For this reason

“For this reason I say unto you, do not be anxious for your life” Matthew 6:25

For this reason – We want life without anxiety.  How pleasant it would be to put aside our fears!  Imagine the peaceful days when all was right with the world, when our deepest concerns and greatest risks were overcome with supreme confidence.  But for most of us, this is only a dream; a dream in the words of a man who seemed to be above it all.  We conclude that this kind of life is only for the most spiritual among us.  We couldn’t be further from the truth.

The key to understanding why Jesus tells us not be anxious is to see that this is the conclusion of a previous teaching.  If we don’t see the world from the perspective of the previous teaching, then the command to not be anxious will only depress us.  It will be one more thing we just can’t live up to.  In order to deal with anxiety, we must embrace what Jesus taught in Matthew 6:19-24.  And what was that?  It’s really very simple:

  1. Accumulation in this world will not diminish risk or fear.  When I am afraid of what might happen to me, I try to control those circumstances by accumulating – possessions, power, security, insurance, status, whatever it takes.  But as soon as I accumulate, I discover that I am now faced with the fear of losing it.  I moved from one prison cell to another.  My risk and fear go up, not down.
  2. Wherever I attempt to control my life, I imprison myself with the expressions of that control.  This is not the pathway to freedom.  Control is a monster that is never satisfied.
  3. Whenever I think I can let go of some part of life but still control other parts, I soon discover that the cancer of control takes over every part of life.  This is an all or nothing game.
  4. Whatever I serve to gain control will eventually control me.  There is no such thing as freedom in a world based on control.

The only answer, says Jesus, is to live in a different world – a world where God is in control and I trust Him with my life.  That means I stop trying to control the consequences of life and start placing all of my circumstances under His authority.

Anxiety says, “Life is risky, fickle and dangerous.”  But God says, “The world that I run is filled with joy, peace and trust.  Serve me and I’ll take care of the consequences.”

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