daily basis, and consuming as much exegetical, lingistic, historical, and hermeneutical material as I can on the subject, I feel overwhelmed with the amount of potential interpretations which exist even within one verse. Eight years ago as a Christian pastor, I had the luxury of a theological system guiding my hand (mind) of interpretation. Without that context, the task of interpretation is incredibly difficult. I can’t just stand on the shoulders of Martin Luther. Without the original mind of the author, it is nearly impossible.

Most interpretation is biased exegetical reductionism. Very few are willing to hammer out a framework built on a broad foundation of historical, cultural, linguistic, sociological, and philosophical analysis and synthesis. Most commentators today are content to read their theological and philosophical presumptions into the text. Let’s check our pride at the door and realize that we just might be wrong.

Rich Pease

In a Word . . .
Truth Himself.

Sugar Ray

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve read through the Bible, so I’m amazed, especially lately my remark to myself is—‘That’s new–He snuck in and printed something new. Every time (same words) there is a new message. Shalom

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

The latest for me is.. In the fire wow. There is this girl who is a little intimidated by audiences but the Lord has put her on the worship team and she’s opened up in visions lately. And she said from the front in front of a microphone, Lord we need more fire turn up the heat… do we know what that really means? Do we know what it’s like to have to chaf burned away? It’s not always a simple thing. But the love of the Lord endures forever. That’s why we can let it happen.

In about 40 min. I can legally say Shabbat Shalom so I’ll say it anyway. Brother Brett you ask some good questions. Most of the time when we ask questions, I really believe, speaking for myself, we don’t know/realize what were asking for. We haven’t thought it out. And everytime God has stirred up my life, burned up chaf or started me down a new path it has never been simple/easy. (as I think of simple or easy.). To the point that if the answer is ‘simple’ I have grave doubts that it is from God in the first place, got to test it. Again Shabbat Shalom

Brett Weiner B.B.( brother Brett)

Hello Sugar Ray., I apologize for the late response but busy on Shabbat did Hospital visitation taking all day could not wait to get back to my wife !!!! Did God make man for the Sabbath ? or Sabbath for man ? If he can Perplexus with that question, then we’ll never get it. He is Lord over everything !!
Encouraged can be everyday Hallelujah but keeping in mind there is a pattern that he follows, for example… That we are currently in two yet even three , three weeks of Sorrow , the fast of tammuz, can anyone guess the third one? Shalom

Some red flags are going up for me when you speak of this girl using “fire” in the manner in which you stated and her having visions. I have some experience with some in what I call hyper-charismaticism, and this may be indicative of such. Let me state upfront that I’m not a cessationist, to get that out of the way. Also, I don’t wish to be accusatory, but to suggest exercising some caution.

Is she bringing in songs which have “fire” in the titles and/or lyrics? Does she talk about “the anointing” or “the river”? Does she seem prone to (over-)emotionalism or promoting that others seek out spiritual experiences? Does her faith seem more experiential than knowledge-based? That is, does she seem to dichotomize the two?

Drew Harmon

“All exegesis is interpretation. ” And as I often say, all doctrine is just doctorin’.