Just outside the airport of Cape Town, more than a million people live in Khayelitsha. I met a few. Makes you wonder how come God treats us with such kid gloves.
Read MoreThe material I wish to review is used in the United Kingdom educational system. The study guide unit for students is titled “Unit 4: Religious Philosophy and the Ultimate Questions,” from ZigZag Education (2010). After reviewing the statements in these lessons for children, I thought it would be helpful to add some sanity (and critique)….
Read MoreI think this statement from Abraham Heschel, written sixty-one years ago, is perhaps the most accurate assessment of the state of our world today. The conscience of the world was destroyed by those who were wont to blame others rather than themselves. Let us remember. We revered the instincts but distrusted the prophets. We…
Read MoreOne of the readers on this site provided this link. In my opinion, it is almost to late to wake up the West to what is happening. Political correctness and guilt are about to destroy our way of life. CLICK HERE for the video report or use this link. Try counting the “woman and children”…
Read MoreI’ve noticed lately that occasionally blog comments get very long. What this generally means is that people do not read them. On this blog, brevity is paramount. Why? Because a blog is a way to dialogue, not monologue. Think of it this way: how much conversation occurs when the other person talks for five to…
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