Turning the Table on Oppression

“But the LORD  is with me like a dread champion” Jeremiah 20:11

Turning the Table on Oppression

Dread Champion – God is ruthless too.  The same word used to describe people without compassion in yesterday’s verse is used here to describe God Himself.  God will never slack from the task nor will He ever show any mercy toward overcoming evil.  He stands always ready to forgive those who repent of wickedness, but He gives no quarter to the evil they exhibit.  God is the dread of all evildoers.

The two Hebrew words combined here are literally “mighty” and “tyrant” or “oppressor”.  God opposes evil in every way.  He is the champion of the righteous.  He is the mighty victor over those who hate Him.  And everyone who stands against God will feel his wrath.  Yes, God is ruthless in the pursuit of holiness.  He is turning the tables on the world.

God has issued a declaration of war against all ungodliness.  The battle will go on until He is completely victorious.  The end is guaranteed.  All who oppose Him will fall.  With such a dread specter on the horizon, why do people still choose to side with the losing cause?  Why do people think that they will escape God’s tyranny over evil?  The answer can be found deep in the heart of every believer.   We once opposed the God of compassion for the same reason.  We wanted it our way.

Changing sides in this battle is about submitting to the Dread Champion, the Lover of our souls.  It is not a decision taken lightly.  It requires death to my old, evil ways.  I can only join the forces of holiness by dying to the forces of ungodliness.  I don’t convert unless I step into the grave.  That’s why others do not follow me.  They are not willing to put their agendas to death.

Today you and I can thank God with joyful sounds.  He is our dread champion.  He will overcome.  He will ruthlessly stamp out all ungodliness, including the ungodliness left in me.  Hallelujah!

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