What You Did For Ellen

I am SO thrilled to be part of a community that really cares!  In a little more than 48 hours, you (Amanda, Jan, Mike, Jim, Robert, Robin, Amy, Florence, Antonio, Brian, Lynn, Art, Carolyn, Rick, Carl, Cindy, Charles, Mike, Andrew and did I miss more?), you, all of you who are faithful to each other, have not only lifted this debt from Ellen, you have provided her with a wonderful gift of true ahavah.  You have given from yourselves.  MAY GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.

I am putting the check in the mail to Ellen.  A great Valentine present from a true qehillah.

I love YOU.  You have made my life so meaningful in ways you may never know.


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Jan Carver

Oh thank You Lord for being our Ultimate Valentine in that you gave your very life for us that we may spend eternity with Your LOVE for us & in LOVE with you & thank You for Your Provision once more & that I was able to give what little I did because You have given so much to me out of Your Heart of Love for your beloved children – HAPPY VALENTINES DAY LORD – MY BELOVED… ♥♥♥


Ellen McFarland

This is Ellen McFarland. I am in awe that the body of Christ has rallied together to help me, when none of you know me. Your beautiful hearts astound me. I am speechless, and that rarely happens (:

THANK YOU SKIP for being my mouthpiece and thanks to all this wonderful body of Christ. I know many of us our in a similar situation, yet you have reached out to me and eased my burden.

If there will ever come a time when I am able to help the body in the way that I would like to I have a beautiful reminder that my surrounding body cared enough to help me, and it will never be forgotten in my heart qnd soul.

May the Lord bless each and every one of you with a double portion.

Receiving help is only one part of the equation. The other is seeing true love in action in a world that proclaims caring, but rarely does.





P.S. Thank you too Skip for being a true man of God and for leading us in the Lord through your daily aweseome words!

Robin Jeep


Thank you for creating this community and, making it possible for us to show our love to each other.

I discovered a small church (50 or so people). The pastor is a scholarly woman who knows all about her ezer role. God does mighty works through this little group of true believers. They have built an orphanage, a school, a clinic and a hospital on an island in Uganda. I gave the pastor your Guardian Angel book. She will read it while on this Thursday’s flight to Uganda.

I met a woman who owns a private island in Uganda. We may go and develop something there. She has a business here that is suffering due to the economy. I was terminated from my private chef job. After 3 months they reduced my salary, changed my position and schedule from 8 hr days to a 14 hr days. Even though they terminated me I am still working there. Please pray for me as the position is challenging and draining. The job not what it was presented to be. Please pray for the family as well.

I am moving to a smaller less expensive apartment in March. This is an added expense and can exhaust me. Would you also pray for people to help me and strength.

Thank you again for all that you do. I love you too.

Your sister,

I met a woman w